Grand jury hears evidence in Dallas police officer shooting of black neighbor

Negligent homicide fer shure. Is that an offence in the US?
It may not be negligent. He may have attacked her for all we know, and she felt she had to defend herself. Let the court decide.

She was not invited and she invaded his home. That's breaking in.

You can't break into someones apartment then claim self defense if you are attacked. If you have no legal right to be there you can't use that as a defense to use deadly force.
she didn't break in, did she?
you can't just attack someone that walks into your apartment
you CAN claim self defense if the circumstances warrants it

Yes, you absolutely can attack someone who "just walks in" to your apartment. That's called home invasion. And unless she had a key, she broke in. She didn't have to kick down the door for it to be burglarly. Just like you don't have to break a window to break into a car. If you pull the door handle and it opens, that's a felony.

May I Shoot an Intruder? - FindLaw

You don't have to ask them their intentions. They walk in you can shoot them dead. No questions asked. Whether or not your front door was open or not makes no difference. It's called the castle doctrine, look it up.
.....this would be a classic case of why you can't attack someone for walking in an apartment --door open and apartments that look the same would kill/attack an innocent person just for walking in??!!!!???

Well, there is a problem with that. You see, all the doors automatically close. They have a strong automatic closing mechanism.

Dallas cop who killed her neighbor shared memes likening Colin Kaepernick to cancer | Daily Mail Online

Multiple witnesses said they heard shouting. There was a doormat in place where she had none. So the mistaken apartment sounds weaker, and weaker.

Wow: Former Dallas cop who shot Botham Jean indicted for murder, not manslaughter

Now, is murder an overcharge? Perhaps, and if the DA includes Manslaughter as an option, then we will know they are serious about the prosecution. If not, then we will have a reason to think they’re throwing the game.

But to claim it was an reasonable mistake is beyond laughable at this time with the information we have. All of your excuses have already been discredited. Yet you keep throwing them out there to justify your race based animosity.
Mark my words. She walks because of this, IF the jury is not allowed to find her guilty of a lessor charge. I don't know the facts on that aspect.
Do you feel that they did this intentionally? To give her an out?

I honestly don't understand why anyone, other than the prosecutor who wants to rack up wins, would take a chance on a murder charge when they can pretty much prove a manslaughter charge. Also I only recently heard about the fact that she had filed previous noise complaints against Botham Jean. If I had known that up front, I doubt I would have given her any consideration - it sounds like she lost control of her temper in which case that would be murder. I honestly can think of no other scenario that makes sense and she's contradicted herself on the circumstances under which she encountered Jean.
This is what I said would happen from the jump. This was intentionally rigged so she would walk. No way they can prove its premeditated unless they have a threatening email or video of her saying she was going to kill him.

Was she supposed to be there? No.
Did he invite her in? No.
When she banged on the door did he say come on in? No. He yelled back at her.


I still don't agree with the murder indictment and I'll tell you why. It's basically going for the touch down and 2 pt conversion. And not being happy with just a point after. If just ONE of those jurors doesn't think she MEANT to kill him shes going to walk. To be found guilty of murder it MUST be intentional. Not just the person is dead and you did it, but you MEANT to do it. That will be hard to prove in this case.

Mark my words. She walks because of this, IF the jury is not allowed to find her guilty of a lessor charge. I don't know the facts on that aspect.
More than 30 states have laws that allow people to use deadly force if they have a reasonable fear for their life or property. But this week, a Montana jury said that type of law has its limits, finding a homeowner who shot a teenager in his garage guilty of deliberate homicide.
Montana Shooter Found Guilty Despite State's 'Castle Doctrine'
Legal rule under which a person protecting his or her property (such as home or place of business) may stand his or her ground (instead of retreating) and apply deadly force against an intruder (or an invited guest) who intends to commit an armed robbery and/or inflict serious bodily harm upon the person or upon those in the property. Based on the 'a man's home is his castle' principle of equity.
What is castle doctrine? definition and meaning
Montana Shooter Found Guilty Despite State's 'Castle Doctrine'
case closed
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Was she supposed to be there? No.
Did he invite her in? No.
When she banged on the door did he say come on in? No. He yelled back at her.


I still don't agree with the murder indictment and I'll tell you why. It's basically going for the touch down and 2 pt conversion. And not being happy with just a point after. If just ONE of those jurors doesn't think she MEANT to kill him shes going to walk. To be found guilty of murder it MUST be intentional. Not just the person is dead and you did it, but you MEANT to do it. That will be hard to prove in this case.

Mark my words. She walks because of this, IF the jury is not allowed to find her guilty of a lessor charge. I don't know the facts on that aspect.
they over charge in a lot of these cases..the prosecutors are dumb/ego driven/etc
yes, they overcharged on this one
..they over charged with Casey Anthony
This is a tragedy and if the man she accidentally shot was white, they might not even have charged her with a crime.
Mark my words. She walks because of this, IF the jury is not allowed to find her guilty of a lessor charge. I don't know the facts on that aspect.
Do you feel that they did this intentionally? To give her an out?

I honestly don't understand why anyone, other than the prosecutor who wants to rack up wins, would take a chance on a murder charge when they can pretty much prove a manslaughter charge. Also I only recently heard about the fact that she had filed previous noise complaints against Botham Jean. If I had known that up front, I doubt I would have given her any consideration - it sounds like she lost control of her temper in which case that would be murder. I honestly can think of no other scenario that makes sense and she's contradicted herself on the circumstances under which she encountered Jean.
This is what I said would happen from the jump. This was intentionally rigged so she would walk. No way they can prove its premeditated unless they have a threatening email or video of her saying she was going to kill him.
Is it possible they indicted her on murder in order to try to coerce her to plead guilty to the manslaughter charge? I mean they have more information than we do, but the fact that she had previously lodged noise complaints against him would tend to make me think that she had animosity towards Jean and that maybe she just is stupid enough to believe she could go up to this apartment, threaten him and when the conversation didn't go to her liking just off and shoot him, she is (was) a cop afterall.
Murder won’t work so that’s an overcharge
MSM and libbies trying to sell “there goes a white cop murdering an innocent black again”
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Murder won’t work so that’s an overcharge
MSM and libbies trying to sell “there goes a white cop murdering an innocent black again”

The White Cop did murder an innocent black man in his own apartment. Or are you talking about a different incident where a white cop shot a black man in his apartment?
Mark my words. She walks because of this, IF the jury is not allowed to find her guilty of a lessor charge. I don't know the facts on that aspect.
Do you feel that they did this intentionally? To give her an out?

I honestly don't understand why anyone, other than the prosecutor who wants to rack up wins, would take a chance on a murder charge when they can pretty much prove a manslaughter charge. Also I only recently heard about the fact that she had filed previous noise complaints against Botham Jean. If I had known that up front, I doubt I would have given her any consideration - it sounds like she lost control of her temper in which case that would be murder. I honestly can think of no other scenario that makes sense and she's contradicted herself on the circumstances under which she encountered Jean.
This is what I said would happen from the jump. This was intentionally rigged so she would walk. No way they can prove its premeditated unless they have a threatening email or video of her saying she was going to kill him.
Is it possible they indicted her on murder in order to try to coerce her to plead guilty to the manslaughter charge? I mean they have more information than we do, but the fact that she had previously lodged noise complaints against him would tend to make me think that she had animosity towards Jean and that maybe she just is stupid enough to believe she could go up to this apartment, threaten him and when the conversation didn't go to her liking just off and shoot him, she is (was) a cop afterall.
She (and her attorney) would have to be pretty stupid to fall for that though. If I am correct if they cant get a murder conviction she walks because the burden would be to prove murder instead of manslaughter. No way they get a jury of her "peers" to find murder instead of manslaughter unless like I said they have video, audio, or a threatening email.
Murder won’t work so that’s an overcharge
MSM and libbies trying to sell “there goes a white cop murdering an innocent black again”

The White Cop did murder an innocent black man in his own apartment. Or are you talking about a different incident where a white cop shot a black man in his apartment?
This was a case of misidentification.absent proof of malice aforethought(Like previous know bad blood between them) it was a mistake and manslaughter likely in 2nd degree.
Mark my words. She walks because of this, IF the jury is not allowed to find her guilty of a lessor charge. I don't know the facts on that aspect.
Do you feel that they did this intentionally? To give her an out?

I honestly don't understand why anyone, other than the prosecutor who wants to rack up wins, would take a chance on a murder charge when they can pretty much prove a manslaughter charge. Also I only recently heard about the fact that she had filed previous noise complaints against Botham Jean. If I had known that up front, I doubt I would have given her any consideration - it sounds like she lost control of her temper in which case that would be murder. I honestly can think of no other scenario that makes sense and she's contradicted herself on the circumstances under which she encountered Jean.
This is what I said would happen from the jump. This was intentionally rigged so she would walk. No way they can prove its premeditated unless they have a threatening email or video of her saying she was going to kill him.
Is it possible they indicted her on murder in order to try to coerce her to plead guilty to the manslaughter charge? I mean they have more information than we do, but the fact that she had previously lodged noise complaints against him would tend to make me think that she had animosity towards Jean and that maybe she just is stupid enough to believe she could go up to this apartment, threaten him and when the conversation didn't go to her liking just off and shoot him, she is (was) a cop afterall.
She (and her attorney) would have to be pretty stupid to fall for that though. If I am correct if they cant get a murder conviction she walks because the burden would be to prove murder instead of manslaughter. No way they get a jury of her "peers" to find murder instead of manslaughter unless like I said they have video, audio, or a threatening email.
I wonder if she scrubbed her social media accounts on her own or at the advice of her attorney? She missed one though which definitely gives some insight into her "us" against "them" mindset as a police officer. There are some who say that it also shows racial bias but I haven't seen what was on the other sites though.
Police Reportedly Allowed Amber Guyger Time to Scrub Her Social Media Accounts, Yet Alarming Posts Still Uncovered
Amber Guyger ‘Bragged About Being Violent’ On Social Media, According Botham Jean Family Attorney
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Please see post 45.

Walking into a home without permission is breaking in. It's not difficult.

And in Texas they have a very strong stand your ground law. That dude would have had the right to shoot that cop dead.
Any guesses as to what would have happened to him if he had done so?
This is a tragedy and if the man she accidentally shot was white, they might not even have charged her with a crime.
Because white's are victims of the law all the time, especially male whites.......right?

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