Great video about Ray Epps and the FBI and Jan 6. How has he not been arrested?

You are bored, aren't you. Sorry my friend, my internet time is almost up today. I have a few more minutes

You've got to admit, waiting for you conspiracy theorists to back your claims with evidence is about as exciting as watching grass fuck.

Maybe spice it up a bit by showing us the evidence that Ray Epps was FBI. Or the evidence that Ray Epps was on the FBI's most wanted list?

Or keep running. That certainly entertains me.
I'm not "trying to avoid" Epps. I have no interest in Epps or the January 6 "committee." And very few do other than brainwashed Democrats. The only Epps I care about is Omar. House was great, I'm re-watching it on Netflix now

Then show me the evidence that Ray Epps was FBI.

Show me the evidence that Ray Epps was on the FBI's most wanted list.

Or keep trying to avoid these idiot conspiracy theories that even the OP can't back up factually.
You've got to admit, waiting for you conspiracy theorists to back your claims with evidence is about as exciting as watching grass fuck.

Maybe spice it up a bit by showing us the evidence that Ray Epps was FBI. Or the evidence that Ray Epps was on the FBI's most wanted list?

Or keep running. That certainly entertains me.

That I don't know who Ray Epps is or give a shit is a "conspiracy theory?"

You lost me. Explain how that makes sense
So what's the evidence that Ray Epps was FBI again?

You now if you guys ever want to branch out from your little right wing echo chambers and convince rational people of your're gonna need to be able to answer these questions.
He's not being held with the other political peisoners, is he?
That I don't know who Ray Epps is or give a shit is a "conspiracy theory?"

You lost me. Explain how that makes sense in a thread that is about Ray Epps, you don't want to talk about Ray Epps, nor have the slightest clue who he is.

Then by your admission, you're not sufficiently informed to discuss the topic of Ray Epps intelligently.

That was easy. in a thread that is about Ray Epps, you don't want to talk about Ray Epps, nor have the slightest clue who he is.

Then by your admission, you're not sufficiently informed to discuss the topic of Ray Epps intelligently.

That was easy.

I already answered this question, and I gave you the power to tell me to go away for that reason. This is covered ground, not sure why we're back here.

I am indirectly talking about the thread topic by saying the January 6 committee is a partisan sham and no one cares outside the DNC. But I agree that's not directly discussing it, so tell me to go and you can just jerk off with other Democrats
I already answered this question, and I gave you the power to tell me to go away for that reason. This is covered ground, not sure why we're back here.

I am indirectly talking about the thread topic by saying the January 6 committee is a partisan sham and no one cares outside the DNC. But I agree that's not directly discussing it, so tell me to go and you can just jerk off with other Democrats
When you've informed yourself on Ray Epps and can comment on the conspiracies surrounding him intelligently (you know, the topic of the thread) join us.

Until then, run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
When you've informed yourself on Ray Epps and can comment on the conspiracies surrounding him intelligently (you know, the topic of the thread) join us.

Until then, run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.

OK, Dad, I'm off
Why would he be arrested?

And that's it? The lack of arrest proves he's FBI?

If that's your standard, that begs the question: Are you out on bail, or are you FBI?
He only incited the Antifa lead break in AND was outed as a Fed
And the evidence that Ray Epps was on the FBI most wanted list?

Keep running.
“Epps was on the front line between rioters and Capitol Police on January 6. Two days later, on January 8, the FBI placed Ray Epps on the Most Wanted list. He remained there until July 1st, which was a day after the New York Times reported that Epps had encouraged Trump supporters to breach the Capitol.”

Cult, what if Ray Epps was Donald Trump Jr doing the exact same thing…caught on video. Yelling to storm the Capitol.


Yes, you would. You POS frauds.
Biden Democrats.

If the FBI is corrupt and orchestrated the Capitol riot for political purposes, why dont you want to know about it?
The cult wants everyone who was in DC on J6 ot go to prison, except for the guy on video MULTIPLE TIMES urging people to breach the Capitol.


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