Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation determined that provisions in the Chairman’s amendment would increase deficits over the 2018-2027 period by $1.4 trillion (not including the macroeconomic effects of enacting the legislation). By CBO’s estimate, additional debt service would boost the 10-year increase in deficits to $1.7 trillion. CBO’s June 2017 baseline projects that debt held by the public in 2027 will be 91.2 percent of gross domestic product. As a result of those higher deficits, debt held by the public in that year, under H.R. 1, would be about 6 percent greater, reaching 97.1 percent of gross domestic product.

Hey dumb ass...

The cbo thought obama care would fly too....

Just more Fake Facts...
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.

He has a 35% approval rating. That's an F. That is the grade the country has given him.

Yea right.....

And there was no path for him to 270 either:banana:
35% is an F. A lot of people who voted for him have buyer's remorse.

Translated: Liberals aren't concerned with results just their feelings. Liberal polling and propaganda is our only recourse.
What results?
*We have alienated all of our long, long time Western allies.
*We have become a joke world wide.
*We have a president who has admitted to assaulting women and peeping at half naked women and young girls.
*We have so far four of his close political associates under indictment or having pleaded guilty to felonies.
* We have a president who tells whopping lies on almost a daily basis.
* Who is a pathological liar.
*Who refuses to be transparent as far as his taxes, business dealings and health. What is he hiding?
*We have a president whose mental health is extremely questionable. If you google his mental health, you will find pages of articles where professional psychologists are assessing his sanity--and the conclusion isn't good.
*We are on the brink of nuclear war.
*He has undone loads of regulations meant to protect the environment.
*He believes global warming is a conspiracy, contrary to by far most of the people and scientists on the planet.
*He has 'doubled down' on bigotry and discrimination.
*He shows distain for the turth.
*He canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have promoted U.S. trade at the expense of China.
*He has demonized the free press and put international journalists' safety in jeopardy.
*He has, through his tweets, insulted world leaders who are our allies.
*He has insulted gold star families and POWs.
*He has insulted the CIA, the FBI, the entire intelligence community, and our military; he has insulted the loss of lives of our soldiers in combat zones.
*Is destroying the US's place as a world leader.
*The stock market is not going to continue on the up because it is only going up due to deregulation. We will have another crash like we did in 2008.
*His tax bill is going to increase individual health insurance premiums even for people who still do purchase insurance.
*By 2027, poor and middle-class people will see their taxes go up across the board.
*People making between $10,000 and $20,000 a year, the working poor, will see their income go down.
*The rich wil get richer and the poor will get poorer, while the working and middle class will benefit only in the beginning but not in the long run.
*The tax bill will increase the deficit by trillions.
*His tax plan will harm America's most vulnerable -- senior citizens, the disabled and the poor -- while benefiting the highest earners.
*He is turning the US into a third world country.

*We have alienated all of our long, long time Western allies. Just the snowflakes for good reasons.

*We have become a joke world wide. Subjective bias.

*We have a president who has admitted to assaulting women and peeping at half naked women and young girls. Exaggeration. ILMAO at assault.

*We have so far four of his close political associates under indictment or having pleaded guilty to felonies. And nothing that suggest Trump wrong-doing. In fact, Manafort is associated with Democrats.

* We have a president who tells whopping lies on almost a daily basis. Snowflake speak.

* Who is a pathological liar. You run out of material already? Filling up space?

*Who refuses to be transparent as far as his taxes, business dealings and health. What is he hiding? He says fuck you it's none of your business.

*We have a president whose mental health is extremely questionable. If you google his mental health, you will find pages of articles where professional psychologists are assessing his sanity--and the conclusion isn't good.
*We are on the brink of nuclear war. You could tag anything like it on anyone. Subjective political BS. The conclusion looks bright, Trump had a great year.

*He has undone loads of regulations meant to protect the environment. Red tape BS. Thanks Trump.

*He believes global warming is a conspiracy, contrary to by far most of the people and scientists on the planet. All debatable.

*He has 'doubled down' on bigotry and discrimination. Code for he believes in national security and liberals raise the race card for excuses.

*He shows distain for the turth. That's three times you've said the same thing in three different ways. "What's you name" "Don". "Liar, your name is Donald".

*He canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have promoted U.S. trade at the expense of China. Ah, good one. Must be why business confidence is so high.

*He has demonized the free press and put international journalists' safety in jeopardy. Projection. Thank you Trump for having the balls to call things as they are.

*He has, through his tweets, insulted world leaders who are our allies. Has you by the balls huh?

*He has insulted gold star families and POWs. Exaggeration & projection, but I agree, he has his moments I disagree with. Fact is, Trump very much supports our military and police and that's obvious. It's a nice change, Obama was a cock.

