Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.

How many of those folks do you believe were in that group in Charlottesville chanting, "Jews must go."

There were like 200 Assholes there compared to millions who weren't there but hate Jews and Israel, such as you. Note: How you not once have denounced your party's hatred and I have given you numerous examples. You have given me ONE. Note: How you, yourself have not denied it. Lastly, on this board there is a plethora of Jew haters who agree with YOU. Not many on the Right. How do you explain that?
Yep, that must be it.

Because it certainly can't because you morons elected a proven fraud, con man, amoral, liar, piece of shit who pisses on the Constitution & uses the DOJ as his private law firm.
The same DOJ that tried to remove him from office with a fake collusion with Russia coup?

The democrats have landed in dog crap with every step they've taken since King Barry was forced to go away.
Hillary, fake Russian collusion plot, the cast from the Star Wars bar scene as presidential candidates, going full socialist, The Three Stooges (AOC, Omar and Tlaib) etc. And that's a very partial list.

Blaming all that on Trump is the height of cowardly and wishful thinking.

He fired that one, jackass. Then he hired Barr.
Where was all the fake outrage when Obama's attorney general declared himself as "the president's wingman?!" And refused to prosecute and covered up so many cases, including sending the IRS after political opponents. It appears this weaponizing of our institutions started early in the Obama presidency.
I'd like to hear Eric Holder to tell the Supreme Court why he said he was the "president's wingman" if they're going to hold the Clinton/Obama mob accountable for harassing a sitting President of the United States, right after House Speaker defends her orchestrating criminal complaints against President Trump and his staff, the Attorney General of whom she totally calumnized to the American Public to continue on beating up on Donald Trump for the Gipper, who in this case seems to be a female, Hillary Clinton, head of this Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Cabal.
but.....but.....but..... Obama

You really need to find a new excuse for Trump.

But hey, ignore all the Republicans investigations under the Obama administration that you people did & now you are here whining like a little girl.

In an initial meeting with the DOJ, Obama told them that they don't work for him but their duty is to country. Littledick Donnie was running around trying to get Comey & other DOJ people to swear loyalty to him.
How about a Leftist Jew hating asshole?
How did you feel about Charlottesville and all of those young right wing Republican men Marching on Friday night with torches, shouting and chanting over and over again,
"Jews, will not replace us!"?
Was that the only protest or March that day ???
That night, the Nazi like young men torch March was a Friday night March. Yes, the only march that night.

The KKK is diminished and irrelevant. The Progressive Left anti Jew faction is alive and thriving.

The KKK might not walk around in sheets anywhere, but there are still many on the right who have the mindset of the sheetwearers.
Most Republican since 1860s have tried to undo the damages the Democrat KKK fanatics committed. You're addled if you think Republicans deserve to be blamed for what the Democrat Party did to blacks before the day that Lyndon Baines Johnson convinced John F. Kennedy that getting the blacks to vote Democrat would be beneficial to the Party in the long run. After a hundred years, the Democrat Party did a very 180-degree turn with complaining, but not to worry. Their unwillingness to turn has paid off, because they have convinced black people that the Republicans are racist through measures that are not short of ninnyhammering. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thankyouverramuch.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.
They hate you fior being an asshole. It has nothing to do with you being a Jew.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.
Your false narrative is fulla beans, Deanie.
How did you feel about Charlottesville and all of those young right wing Republican men Marching on Friday night with torches, shouting and chanting over and over again,
"Jews, will not replace us!"?
Was that the only protest or March that day ???
That night, the Nazi like young men torch March was a Friday night March. Yes, the only march that night.

The KKK is diminished and irrelevant. The Progressive Left anti Jew faction is alive and thriving.

The KKK might not walk around in sheets anywhere, but there are still many on the right who have the mindset of the sheetwearers.

And the LEFT.
Shapiro At 'Jewish Journal': Don't Give Anti-Semites What They Want
WATCH: Cory Booker Defends Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism, Calls Criticism Of Her 'Reprehensible'
Pelosi: Democrats have 'no taint' of anti-Semitism in their party - CNNPolitics
House Democrats Brace for Another Anti-Semitism Showdown Forced by G.O.P.
Democratic leader takes heat as anti-Semitism vote roils Florida
Opinion | Democrats and Anti-Semitism
Omar talks about Israeli government. Not the Jewish people.

You are really getting annoying with you bullshit fake victimhood.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.

How many of those folks do you believe were in that group in Charlottesville chanting, "Jews must go."

There were like 200 Assholes there compared to millions who weren't there but hate Jews and Israel, such as you. Note: How you not once have denounced your party's hatred and I have given you numerous examples. You have given me ONE. Note: How you, yourself have not denied it.

