Great news, NJ! Christie Vetoed Obamacare Exchange


Freedom First!
Nov 2, 2008
Our calls, tweets, emails, FB postings worked. He vetoed the horrific Obamacare Exchange that would have wiped out existing Healthcare insurances for Obamas' welfare insurance for all. :eek:(
Fellow Patriot,

All of your calls, emails, tweets, and Facebook messages to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a difference!

Gov. Christie just announced that he has vetoed the bill that would have created an ObamaCare health insurance exchange in the state. And for that he deserves our thanks.

Please call, email, tweet, and Facebook Gov. Christie to thank him for taking this action to protect the residents of New Jersey from this provision of ObamaCare that would replace the state's insurance market with crony collusion between bureaucrats and insurance companies, and add a load of new taxes on to Garden State taxpayers, as well.

We should thank Gov. Christie for this veto, but we should also be mindful that he has indicated that if the Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare, he would move forward on implementing a ObamaCare exchange.

Remind Gov. Christie that he is under no obligation to create an exchange and implement that part of ObamaCare. According to CATO's Director of Health Policy Studies Michael Cannon:

Obamacare does not and cannot mandate that states create exchanges. Moreover, state-run exchanges do not preserve local control. They will do Washington's bidding, or else they will be commandeered or swept aside.

Remind him that not creating an exchange doesn't put his state out of compliance with the law.

Like there was ever a chance that fatso would do something as positive as this for NJ?

Get real.
Obamacare does not and cannot mandate that states create exchanges.

Don't worry, it doesn't mandate that at all. States that don't choose to design and run their own exchanges will get a federal one operated for them by HHS, free of charge.
Obamacare does not and cannot mandate that states create exchanges.

Don't worry, it doesn't mandate that at all. States that don't choose to design and run their own exchanges will get a federal one operated for them by HHS, free of charge.
Great! Then why don't all states refuse to operate one? That way they'd all be free!

Wouldn't cost nobody nuthin'!
1993 - GOP Health Plan (their answer to HilaryCare) includes a Mandate.
2006 - RomneyCare includes a Mandate.
2008 - GOP Candidates McCain & Romney support a Mandate, Candidate Obama does not.
2010 - Pres. Obama's Health Plan, as a concession to Republicans, includes a Mandate.
2011 - Suddenly a Mandate is Socialism and UnConstitutional.
2012 - Right Rank & File are totally clueless that their votes have been supporting a Mandate
for 20 years.
in a way, I would want a Romney/Chrisite ticket just to see Chrisite debate Biden, that would be 5 times as funny as SNL.
Obamacare does not and cannot mandate that states create exchanges.

Don't worry, it doesn't mandate that at all. States that don't choose to design and run their own exchanges will get a federal one operated for them by HHS, free of charge.
Great! Then why don't all states refuse to operate one? That way they'd all be free!

Wouldn't cost nobody nuthin'!

Wouldn't cost nobody nuthin'?

Hmph, yeah right.

Great! Then why don't all states refuse to operate one? That way they'd all be free!

A single federal exchange probably would have lower administrative costs than the 51 state-run exchanges envisioned by the ACA. And it would look a lot more like the unsuccessful legislation passed by the House in 2009.

Maybe that is the way to go. Letting states retain control was a nice idea on paper but perhaps in practice it simply isn't wise. Still, it's probably best to at least first give the states the option to run their own marketplaces and have them indicate they'd rather have the feds do it, as Christie has done.

the SCOTUS will make the right decision and
throw out the faux legacy of Papa Obama
1993 - GOP Health Plan (their answer to HilaryCare) includes a Mandate.
2006 - RomneyCare includes a Mandate.
2008 - GOP Candidates McCain & Romney support a Mandate, Candidate Obama does not.
2010 - Pres. Obama's Health Plan, as a concession to Republicans, includes a Mandate.
2011 - Suddenly a Mandate is Socialism and UnConstitutional.
2012 - Right Rank & File are totally clueless that their votes have been supporting a Mandate
for 20 years.

Now, now, the stay AT HOME 'patriots' are celebrating the disgusting tub of lard from NJ getting off his triple wide chair & rejecting needed benefits for the citizens of NJ.
So Papa Obama wasn't smart enough
to come up with a better plan
so he adopted a crappy Republican one

Tough sell but the Left should run with it
Chrisitie VS Obama or Biden in a debate would be the equivalent of a "James Bond VS Joyce Blowfart" debate on the economy.
Good news

Papa Obama has evolved again

He has now found a use for the thumb

Last edited:
another update,,,,Papa Sambo has declared that he is no longer 1/2 black, he is now officially 1/2 Man 1/2 Pitbull and 1/2 Gay Penguin. the next Obama Evolution.
The dumpster of lard known as Chris Christie gets too close to a rendering plant.
Great news, NJ! Christie Vetoed Obamacare Exchange

June 3, 2012

Romney’s Likely Chief Of Staff;

"The man who has been selected to head up Mitt Romney’s potential transition to president is reaping a profit from a law that Romney has pledged to repeal.

Former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt (R) has been offering his consulting services to companies and states implementing health care exchanges, which are a key component in the Affordable Care Act. Romney, on the other hand, has pledged to repeal Obamacare on day one."


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