Governor Palin: D.C.'s Corrupt Bastards Club (She Calls Them Out!)

people don't respond to this childish silliness..maybe they'll get tired of acting a child

Please...don't use the word smart and reference Sarah Palin in the same sentence. ^^^
you are a nice troll. keep up the hilariously retarded work.
I looked at the article and maybe she isn't moving to DC. That was a close one.

I'd say the acting like a child ratio is like 90/10; right wing/ left wing for posts on these forums

Want me to dig up some of the posts i've seen you make?

Why? It's the same thing over and over and over......
Remember when Palin said we had "57 states" or that you should use a breathalyzer to treat a kid with asthma, or that it would be "unprecedented" for the Supreme Court to overturn a democratically passed law! Ha! What an idiot!! Does she ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION??

It must be nice to be so perfect.:lol:
Governor Palin

Who the hell is "Governor Palin"?

Making a cameo appearance then quitting because of so many scandals does not give one the right to be called by a title one never earned.

She's dishonest and she's DUMB.

She is exactly where she belongs - lying to gullible rw's.

Do you actually believe that? There were no scandals.

If you do believe it, show me a few.

What lying scumbags democrats are.
Governor Palin

Who the hell is "Governor Palin"?

Making a cameo appearance then quitting because of so many scandals does not give one the right to be called by a title one never earned.

She's dishonest and she's DUMB.

She is exactly where she belongs - lying to gullible rw's.

Do you actually believe that? There were no scandals.

If you do believe it, show me a few.

What lying scumbags democrats are.

no there wasn't, not like they didn't try to make up some though
she has to be like their scumbags and be forced out like Andy (weenie) Weiner, the mayor of San Deigo, Gov. McGreevy, Eliot Spritzer, Blagojevich and the scum goes on and on in the Democrat party

they are some sad people in that party when they have to lie about the people running, and especially about this woman Governor, Sarah Palin..

how people can fall for, they are the party for the WOMAN, is beyond me...because if they are not liberal or Democrat, luddies post and others here is the kind of hate you get from them
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The real and obvious scandal was her being nominated. She was far not qualified to be in that powerful of a position.
The real and obvious scandal was her being nominated. She was far not qualified to be in that powerful of a position.

Facts say she was more qualified than B. Hussein Obama! :razz:

far more qualified than a junior senator of only 144 days before he decided to bless us with his running for President...and then he spend the rest of his first term campaigning...on our dime

but they will never admit let them deal with it, it has to burn their asses

and now look where we are, the majority of the people disapprove of him and can't stand him
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Was this while she was on her Down Syndrome Awareness Month tour? HaHa such a sweet natured little thing, ain't she? :lol:

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