Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Anyone uncovering truth will be hated by The Left.

Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.

You've got to be kidding! :lol:

Did Gowdy insist Nunes be removed as chairman when he was working with Trump behind the scenes.... remember his midnight ride to the whitehouse fiasco?

Or when Nunes refused to investigate Russia and the trump team, let them lie to him and let the witnesses refuse to testify, never subpoenaed a soul when they gave their convoluted answers of an alleged privilege that they did not legally have.... then closed the case exonerating Trump and team without ever doing or finishing the investigation?

Spare us all from this garbage, please! SERIOUSLY!
So what about a midnight ride to the whitehouse. Just maybe Nunes knew there was no collusion, as we all now know after two years and realized this was going to be a witch-hunt, as it was. He was just way smarter than you all. And by the way, Nunes has recused himself, for nothing, which is way more than pencil neck has ever done, and he has committed crimes, leaking, and tampering with witnesses. This holier than thou stuff from the left is sooooooo old and fake.
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.
No, he has been the AG for a few weeks, what planet do you live on?
Who supervised Mueller?
Who got Muellers reports?
Who hired Mueller?

“After reviewing the Special Counsel’s final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense,” he said in his Sunday letter to Congress summarizing the Mueller report.

Rosenstein was actually the DOJ official who appointed the special counsel, and he oversaw the vast majority of Mueller’s probe after Sessions recused himself. Barr did not take over until he was sworn in as attorney general last month.

Stop lying, you fucking lefties need to get off your lazy asses and actually ask a few questions and do a fucking Google search or two....Jesus you people are stupid
"I’d rather have a pencil neck than whatever the fuck you call that on top of his head.." - Pencil Neck Schiff
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

Betcha she'll fill her Depends if Gowdy is appointed as Special Counsel. Rumors have been flying around Capitol Hill for the past week. Dems will go bugfuk if that happens.

Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted
I have to disagree with you here. The problem wasn't Gowdy -- who is a very good prosecutor --- the problem is, and always will be, Congress. As an investigative body, Congress is the absolute worst.
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.

Perhaps one day you and the other lefties here will pull your heads out of your collective asses and learn something. Schitt for brains and Pelosi are entitled to NOTHING. Thanks to laws the Dems passed after Starr's report went public and embarrassed their party. Barr has every right to decide whether or not to press charges. So by all means continue your drunk lying rant while we laugh at you. As has been mentioned, Moby Dick is over twice as long as this report and can be summarized in 4 pages or less.
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Anything less than impeachment and removal for them will be betrayal. They have allowed themselves to hinge all hopes on only one outcome. It's the only correct one for them. Gonna be a long six years for those guys.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

Betcha she'll fill her Depends if Gowdy is appointed as Special Counsel. Rumors have been flying around Capitol Hill for the past week. Dems will go bugfuk if that happens.

Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted

Gowdy is not an investigator. He was a States Attorney and a Federal Prosecutor and has a brilliant law record. He was thwarted by the Clinton Cartel during Benghazi and uncovered Hillary's e-mail crimes.
Trey Gowdy was appointed by President Bill Clinton as a Federal prosecutor... and you claim it was a Clinton Cartel that was out to get him.... seriously, all of ya'll need some psychological help with your paranoia deep state bull crud....
Then you're fine with a Republican counsel who was nominated by B J Billie, even though he is in a revenge mode to finally put Hillary's big ass in jail where she deserves to be until her lights go out?

This is what they are asking for.... They just don't think of the unintended consequences
Of their bone headed decisions.

Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

Betcha she'll fill her Depends if Gowdy is appointed as Special Counsel. Rumors have been flying around Capitol Hill for the past week. Dems will go bugfuk if that happens.
All I can say is, America FUCK YEAH...…….it would be worth it to see them fucking go nuts...….we haven't had a good retard march in the past 6 months...….maybe we can get one with that...….
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.

