Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....

Shit, you don't seem to want to address this basic comment? Do you actually think your adoring public here doesn't see that? Your contention regarding IR radiation is complete and utter nonsense. And since it is nonsense, so is your objection to the Greenhouse Effect and global warming. Your entire argument has been in the shitter all this time but it should be becoming more and more obvious even to someone as dense and distorted as are you. You'd be astounded what that makes you look like.
Shit, you don't seem to want to address this basic comment? Do you actually think your adoring public here doesn't see that? Your contention regarding IR radiation is complete and utter nonsense. And since it is nonsense, so is your objection to the Greenhouse Effect and global warming. Your entire argument has been in the shitter all this time but it should be becoming more and more obvious even to someone as dense and distorted as are you. You'd be astounded what that makes you look like.
The idiot show his ignorance... AGAIN..

Show me how you get O2 to warm without any ability to react to LWIR in 99.4% of the atmosphere. I'll wait..
It seems your high school didn't teach science at all... Now propaganda you got down.
So you too believe that the cosmic microwave background is not black body radiation, but is resonant frequencies?

Do you know where the 15,700 W/m² of radiation from the surface of Venus goes? SSDD can't answer the question. Can you show him up?
I just laugh at the shear ignorance of those who think they have the facts all sewn up yet they cant even understand basic energy transfer in our atmosphere.

The very basic premise of energy flow calls AGW a lie. One must consider many things when looking at our atmosphere. Can the molecules react to the energy present? How long can the molecule hold onto the energy? How much energy is consumed by the molecule? IF the molecule collides, during its energy residency time, how much energy is transmitted as kinetic energy?

In order to answer these question you must know in which of the 8 ways a molecule will stretch, expand or bend its magnetic bonds with other molecules in the compound. Only 3 of the ways will result in warming of the molecule. Then you must also know how long a molecule can hold on to energy.

No one here is even remotely concerned with the facts. All you see is your political agenda and power. One of our resident idiots likes to post up the bandpass graph of our atmosphere, yet he doesn't have a clue about what it represents. Warming of a gas can only happen within the regions that it is reactive to the energy passing through it and only if the molecule reacts and the energy is trapped long enough for the molecule to consume some of it. All these factors have to happen in the proper sequence and in a duration long enough to cause warming...

This is precisely why LWIR can not warm the atmosphere...
Shit, you don't seem to want to address this basic comment? Do you actually think your adoring public here doesn't see that? Your contention regarding IR radiation is complete and utter nonsense. And since it is nonsense, so is your objection to the Greenhouse Effect and global warming. Your entire argument has been in the shitter all this time but it should be becoming more and more obvious even to someone as dense and distorted as are you. You'd be astounded what that makes you look like.
The idiot show his ignorance... AGAIN..

Show me how you get O2 to warm without any ability to react to LWIR in 99.4% of the atmosphere. I'll wait..

Show me how you get O2 to warm without any ability to react to LWIR in 99.4% of the atmosphere. I'll wait..

Have a warmer molecule bounce off the O2.
I just laugh at the shear ignorance of those who think they have the facts all sewn up yet they cant even understand basic energy transfer in our atmosphere.

The very basic premise of energy flow calls AGW a lie. One must consider many things when looking at our atmosphere. Can the molecules react to the energy present? How long can the molecule hold onto the energy? How much energy is consumed by the molecule? IF the molecule collides, during its energy residency time, how much energy is transmitted as kinetic energy?

In order to answer these question you must know in which of the 8 ways a molecule will stretch, expand or bend its magnetic bonds with other molecules in the compound. Only 3 of the ways will result in warming of the molecule. Then you must also know how long a molecule can hold on to energy.

No one here is even remotely concerned with the facts. All you see is your political agenda and power. One of our resident idiots likes to post up the bandpass graph of our atmosphere, yet he doesn't have a clue about what it represents. Warming of a gas can only happen within the regions that it is reactive to the energy passing through it and only if the molecule reacts and the energy is trapped long enough for the molecule to consume some of it. All these factors have to happen in the proper sequence and in a duration long enough to cause warming...

This is precisely why LWIR can not warm the atmosphere...

Can the molecules react to the energy present? How long can the molecule hold onto the energy?

CO2 can't "hold onto" any energy? Ever? LOL!

only if the molecule reacts and the energy is trapped long enough for the molecule to consume some of it.

Consume? Is that a PhD term?
Shit, you don't seem to want to address this basic comment? Do you actually think your adoring public here doesn't see that? Your contention regarding IR radiation is complete and utter nonsense.

And yet, you can't produce a single bit of observed, measured data that indicates that I am wrong...not a single one. What does that make you look like?
It seems your high school didn't teach science at all... Now propaganda you got down.
So you too believe that the cosmic microwave background is not black body radiation, but is resonant frequencies?

CMB is certainly black body radiation...but it can be, and was detected via a resonant radio frequency...No one ever said that CMB was not black body has since been directly studied...with instruments cooled enough to actually receive it...the original discovery, however, was not actual CMB, but a resonant frequency of CMB...
It was discovered via resonant frequencies. It was first studied via dishes, antennas and receivers WARMER than 2.7K
CMB is certainly black body radiation...but it can be, and was detected via a resonant radio frequency...No one ever said that CMB was not black body has since been directly studied...with instruments cooled enough to actually receive it...the original discovery, however, was not actual CMB, but a resonant frequency of CMB
Everyone knows it was first detected by a tuned amplifier warmer than the CMB. But you are confusing the detection method with the original radiation itself.

What you have been saying is tantamount to saying that black body radiation hitting a thermocouple instrument is really not radiation but is an amplified voltage. That is balderdash.

.I think it is funny that you two nitwits have been reduced to name calling
That is so funny and ironic. You say "nitwits" in the very same sentence of accusations of name calling!
It was discovered via resonant frequencies. It was first studied via dishes, antennas and receivers WARMER than 2.7K

Resonant radio frequency....what temperarture is a radio frequency?
It was discovered via resonant frequencies. It was first studied via dishes, antennas and receivers WARMER than 2.7K

Resonant radio frequency....what temperarture is a radio frequency?

How close did the CMB come to the antenna?
It was discovered via resonant frequencies. It was first studied via dishes, antennas and receivers WARMER than 2.7K

Resonant radio frequency....what temperarture is a radio frequency?

How close did the CMB come to the antenna?
Couldn't say...maybe if you read a bit, you might find out...I doubt that there will be much out there with pretty pictures though...
It was discovered via resonant frequencies. It was first studied via dishes, antennas and receivers WARMER than 2.7K

Resonant radio frequency....what temperarture is a radio frequency?

How close did the CMB come to the antenna?
It was discovered via resonant frequencies. It was first studied via dishes, antennas and receivers WARMER than 2.7K

Resonant radio frequency....what temperarture is a radio frequency?

How close did the CMB come to the antenna?
Couldn't say...maybe if you read a bit, you might find out...I doubt that there will be much out there with pretty pictures though...

Couldn't say...maybe if you read a bit, you might find out..

Maybe you have other examples of a signal detected with an antenna which doesn't touch the antenna?

I doubt that there will be much out there with pretty pictures though...

Pictures? Like the epicycles you need to continue denying modern physics?
CMB is certainly black body radiation...but it can be, and was detected via a resonant radio frequency...No one ever said that CMB was not black body has since been directly studied...with instruments cooled enough to actually receive it...the original discovery, however, was not actual CMB, but a resonant frequency of CMB...

Yes. the CMB is black body radiation. It still is when it hits the warm antenna. It still is when it hits the detector. It no longer is black body radiation once it's internal to the detector and an when output voltage is read.

The conclusion is that cold radiation hits a warmer object (antenna). One counter example destroys your hypothesis.
CMB is certainly black body radiation...but it can be, and was detected via a resonant radio frequency...No one ever said that CMB was not black body has since been directly studied...with instruments cooled enough to actually receive it...the original discovery, however, was not actual CMB, but a resonant frequency of CMB...

Yes. the CMB is black body radiation. It still is when it hits the warm antenna. It still is when it hits the detector. It no longer is black body radiation once it's internal to the detector and an when output voltage is read.

The conclusion is that cold radiation hits a warmer object (antenna). One counter example destroys your hypothesis.

Your conclusion, as always is flawed because you interpret the facts to mean what you need them to mean to agree with you conclusion....circular thinking much?

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