Great TV coming Republican convention 1000's of laughs


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
can't wait to see the circular firing squad ,,Last man standing lol
I can't wait to see the snooze fest from the Geritol crowd on the left
I'd think that would fit perfectly with the GOP demographic since the GOP electorate is getting older and whiter with each passing day. Estimates are that 2.5 million Romney voters won't be alive to vote in 2016. The GOP is literally a dying party.
I can't wait to see the snooze fest from the Geritol crowd on the left
I'd think that would fit perfectly with the GOP demographic since the GOP electorate is getting older and whiter with each passing day. Estimates are that 2.5 million Romney voters won't be alive to vote in 2016. The GOP is literally a dying party.

I turned 31 today....
I can't wait to see the snooze fest from the Geritol crowd on the left
I'd think that would fit perfectly with the GOP demographic since the GOP electorate is getting older and whiter with each passing day. Estimates are that 2.5 million Romney voters won't be alive to vote in 2016. The GOP is literally a dying party.

And every year there is a new graduating class out of college who enter the real world
and as they grow older and hopefully wiser they face reality.
Some will see that the Democrat party is not for them.

If you look at the crowds that show up at Trump events there are a lot of young people there....
Please Conservatives, have a heart. Allow the Liberals to have their short time in the dark shadows of Obama. Allow them to have their little snickers at the Republican Convention. They will be crying loud enough after the election.
I can't wait to see the snooze fest from the Geritol crowd on the left
I'd think that would fit perfectly with the GOP demographic since the GOP electorate is getting older and whiter with each passing day. Estimates are that 2.5 million Romney voters won't be alive to vote in 2016. The GOP is literally a dying party.

Yeah, that's what you think, but you're probably young yourself and don't realize that's what the left has been saying the last 30 years. Guess what? We are still here and even making historical elections such as the last mid-terms.
Too bad dems are stuck with a psychotic abused wife of a serial rapist. A circular firing squad would be preferable.

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