Well since I am not a Democrat, they are not a party for me to denounce and you just pulled it out your ass that I hate Jewish folks.

Lastly, on this board there is a plethora of Jew haters who agree with YOU. Not many on the Right. How do you explain that?

Hate to tell you this, but history shows that conservative, right wingers have been the haters in this country.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.
They hate you fior being an asshole. It has nothing to do with you being a Jew.

LOL --- so they play the Jew card just for fun? Thanks, Fake Dave.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.
They hate you fior being an asshole. It has nothing to do with you being a Jew.

LOL --- so they play the Jew card just for fun? Thanks, Fake Dave.

You are playing the card.
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.

How many of those folks do you believe were in that group in Charlottesville chanting, "Jews must go."

There were like 200 Assholes there compared to millions who weren't there but hate Jews and Israel, such as you. Note: How you not once have denounced your party's hatred and I have given you numerous examples. You have given me ONE. Note: How you, yourself have not denied it.

Well since I am not a Democrat, they are not a party for me to denounce and you just pulled it out your ass that I hate Jewish folks.

Lastly, on this board there is a plethora of Jew haters who agree with YOU. Not many on the Right. How do you explain that?

Hate to tell you this, but history shows that conservative, right wingers have been the haters in this country.

I am talking about this BOARD. Don't try to deflect. And you're a Democrat. Look at your avatar.
You're butt hurt that Barr has been called out for the Trumper he is.
He's not Trump's "wingman" the way Eric Holder claimed he was for Obama. He's simply applying the law, like redacting Mueller's report, despite the wailing and bitching from the poor losers on the left.That's law decided by the DC Circuit Court!
But unless Barr took his orders directly from Fat Jerry you guys would whine about it.

Probably why he is acting as Trump's personal attorney.
That's the latest buzz phrase ("Trump's personal attorney") from the butt hurt left. More laughably sour grapes.
He ran from the heat today and I thought they called for Barr to resign. Well if you tell lies what else would I call you. He is the new liar on the Trump staff.
You are the people that swore, probably still swear, that Donald Trump was colluding with the Russians and since Robert Mueller could find no evidence of such nonsense now people on the left are going after Straight Shooting Bob and they want his scalp!
This is straight out of the mass political psychosis that swept through the Jacobins in the French revolution.
Just call Nancy Robespierre and good luck with her Committee for the Public Safety insanity.

I don't know what lies you refer to but I bet you don't either.
Yep, that must be it.

Because it certainly can't because you morons elected a proven fraud, con man, amoral, liar, piece of shit who pisses on the Constitution & uses the DOJ as his private law firm.
The same DOJ that tried to remove him from office with a fake collusion with Russia coup?

The democrats have landed in dog crap with every step they've taken since King Barry was forced to go away.
Hillary, fake Russian collusion plot, the cast from the Star Wars bar scene as presidential candidates, going full socialist, The Three Stooges (AOC, Omar and Tlaib) etc. And that's a very partial list.

Blaming all that on Trump is the height of cowardly and wishful thinking.

He fired that one, jackass. Then he hired Barr.
Where was all the fake outrage when Obama's attorney general declared himself as "the president's wingman?!" And refused to prosecute and covered up so many cases, including sending the IRS after political opponents. It appears this weaponizing of our institutions started early in the Obama presidency.
I'd like to hear Eric Holder to tell the Supreme Court why he said he was the "president's wingman" if they're going to hold the Clinton/Obama mob accountable for harassing a sitting President of the United States, right after House Speaker defends her orchestrating criminal complaints against President Trump and his staff, the Attorney General of whom she totally calumnized to the American Public to continue on beating up on Donald Trump for the Gipper, who in this case seems to be a female, Hillary Clinton, head of this Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Cabal.
but.....but.....but..... Obama

You really need to find a new excuse for Trump.

But hey, ignore all the Republicans investigations under the Obama administration that you people did & now you are here whining like a little girl.

In an initial meeting with the DOJ, Obama told them that they don't work for him but their duty is to country. Littledick Donnie was running around trying to get Comey & other DOJ people to swear loyalty to him.
Why do you think it's okay that Nancy Pelosi lies her ugly-faced ass off? Your party is trying to destroy the Constitutional Republic that America has been since the Revolutionary War.

And we're not about to let you steamroller we the people. You need to take care of your own human poopers in San Francisco before you continue in your little false narrative world that preaches Republicans-bad, Democrats-good bullshit.

