Greatest Economy Ever at 1.9% GDP

I really don’t have a guy. I can’t support failed policy like you do.
Doesn’t matter. Your entire lineup are just clones that make McGovern look popular.
Failed policy and corruption are strong fuel for change.
Yeah, things are so bad in America everyone has a job.
Unemployment is all he has. Market is stagnant. Sure can’t make money on interest. Retired people can’t be too happy. And given our economic indicators such as a slow 1.9% growth, i doubt he’ll have unemployment come
Election Day.

Market is stagnant.

And yet, the market has performed better since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

1/20/2009 ...... 7949.09
1/20/2017 ... 19,827.25
TODAY ......... 26,978.35

1/20/2009 ...... 1,520.76
1/20/2017 ...... 5,556.87
TODAY ............ 8,272.09


1/20/2009 ......... 849.64
1/20/2017 ...... 2,269.96
TODAY ............ 3,028.79

  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%
  • DJIA: UP 36%
  • NASDAQ: UP 49%
  • S&P500: UP 33%
Trump has at least doubled the last Obama deficit. Repubs can’t pretend to be responsible...

What is your definition of a deficit?

And far short of what’s needed to pay for the tax cuts. Remember the growth that was promised? You like huge deficits?

We'd have been there too had the Fed not chocked off the economy with their spikes in interest rates.

So you need the Fed to drop the rate to Obama levels to keep up with Obama's economy, huh?
Doesn’t matter. Your entire lineup are just clones that make McGovern look popular.
Failed policy and corruption are strong fuel for change.
Yeah, things are so bad in America everyone has a job.
Unemployment is all he has. Market is stagnant. Sure can’t make money on interest. Retired people can’t be too happy. And given our economic indicators such as a slow 1.9% growth, i doubt he’ll have unemployment come
Election Day.

Market is stagnant.

And yet, the market has performed better since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

1/20/2009 ...... 7949.09
1/20/2017 ... 19,827.25
TODAY ......... 26,978.35

1/20/2009 ...... 1,520.76
1/20/2017 ...... 5,556.87
TODAY ............ 8,272.09


1/20/2009 ......... 849.64
1/20/2017 ...... 2,269.96
TODAY ............ 3,028.79

  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%
  • DJIA: UP 36%
  • NASDAQ: UP 49%
  • S&P500: UP 33%

since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

You need to look at Obama from 1/20/2009 - 11/07/2016
You need to look at Trump from 11/08/2016 - 10/30/2019
Failed policy and corruption are strong fuel for change.
Yeah, things are so bad in America everyone has a job.
Unemployment is all he has. Market is stagnant. Sure can’t make money on interest. Retired people can’t be too happy. And given our economic indicators such as a slow 1.9% growth, i doubt he’ll have unemployment come
Election Day.

Market is stagnant.

And yet, the market has performed better since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

1/20/2009 ...... 7949.09
1/20/2017 ... 19,827.25
TODAY ......... 26,978.35

1/20/2009 ...... 1,520.76
1/20/2017 ...... 5,556.87
TODAY ............ 8,272.09


1/20/2009 ......... 849.64
1/20/2017 ...... 2,269.96
TODAY ............ 3,028.79

  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%
  • DJIA: UP 36%
  • NASDAQ: UP 49%
  • S&P500: UP 33%

since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

You need to look at Obama from 1/20/2009 - 11/07/2016
You need to look at Trump from 11/08/2016 - 10/30/2019

No, I don't need to look at how Bush's Great Recession dragged down Onama's numbers just to make Trump look better.
Yeah, the Internet Bubble was cool!
Repubs are so filled with excuses. What a sad bunch.

There is no excuse for the Internet Bubble.
Awe you can’t accept Clinton had a much better economy than Reagan. How cute.

Much better? Show me.
Stronger growth and a balanced budget. Reagan tripled the debt...
And don't forget this nugget!
President Clinton added 18.6 million jobs. He was the top job creator in terms of total numbers.
Yeah, things are so bad in America everyone has a job.
Unemployment is all he has. Market is stagnant. Sure can’t make money on interest. Retired people can’t be too happy. And given our economic indicators such as a slow 1.9% growth, i doubt he’ll have unemployment come
Election Day.

Market is stagnant.

And yet, the market has performed better since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

1/20/2009 ...... 7949.09
1/20/2017 ... 19,827.25
TODAY ......... 26,978.35

1/20/2009 ...... 1,520.76
1/20/2017 ...... 5,556.87
TODAY ............ 8,272.09


1/20/2009 ......... 849.64
1/20/2017 ...... 2,269.96
TODAY ............ 3,028.79

  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%
  • DJIA: UP 36%
  • NASDAQ: UP 49%
  • S&P500: UP 33%

since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

You need to look at Obama from 1/20/2009 - 11/07/2016
You need to look at Trump from 11/08/2016 - 10/30/2019

No, I don't need to look at how Bush's Great Recession dragged down Onama's numbers just to make Trump look better.

I understand, because you'd have to admit the market performed better since Trump was elected.

Maybe you didn't, but most did. He took us out of Bush's Great Recession and handed Trump a strong economy. Unemployment dropping from 10% to 4.7%.

Sorry you missed it.

Slowest recovery in history.


You fucking nut.... George Bush was president during most of the period in that red line until jobs started coming back.
And far short of what’s needed to pay for the tax cuts. Remember the growth that was promised? You like huge deficits?

We'd have been there too had the Fed not chocked off the economy with their spikes in interest rates.

The economy is going to remain choked off even with the cuts. Far, far too many believe that Wall Street is the economy. It is not. No one was begging for rate cuts other than wall street.
Trump is now trying to buy his way out of impeachment by robbing the Treasury..again.
You mean like giving terrorists billions in hard cash in the middle of the night?
Assuming you`re speaking of Iran, it was their own money. No one has ever sounded smart by repeating things uttered by the liar in chief.
Trump is now trying to buy his way out of impeachment by robbing the Treasury..again.
You mean like giving terrorists billions in hard cash in the middle of the night?
Assuming you`re speaking of Iran, it was their own money. No one has ever sounded smart by repeating things uttered by the liar in chief.
No, it wasn’t. Giving money to terrorists when they already owed billions to Americans is simply criminal.

But expected of the Muslim.

So should Trump return all confiscated money to criminals?
All this talk about deficits.

All the lies about Obama and deficits.

When Obama took office the deficit was 1.4 trillion dollars. The bush boy did what his dad and reagan before him did, exploded the deficit and debt.

Obama took the bush boy's 1.4 trillion dollar deficit and slashed it down to 400 and something billion. A decrease of nearly 1 trillion dollars.

By the time trump took over that deficit was down to a manageable number.

Clinton eliminated the reagan/bush deficit and left billions in surplus.

People need to stop saying democrats explode the deficit. Democrats don't do that. They decrease it or eliminate it.

Yes Obama had to spend a lot at first because the bush boy and republicans deregulated and cut taxes too much which crashed the economy. He left the worse economic conditions since the last republican Great Depression.

However by the time Obama was finished as president in 2017, that deficit was slashed by nearly a trillion dollars.

There is no comparison with democratic and republican economics. Republicans spend like there's no tomorrow, cut taxes and don't expect to pay any of it back.

Democrats cut spending and raise taxes. By the time they are finished as president the deficit is either gone or slashed to a fraction of what republicans exploded it to. have your own fantasy memory of the economy. Here, let me help!


Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

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