*He has insulted the CIA, the FBI, the entire intelligence community, and our military; he has insulted the loss of lives of our soldiers in combat zones. Thank you Trump for calling out corrupt law enforcement. Insulted loss of soldiers huh? BS.

*Is destroying the US's place as a world leader. Right, because America first weakens the USA. Better we get into bed with Russians and Iran like Obama.

*The stock market is not going to continue on the up because it is only going up due to deregulation. We will have another crash like we did in 2008. ILMAO, what a bold prediction that some day stocks crash. It has FAR MORE to do with deregulation.

*His tax bill is going to increase individual health insurance premiums even for people who still do purchase insurance. This makes no sense, but a link would help.

*By 2027, poor and middle-class people will see their taxes go up across the board. Cough, Trump won't be POTUS in 2027. Is this like blaming Reagan for subsequent incompetent governments? On topic, is it still Reagan's fault?

*People making between $10,000 and $20,000 a year, the working poor, will see their income go down. I'd like to wager on that.

*The rich wil get richer and the poor will get poorer, while the working and middle class will benefit only in the beginning but not in the long run. Right, because investment in our country means the population gets poorer. Makes perfect sense.

*The tax bill will increase the deficit by trillions. Remains to be seen. Did you know our deficit has been reduced this last year? Way to go Trump.

*His tax plan will harm America's most vulnerable -- senior citizens, the disabled and the poor -- while benefiting the highest earners. Right, because investment in our country means the population gets poorer. Makes perfect sense.

*He is turning the US into a third world country. Projection and you're just filling up space. It's liberals who are actively seeking the worst of the worst migrate into our country, all for the sake of votes, because they're absolutely willing to sell-out the USA for the sake of votes and personal power.

So far:

68 give Trump high marks
21 remain butt-hurt over the election results
Last edited:
Ultimately, The Trump Presidency will be a punchline for future jokes about disasterous presidents
He'll bankrupt America like he went bankrupt himself,,, 6 times and republicans will bow their heads and say "may I have another"?

I don't know if he will bankrupt us but we are headed for a recession. We haven't had one in ten years

If Trump reacts like Bush, ignores it and uses supply side solutions......he will push us off a cliff

Just like Bush did
C+ Neil Gorsuch, tax reform, getting out of Paris accord, rolling back regulations but he spends to much time getting into petty twitter fights with partisan nut jobs.

I'm seeing too many stingy "C's," people: be loyal! Support the only man between you and Hillary or Fauxcahontas. We have to be in a tight alliance and support each other and our leader. Finding fault with him isn't going to do that.
I was generous with a C
Much more objective than those who gave a knee jerk A+

I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he hasn't done any irreversible damage and the economy has been solid

But his personal flaws, lying, petty ness and lack of knowledge and preparation keep him from scoring higher
Last edited:
Hey dumb ass...

The cbo thought obama care would fly too....

Just more Fake Facts...
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.

Hey dumb ass...

The cbo thought obama care would fly too....

Just more Fake Facts...
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.


Hey Mary, one question for you: What will you buy for the $18.00 bonus you get in your weekly check? Imagine, how that will be spent by those who will lose their subsidy for the PPACA; Or, those who will find out how each year they pay more in real estate taxes, and in Federal Income Taxes? (the former grow every year, the latter will make your $18.00 bonus go away in seven years).
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.

Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.


Hey Mary, one question for you: What will you buy for the $18.00 bonus you get in your weekly check? Imagine, how that will be spent by those who will lose their subsidy for the PPACA; Or, those who will find out how each year they pay more in real estate taxes, and in Federal Income Taxes? (the former grow every year, the latter will make your $18.00 bonus go away in seven years).
and in credit card interest going up
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
when did donald trump show us some of he tax returns?
Shortly after he was elected or shortly before. You know, you can google this stuff.
I did google it and can't find a, if you can please give a link to Donald Trump releasing his own tax returns by his own free will, or partial tax returns that is not related to the two years 1998, and 2005 that were leaked to the press, I'd appreciate it.
Actually, those two linked to the press are probably what I'm referring to, and they do show he paid taxes. While we don't know for sure, he probably leaked those himself on purpose. Either way, it shows that the accusations by the left that he doesn't pay taxes are false, and they know it.
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Actually the CBO indicated that.. You need to check your so called facts.. The CBO shows a drop of 1 trillion per year for the next ten due to the changes. And your worried about 150 billion rise per year...
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation determined that provisions in the Chairman’s amendment would increase deficits over the 2018-2027 period by $1.4 trillion (not including the macroeconomic effects of enacting the legislation). By CBO’s estimate, additional debt service would boost the 10-year increase in deficits to $1.7 trillion. CBO’s June 2017 baseline projects that debt held by the public in 2027 will be 91.2 percent of gross domestic product. As a result of those higher deficits, debt held by the public in that year, under H.R. 1, would be about 6 percent greater, reaching 97.1 percent of gross domestic product.