We will never bow to leftist communist shills disguised in the analogous soft porn that socialism is.
Last edited:
EVERYONE in Washington has known for DECADES that Graham is gay you MORON!
It hasn't "killed his career" you dummy!
You actually believe that Trump is 'blackmailing' Graham????????
That makes you a fucking idiot!
Trump and Graham play golf regularly. "BUT TRUMP IS A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!"
Go crawl under a rock!
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.
They hate you fior being an asshole. It has nothing to do with you being a Jew.

LOL --- so they play the Jew card just for fun? Thanks, Fake Dave.

You are playing the card.

Yes, because it is real. You a Jew, Dave?
Was that the only protest or March that day ???
That night, the Nazi like young men torch March was a Friday night March. Yes, the only march that night.

The KKK is diminished and irrelevant. The Progressive Left anti Jew faction is alive and thriving.

The KKK might not walk around in sheets anywhere, but there are still many on the right who have the mindset of the sheetwearers.

And the LEFT.
Shapiro At 'Jewish Journal': Don't Give Anti-Semites What They Want
WATCH: Cory Booker Defends Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism, Calls Criticism Of Her 'Reprehensible'
Pelosi: Democrats have 'no taint' of anti-Semitism in their party - CNNPolitics
House Democrats Brace for Another Anti-Semitism Showdown Forced by G.O.P.
Democratic leader takes heat as anti-Semitism vote roils Florida
Opinion | Democrats and Anti-Semitism
Omar talks about Israeli government. Not the Jewish people.

You are really getting annoying with you bullshit fake victimhood.

Do you think the Government is made up of Robots? Jewish people sit in the Knesset and Jewish people live in Israel. She is slamming the only mostly Jewish nation in the world and says nothing about her 40+ mostly Muslim nations, which are all humanitarian nightmares.
That night, the Nazi like young men torch March was a Friday night March. Yes, the only march that night.

The KKK is diminished and irrelevant. The Progressive Left anti Jew faction is alive and thriving.

The KKK might not walk around in sheets anywhere, but there are still many on the right who have the mindset of the sheetwearers.

And the LEFT.
Shapiro At 'Jewish Journal': Don't Give Anti-Semites What They Want
WATCH: Cory Booker Defends Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism, Calls Criticism Of Her 'Reprehensible'
Pelosi: Democrats have 'no taint' of anti-Semitism in their party - CNNPolitics
House Democrats Brace for Another Anti-Semitism Showdown Forced by G.O.P.
Democratic leader takes heat as anti-Semitism vote roils Florida
Opinion | Democrats and Anti-Semitism
Omar talks about Israeli government. Not the Jewish people.

You are really getting annoying with you bullshit fake victimhood.

Do you think the Government is made up of Robots? Jewish people sit in the Knesset and Jewish people live in Israel. She is slamming the only mostly Jewish nation in the world and says nothing about her 40+ mostly Muslim nations, which are all humanitarian nightmares.

I can call Trump a fat assed proven fraud, liar, adulterer, and overall jackass & not hate all white people.

You are a certifiable idiot.
Everyone knows? Does Graham know? Does the Republican base know? Because they would run him out of town on a rail if they knew that for sure. Republicans hate gays even more than they hate blacks and Muslims.

Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.
They hate you fior being an asshole. It has nothing to do with you being a Jew.

LOL --- so they play the Jew card just for fun? Thanks, Fake Dave.

You are playing the card.

Yes, because it is real. You a Jew, Dave?

You know you are playing the victim here.
Omar talks about Israeli government. Not the Jewish people.

You are really getting annoying with you bullshit fake victimhood.

Do you think the Government is made up of Robots? Jewish people sit in the Knesset and Jewish people live in Israel. She is slamming the only mostly Jewish nation in the world and says nothing about her 40+ mostly Muslim nations, which are all humanitarian nightmares.

I can call Trump a fat assed proven fraud, liar, adulterer, and overall jackass & not hate all white people.

You are a certifiable idiot.

And? If you say I hate America but I like Americans, you look like the idiot. That is what most of these antisemites are saying. Fake Dave, you're a joke on this board. You're a nasty, fat and ugly old man. I am under your skin. And that is great!

Your false equivalency was funny. I just shared it with some co-workers. We are all laughing at your expense.
Democrats hate me for being a Jew. Including yourself. STFU, deantard.
They hate you fior being an asshole. It has nothing to do with you being a Jew.

LOL --- so they play the Jew card just for fun? Thanks, Fake Dave.

You are playing the card.

Yes, because it is real. You a Jew, Dave?

You know you are playing the victim here.

I am just telling the truth. Your party is antisemtic and racist. Define "victim". Fake Dave.

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