You imperious twit. The house has no prosecutorial powers and it's a damn good thing they don't. Additionally Barr is under no obligation to follow any pattern set by anyone. His duty is to rise above the politics. You speak too soon because as of yet you don't know what his position is on anything.You have entered this from the false premise that impeachment is the only correct way forward. When the only tool in your box is a hammer everything looks like a nail. Remember this...Barr and Mueller are lifelong associates and best friends.

Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.
Link to the actual law that says that Barr has cannot make the decision regarding a DOJ investigation. Plus, if the Dept. has a policy, you should have no problem linking to the OFFICIAL DOJ policy that says that they cannot prosecute a sitting President.

The fact is, the House Judicial Committee cannnot be trusted, period. Not as long as Schitt is in control of it.
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

Betcha she'll fill her Depends if Gowdy is appointed as Special Counsel. Rumors have been flying around Capitol Hill for the past week. Dems will go bugfuk if that happens.

Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted

Gowdy is not an investigator. He was a States Attorney and a Federal Prosecutor and has a brilliant law record. He was thwarted by the Clinton Cartel during Benghazi and uncovered Hillary's e-mail crimes.

Gowdy didn’t uncover jack shit. Everyone in Washington knew that Hillary was using a private server. They passed a law against it after she left office.

What Gowdy did was to create a phoney scandal just before Hillary ran for president. And the Conservative right wing fools fell for it.
Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.
Link to the actual law that says that Barr has cannot make the decision regarding a DOJ investigation. Plus, if the Dept. has a policy, you should have no problem linking to the OFFICIAL DOJ policy that says that they cannot prosecute a sitting President.

The fact is, the House Judicial Committee cannnot be trusted, period. Not as long as Schitt is in control of it.

Do your own fucking research, you lazy little shit

I trust Adam Schiff a whole lot more than Devon Nunes.
Let’s just correct some of your missed statements in the OP.

We don’t know that the Mueller report has in fact clear Donald Trump of anything because we haven’t seen it. What we have is William Barr’s synopsis (not a summary), that he doesn’t think Trump should be charged with obstruction.

It’s not Barr’s call. That’s up to the House. Barr cannot charge a sitting President. Only the House can impeach.

Mueller’s report is 400 pages and it lays out what he did find. Until we see Mueller’s report we have no idea whether or not Trump has been cleared of all allegations and it is bullshit to say that he has been based on Barr’s summary.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.
Link to the actual law that says that Barr has cannot make the decision regarding a DOJ investigation. Plus, if the Dept. has a policy, you should have no problem linking to the OFFICIAL DOJ policy that says that they cannot prosecute a sitting President.

The fact is, the House Judicial Committee cannnot be trusted, period. Not as long as Schitt is in control of it.
Why can't schiff be trusted? Tell us...

Did Starr charge Bill Clinton with Obstruction, NO he did not, he left it up to the House to indict in an impeachment.

Did the Watergate Prosecutor indict Nixon for obstruction of Justice, no he did not, he left it up to the House for an article of impeachment....

As far as the Justice Department RULE not LAW.... it is Justice department policy not to indict in a court of law a President, but to leave it up to the House of Representatives to indict in an article of impeachment, you can google it.
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.
Link to the actual law that says that Barr has cannot make the decision regarding a DOJ investigation. Plus, if the Dept. has a policy, you should have no problem linking to the OFFICIAL DOJ policy that says that they cannot prosecute a sitting President.

The fact is, the House Judicial Committee cannnot be trusted, period. Not as long as Schitt is in control of it.

Do your own fucking research, you lazy little shit

I trust Adam Schiff a whole lot more than Devon Nunes.
Then you're a fool. I don't trust either, but in this matter, Schitt is fucking Charles Manson.

You've got to be kidding! :lol:

Did Gowdy insist Nunes be removed as chairman when he was working with Trump behind the scenes.... remember his midnight ride to the whitehouse fiasco?

Or when Nunes refused to investigate Russia and the trump team, let them lie to him and let the witnesses refuse to testify, never subpoenaed a soul when they gave their convoluted answers of an alleged privilege that they did not legally have.... then closed the case exonerating Trump and team without ever doing or finishing the investigation?

Spare us all from this garbage, please! SERIOUSLY!

Yeah, and when Nunez was punk d by those two Ukrainian comedians, that was the final straw. But all kidding aside, where is all this evidence Schiff said he had? All the political idol worshipping aside, this evidence he said and says he has, where is it?
No we do know this because the report was writing by Barr AND Rosenstein (why do you guys never bring him up?)
Rosenstein started this special counsel and oversaw it for 2 years.....He got the reports from Mueller

any questions?

Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.
Link to the actual law that says that Barr has cannot make the decision regarding a DOJ investigation. Plus, if the Dept. has a policy, you should have no problem linking to the OFFICIAL DOJ policy that says that they cannot prosecute a sitting President.

The fact is, the House Judicial Committee cannnot be trusted, period. Not as long as Schitt is in control of it.
Why can't schiff be trusted? Tell us...

Did Starr charge Bill Clinton with Obstruction, NO he did not, he left it up to the House to indict in an impeachment.

Did the Watergate Prosecutor indict Nixon for obstruction of Justice, no he did not, he left it up to the House for an article of impeachment....

As far as the Justice Department RULE not LAW.... it is Justice department policy not to indict in a court of law, but to leave it up to the House of Representatives to indict in an article of impeachment, you can google it.
For two years he has been frothing at the mouth -- meaning he has been rabid -- against Trump for winning an election. The fact he is a progressive makes him all the more untrustworthy.

The House can still impeach Trump, it has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation. The Democrats were just hoping to use that as a reason. Well, now we know that Trump hasn't done any of the things that Schitt and the rest of the Democrats have been accusing him of.

There is only one thing that Schitt could teach, and that would be to the Republicans. He could teach them how to not give in to the opposition!
Rosenstein wrote nothing, and has said nothing. Barr is back-pedalling on his "not a summary" as fast as he can. Barr was a political hack for George Bush, telling him torture was legal, and other questionable calls. Now he's doing the same job on behalf of another corrupt President.

We know NOTHING, other than Barr is running cover and delaying release of the full report, one can only assume in order to keep the public from knowing the truth. 400 pages, 100 charges, Mueller must have found a shit ton of stuff to get all of those arrests and guilty pleas.

So keep trying to pretend that you now know everything, when in fact we don't know any more than we knew BEFORE Mueller released his report.

You're so full of shit it isn't funny. Prove Barr is covering up anything.

Barr decided that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted for "obstruction of justice". It's not Barr's call to make, since the Justice Department has a policy that they won't indict a sitting President, this determination can ONLY be made by the House. So in deciding that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, Barr has both over-reached, and made conclusions he's not authorized to make.

It is up to Barr to give the House the unredacted report and let the House Judicial Committee make the determination, as did Starr and Leon Jaworski, before him.
Link to the actual law that says that Barr has cannot make the decision regarding a DOJ investigation. Plus, if the Dept. has a policy, you should have no problem linking to the OFFICIAL DOJ policy that says that they cannot prosecute a sitting President.

The fact is, the House Judicial Committee cannnot be trusted, period. Not as long as Schitt is in control of it.

Do your own fucking research, you lazy little shit

I trust Adam Schiff a whole lot more than Devon Nunes.
Then you're a fool. I don't trust either, but in this matter, Schitt is fucking Charles Manson.

First off, Adam Schiff is head of the Intelligence Committee. Elijah Cummings is the head of the Judicial Committee, which is the Committee which would be impeaching Donald Trump, not Adam Schiff.

Why are you discussing this shit when you haven't the vaguest clue who or what is in charge here? Your ignorance should disqualify you from opining on stuff you don't know. Your just some dumb knuckledragging Russian going on Democrats bad, Republicans good. Nunez was supposed to be doing oversight, not running to the White House with closed door evidence against Trump.

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