Governor Palin: An AR-15 Is A Great Gift For Those You Love

If those numbers are true, we need to clean out high-crime areas as most of those numbers are caused by gang-bangers! But for guns for defense in the hands of law-abiding citizens, there would be more deaths!

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and most of the killers are mollycoddled liberals from bleeding heart liberals like you!

No, most of those gun-killing murderers hate liberals who are trying to take their guns. The NRA protects their right to be armed to the teeth also. Most criminals love the NRA.
Must explain why all of the killings we have had are left wing democrat types.

Scott Roeder?

Tim McVeigh?

Wade Michael Page?

Richard Poplawski?

James von Brunn?

Eric Rudolph?

Jim David Adkisson?

Michael Frederick Griffin?

Paul Jennings Hill?

John Salvi?

James Kopp?

Bruce Turnidge?

Debunking right wing bullshit
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I find it entertaining the left's problem with AR-15's is nobody needs one, they can't help you, it's overkill firepower...

Yet at the same time the people they approve of having guns (government) are arming the shit out of themselves with AR-15"s.

So an AR-15 is so useless to the average citizen for defense it is the primary weapon of choice for the government why?

It's useless for citizens but the government want's more of them...

I order to what? Defend us or them? If they truly aren't defensive weapons then the government needs them for what?
No, most of those gun-killing murderers hate liberals who are trying to take their guns. The NRA protects their right to be armed to the teeth also. Most criminals love the NRA.
Must explain why all of the killings we have had are left wing democrat types.

Scott Roeder?

Tim McVeigh?

Wade Michael Page?

Richard Poplawski?

James von Brunn?

Eric Rudolph?

Jim David Adkisson?
You are free to provide links but was thinking more recently...

Seung-Hui Cho

Adam Lanza

George Hennard

James Huberty

Malik Hasan

Jiverly Wong

Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold

I'm guessing with a little research I can define your list as left wingers and add them to my known ones.
Did you get to the part where the U.S. has more guns and more gun deaths than any other country? How about the section where approximately 32 thousand gun deaths are recorded in the U.S. yearly? No? I thought so.

If those numbers are true, we need to clean out high-crime areas as most of those numbers are caused by gang-bangers! But for guns for defense in the hands of law-abiding citizens, there would be more deaths!

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and most of the killers are mollycoddled liberals from bleeding heart liberals like you!

No, most of those gun-killing murderers hate liberals who are trying to take their guns. The NRA protects their right to be armed to the teeth also. Most criminals love the NRA.

You and the truth are far apart! The NRA does not support criminals having guns!
Must explain why all of the killings we have had are left wing democrat types.

Scott Roeder?

Tim McVeigh?

Wade Michael Page?

Richard Poplawski?

James von Brunn?

Eric Rudolph?

Jim David Adkisson?
You are free to provide links but was thinking more recently...

Seung-Hui Cho

Adam Lanza

George Hennard

James Huberty

Malik Hasan

Jiverly Wong

Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold

I'm guessing with a little research I can define your list as left wingers and add them to my known ones.

I'm guessing you're either uwilling or unable to read the link I already did provide. Some of the highlights you would have seen, following your sequence:

Virginia Tech shooter – "Wrote hate mail to President Bush and his staff, registered Democrat."
Bzzzt! Wrong again! Seung-Hui Cho was, first of all, a resident alien and ineligible to vote in the U.S. Even if he could, Virginia is, as mentioned before, a non-partisan registrations state. He was not a registered Democrat. Whether or not he wrote letters, that’s not been shown to have merit.

... Connecticut school shooter – "registered Democrat, hated Christians."
This one is based on the faulty reasoning that since Connecticut voted for Barack Obama at a 2-1 ratio, Adam Lanza must have been a Democrat. I don’t have to tell those of you who understand logic and statistics how dumb that premise is. In fact, Newtown voted for Romney. Lanza’s mother was a doomsday prepper and a home schooler who was, according to one source, a registered Republican. There is nothing to indicate that he hated Christians. But investigators did find an NRA membership certificate in his name. So we can call this one false as there is nothing to substantiate the claim that Lanza was a registered Democrat.

Columbine Shooters – "Too young to vote – both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals."
Harris and Klebold were, indeed, too young to vote. They lived in an affluent, conservative suburb of Denver, Littleton. Harris’ father was a retired Air Force pilot and Eric had expressed a desire to join the Marines. Both boys admired Tim McVeigh. So the idea that the boys were liberal is iffy while the claim that they were registered Democrats is demonstrably false.

Ft. Hood Shooter – "registered Democrat and Muslim." Okay, that last one is correct, Nidal Hasan was a Muslim. However, he was not a registered Democrat. He lived in 2 states: Virginia and Texas. Neither state requires a partisan registration. Ergo, no registered Democrat here. Move along.

Your others are not in the link but you've suggested no info whatsoever in your childish quest to make political footballs out of shooters who may have had no political leanings at all. Burden of proof is all yours. That is, if you're juvenile enough to continue down this path... :eusa_whistle:

Oh but by all means do a little research on the names I put up there. It won't take much.
Again she is right on the money. I bought my nephew one right after Sandy Hook and gave him a 840 round ammo box of .223's I had in my gun vault. The rifle could come in handy someday to save his life by using suppressive fire in case he had a home break in or carjacked by intruders. It is also a good weapon to hunt with. I've killed around 5 bucks with mine over the years as well as coyotes and feral hogs. This is why Palin is liked so much. She is a down to earth person who is not of the elite class who frowns upon average voters. The AR-15 is a great innovation as stated in the link.


Sarah Palin: An AR-15 Is a Great Gift for Those You Love
840 rounds for a car jacking or home invasion? Christ, he could take out whole damn neighborhood.

Um, no. 840 rounds is a nice starting point. I recommend 10,000 rounds at the MINIMUM....
Why limit yourself to just the neighborhood when you could take on the whole town
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Palin is right. The AR 15 is a great gift and an excellent weapon.

She's good looking.
She can hunt and fish.
She can cook it too.

Hell of a woman. Great Advice.

yeah a neat Christmas idea

is to get several 80 percent ar 15 billets

and have a family homemade project
AR15s are actually a great home defense weapon. Unless it's a specialized round it penetrates less sheetrock than a 9mm. I've seen the tests done will drywall layers set up and the .223 (or .556) started tumbling and breaking up right away and the 9 mil kept on truckin'.

So Sarah is right, the left is hysterical and nothing's new.
It is a great gift. I don't own one (hint hint) but the guy I go shooting with does and I shoot it a lot. It's accurate and smooth operating. And best if all, some would argue, it has a look that makes liberals soil their panties.
Suppression fire in your own home? Fumbling with a rifle during a carjacking? Have you thought any of those situations out?
No. But then, I'm not an anti-gun loon.

What is the point of having an assault rifle to defend your home...
Who's talking about assault rifles?

...if all you're going to do with it is destroy your home with "suppressive fire"?
Thank you for helping tp rpove the premise that anti-gun loons can onl;y argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Carry on.

You have a semi-automatic rifle used by soldiers in war...
I LOVE you people

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