Greatest Economy Ever at 1.9% GDP

And far short of what’s needed to pay for the tax cuts. Remember the growth that was promised? You like huge deficits?

We'd have been there too had the Fed not chocked off the economy with their spikes in interest rates.
The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term. You live in fantasy land.

No it's not. Stop lying
Does being a righty require denying all facts? It’s so sad.

Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed

The rates were just lowered...think hard you lying left tard

Good fcking grief
Try looking at the facts moron.
Not even if you want to give credit to Trump for gains made under Obama

Why would Obama deserve credit for the nearly 6% gain in the S&P between Trump's election and his inauguration? Was lame duck Obama, with a Republican House and Senate doing something good for the market or the economy?

your idiotic claim that the market did better under Trump than Obama still remains bullshit.

You still can't do the math, can you?

Even with your skewed dates, Obama still did roughly 3 times better than Trump.


What was Obama's annual return? Use 7.8 years.

What was Trump's annual return? Use 3 years.
"Why would Obama deserve credit for the nearly 6% gain in the S&P between Trump's election and his inauguration?"

Because Obama was still president and the economy was still driving under his policies. Whereas Trump had not passed a single one of his policies. Even worse for your ridiculous nonsense, there isn't a poster on this forum who knows you'd be blaming Obama, and not Trump, had the market gone down during that period.

"Hilarious! What was Obama's annual return? Use 7.8 years. What was Trump's annual return? Use 3 years."

What's hilarious is your utter desperation to keep shifting the parameters, hoping to find some algorithm to get Trump ahead of Obama.

But guess what? You fail yet again. :lmao:

Even using you're skewed date range and even using your math, Obama still comes out ahead....

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
  • DJIA: UP 16%
  • NASDAQ: UP 20%
  • S&P500: UP 14%

Time for you to think up something new. This one's failed you 3 times now.

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
Are you serious? LOL!

Show your work.
I already did, dumbfuck. I posted the market amounts for the dates you wanted in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0, just as your desperation begged.

It's not my problem you're a desperate liar who doesn't like the results.
I posted the market amounts in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0,

You divided. Because you're a moron.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR
"Why would Obama deserve credit for the nearly 6% gain in the S&P between Trump's election and his inauguration?"

Because Obama was still president and the economy was still driving under his policies. Whereas Trump had not passed a single one of his policies. Even worse for your ridiculous nonsense, there isn't a poster on this forum who knows you'd be blaming Obama, and not Trump, had the market gone down during that period.

"Hilarious! What was Obama's annual return? Use 7.8 years. What was Trump's annual return? Use 3 years."

What's hilarious is your utter desperation to keep shifting the parameters, hoping to find some algorithm to get Trump ahead of Obama.

But guess what? You fail yet again. :lmao:

Even using you're skewed date range and even using your math, Obama still comes out ahead....

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
  • DJIA: UP 16%
  • NASDAQ: UP 20%
  • S&P500: UP 14%

Time for you to think up something new. This one's failed you 3 times now.

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
Are you serious? LOL!

Show your work.
I already did, dumbfuck. I posted the market amounts for the dates you wanted in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0, just as your desperation begged.

It's not my problem you're a desperate liar who doesn't like the results.
I posted the market amounts in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0,

You divided. Because you're a moron.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR
You figure out there is fed rate data available from before Obama yet?
We'd have been there too had the Fed not chocked off the economy with their spikes in interest rates.
The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term. You live in fantasy land.

The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term.

View attachment 287341

Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You said the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
Are you serious? LOL!

Show your work.
I already did, dumbfuck. I posted the market amounts for the dates you wanted in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0, just as your desperation begged.

It's not my problem you're a desperate liar who doesn't like the results.
I posted the market amounts in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0,

You divided. Because you're a moron.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR
You figure out there is fed rate data available from before Obama yet?

GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter
The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.
Did you complain about Obama's .8 % growth?
Probably not (although it was quite a bit higher, as you know). But then, I was just thankful that we were getting out of the historic fucking mess he inherited.

And of course, he wasn't running around making stupid promises like 5% and 6% growth. Because he's not a buffoon like Trump.
Dufus thinks Obama is an economic genius.
And another lie.

You guys just make it up as you go, because your cult trains you to.

I wonder if you even realize it.
Now you deny claiming Obama is smarter than Trump with the economy.
Well, I'd certainly trust Obama to make decisions more than Trump, but I didn't say that.

The two Presidents faced drastically different situations. I don't compare the two because of that.

This is just another extrapolated fantasy you made up. You're in your own little world.
The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term. You live in fantasy land.

The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term.

View attachment 287341

Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now. The rate is very low historically and has been his whole term. That’s a fact.
Damn, you rightards are fucking desperate. