GREAT AGAIN: Jobless Claims Drop To 45 Year Low...

Dow closing down over 1,000 points.

It is funny with these guys. Under Obama the jobs numbers were fake, under Trump they are true and he is a hero. Do they realize how silly they sound?
he is a hero
GO Trump!!!!
How about addressing my statement about the jobs numbers? Is Obama a hero too for getting the train rolling and posting similar stats as Trump has done?
Obama is the first president who said "to be middle class you need a college education", then when those college kids racked up 6 figures of debt , they were qualified to be baristas at Starbucks. Yes Obama's number for the U-3 looked great, but his U-6 sure did suck... Does that help?
Hey if you want to criticize a president for encouraging kids to go to college then be my guest. The truth is there’s hasn’t been a significant change in the trends that we’ve seen over the past past 7 years in regards to job growth. Even the economic activity hasn’t changed all that much. I believe Obama’s stock market in 2013 grew more than Trumps did last year... I’m not trying to take all credit away from Trump, I’m just trying to have an honest conversation about it, and the reality is there has been no major revolution for employment under trump. We are on the same path as we’ve been on for years.
So after 4 trillion FAUX dollars were created Obama's stock market is better? How many FAUX dollars were created under Trump?

Good on ya President Trump. Keep it up. :thup:

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, dropping to its lowest level in nearly 45 years as the labor market tightened further, bolstering expectations of faster wage growth this year.

The second straight weekly decline in claims reported by the Labor Department on Thursday also pointed to strong job growth momentum, which could further drive the unemployment rate lower.

"The extremely low level of claims is a sign of tightness in the labor market and suggests that February is shaping up to be another solid month for job creation," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics in New York.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits decreased 9,000 to a seasonally adjusted 221,000 for the week ended Feb. 3, the Labor Department said. Claims fell to 216,000 in mid-January, which was the lowest level since January 1973...

U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low

Too great for me. I can't take anymore winning. Stop!, Trump, Stop! I'm switching to being a Democrat.

Good on ya President Trump. Keep it up. :thup:

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, dropping to its lowest level in nearly 45 years as the labor market tightened further, bolstering expectations of faster wage growth this year.

The second straight weekly decline in claims reported by the Labor Department on Thursday also pointed to strong job growth momentum, which could further drive the unemployment rate lower.

"The extremely low level of claims is a sign of tightness in the labor market and suggests that February is shaping up to be another solid month for job creation," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics in New York.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits decreased 9,000 to a seasonally adjusted 221,000 for the week ended Feb. 3, the Labor Department said. Claims fell to 216,000 in mid-January, which was the lowest level since January 1973...

U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low

Is that why the Dow is down over 600 points?
Down a 1000

No other President has seen a 1000 point drop in one day

Fat Donnie has done it twice
Economy in danger of overheating, president Trump is that good :eusa_clap:
MARKET NEWS: Dow drops 750 points as stocks whipsaw | Check indexes
The ultimate test for Trump fans when he tells them not to believe their lying 401ks and the stock market is actually rising.

who are you going to believe Donald or your lying 401 K

What part of economy in danger of overheating is beyond your comprehension? :itsok:
when we hit about 190,000 claims,,,it will be deemed racist
It is funny with these guys. Under Obama the jobs numbers were fake, under Trump they are true and he is a hero. Do they realize how silly they sound?
he is a hero
GO Trump!!!!
How about addressing my statement about the jobs numbers? Is Obama a hero too for getting the train rolling and posting similar stats as Trump has done?
Obama is the first president who said "to be middle class you need a college education", then when those college kids racked up 6 figures of debt , they were qualified to be baristas at Starbucks. Yes Obama's number for the U-3 looked great, but his U-6 sure did suck... Does that help?
Hey if you want to criticize a president for encouraging kids to go to college then be my guest. The truth is there’s hasn’t been a significant change in the trends that we’ve seen over the past past 7 years in regards to job growth. Even the economic activity hasn’t changed all that much. I believe Obama’s stock market in 2013 grew more than Trumps did last year... I’m not trying to take all credit away from Trump, I’m just trying to have an honest conversation about it, and the reality is there has been no major revolution for employment under trump. We are on the same path as we’ve been on for years.
So after 4 trillion FAUX dollars were created Obama's stock market is better? How many FAUX dollars were created under Trump?
Now you are talking about faux dollars?! Ok buddy. I’m not gonna bounce around addressing your diversions. If you want to talk about faux then address my points about unemployment first
he is a hero
GO Trump!!!!
How about addressing my statement about the jobs numbers? Is Obama a hero too for getting the train rolling and posting similar stats as Trump has done?
Obama is the first president who said "to be middle class you need a college education", then when those college kids racked up 6 figures of debt , they were qualified to be baristas at Starbucks. Yes Obama's number for the U-3 looked great, but his U-6 sure did suck... Does that help?
Hey if you want to criticize a president for encouraging kids to go to college then be my guest. The truth is there’s hasn’t been a significant change in the trends that we’ve seen over the past past 7 years in regards to job growth. Even the economic activity hasn’t changed all that much. I believe Obama’s stock market in 2013 grew more than Trumps did last year... I’m not trying to take all credit away from Trump, I’m just trying to have an honest conversation about it, and the reality is there has been no major revolution for employment under trump. We are on the same path as we’ve been on for years.
So after 4 trillion FAUX dollars were created Obama's stock market is better? How many FAUX dollars were created under Trump?
Now you are talking about faux dollars?! Ok buddy. I’m not gonna bounce around addressing your diversions. If you want to talk about faux then address my points about unemployment first
Go back a few posts and you will see what i thought about Obama's U-3 and U-6, sorry but i post only once if you are lucky to have me respond to you. If you don't, then fuck off, because i am now talking about the 4.5 trillion dollars that Obama used to make his economy look good. Without it, inflation would of been through the roof and HIS stock market wouldn't of gone anywhere, because the Companies couldn't use zero percent money to buy back their stocks. Fucking tards, and the poor go hand in hand. They stay victims of liberalism and vote for the very people who keep them victims...
Since President Trump is fond of touting his stock market record, here’s what the S&P 500 has done since inauguration for him vs. during same period in Barack Obama’s presidency.

Since President Trump is fond of touting his stock market record, here’s what the S&P 500 has done since inauguration for him vs. during same period in Barack Obama’s presidency.

Don't like using the DOW because of the 9,000 point upswing with the 1,000 point drop huh? Still fishing for bad news? Obama had 4.5 trillion dollars of FAUX money created so companies could borrow it at zero percent. How much FAUX money is President Trump creating? Zero, that money is coming back from overseas......bwaaahahhaaahhhhaaaa. the lunacy of the left keeps on showing..

Good on ya President Trump. Keep it up. :thup:

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, dropping to its lowest level in nearly 45 years as the labor market tightened further, bolstering expectations of faster wage growth this year.

The second straight weekly decline in claims reported by the Labor Department on Thursday also pointed to strong job growth momentum, which could further drive the unemployment rate lower.

"The extremely low level of claims is a sign of tightness in the labor market and suggests that February is shaping up to be another solid month for job creation," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics in New York.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits decreased 9,000 to a seasonally adjusted 221,000 for the week ended Feb. 3, the Labor Department said. Claims fell to 216,000 in mid-January, which was the lowest level since January 1973...

U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low

Too great for me. I can't take anymore winning. Stop!, Trump, Stop! I'm switching to being a Democrat.


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