Hey dumb ass...

The cbo thought obama care would fly too....

Just more Fake Facts...
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

In the real world Trump is kicking ass

and taking names....
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation determined that provisions in the Chairman’s amendment would increase deficits over the 2018-2027 period by $1.4 trillion (not including the macroeconomic effects of enacting the legislation). By CBO’s estimate, additional debt service would boost the 10-year increase in deficits to $1.7 trillion. CBO’s June 2017 baseline projects that debt held by the public in 2027 will be 91.2 percent of gross domestic product. As a result of those higher deficits, debt held by the public in that year, under H.R. 1, would be about 6 percent greater, reaching 97.1 percent of gross domestic product.

Hey dumb ass...

The cbo thought obama care would fly too....

Just more Fake Facts...
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

In the real world Trump is kicking ass

and taking names....
Wait till the fan blows his crap back in his face
Hey dumb ass...

The cbo thought obama care would fly too....

Just more Fake Facts...
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

In the real world Trump is kicking ass

and taking names....
Wait till the fan blows his crap back in his face

So far it's all in your face:dance:
Ultimately, The Trump Presidency will be a punchline for future jokes about disasterous presidents
He'll bankrupt America like he went bankrupt himself,,, 6 times and republicans will bow their heads and say "may I have another"?

I don't know if he will bankrupt us but we are headed for a recession. We haven't had one in ten years

If Trump reacts like Bush, ignores it and uses supply side solutions......he will push us off a cliff

Just like Bush did

You silly sally, the housing crash caused the recession under liberal policy that began under Clinton.
Ultimately, The Trump Presidency will be a punchline for future jokes about disasterous presidents
He'll bankrupt America like he went bankrupt himself,,, 6 times and republicans will bow their heads and say "may I have another"?

I don't know if he will bankrupt us but we are headed for a recession. We haven't had one in ten years

If Trump reacts like Bush, ignores it and uses supply side solutions......he will push us off a cliff

Just like Bush did

You silly sally, the housing crash caused the recession under liberal policy that began under Clinton.
It was those speculating on the market and investing in derivatives
Clinton had nothing to do with it
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

In the real world Trump is kicking ass

and taking names....
Wait till the fan blows his crap back in his face

So far it's all in your face:dance:
he who laughs last deno laughs best And you were sent away for disloyalty
Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.

Who is the dumb ass??

View attachment 167595
Government reveals final Obamacare enrollment numbers for 2018
1 day ago
View attachment 167596
Obamacare Rallies with Nearly 9 Million New Subscribers
1 day ago

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.


Hey Mary, one question for you: What will you buy for the $18.00 bonus you get in your weekly check? Imagine, how that will be spent by those who will lose their subsidy for the PPACA; Or, those who will find out how each year they pay more in real estate taxes, and in Federal Income Taxes? (the former grow every year, the latter will make your $18.00 bonus go away in seven years).

Postscript: Mary found my post to be funny. As I've written before, those who use an emoji are not intelligent enough or educated to write an expository rebuttal. So sad.z
You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.

You are the dumb ass because you believe Fake News.
Every things fake except if it comes from the mouth of your world class liar in our WH Sure doesn't speak well for Americas future with too many like you running around

They're a small minority, they flock to threads and use the long practiced process developed by the right wing, dominate a discussion by talking over anyone with who disagrees with; on this message board, they echo each other and post nonsense instead of thoughtful rebuttals.

They're not only deplorable, they lack the needed intelligence and education to be taken seriously.


Your perpetual agony is duly noted, and your tears, they are delicious.


Hey Mary, one question for you: What will you buy for the $18.00 bonus you get in your weekly check? Imagine, how that will be spent by those who will lose their subsidy for the PPACA; Or, those who will find out how each year they pay more in real estate taxes, and in Federal Income Taxes? (the former grow every year, the latter will make your $18.00 bonus go away in seven years).

and in credit card interest going up

True, and not only credit card interest but state income taxes, and fees on highways and bridges, for permits, business licenses, and taxes on booze and smokes for those predominately the working poor; State and National Parks fees,, surtaxes on green and renewable energy, etc. etc. etc.
A- due to trying to repeal Obabblecare before taking on the tax cuts. I think we would have gotten a better tax bill if the order had been reversed. While I'm glad to see corporate rates cut, the individual taxes are still too complicated and "redistributiony" But at least we're headed in the proper direction.
I gave him a C. His childish antics, lies and twitter battles hurt the de-regulations and the paris accord.
Maybe his new year resolution is too realize his big mouth hurts him more than anything.
I like his tweets. I look toward to hearing them.

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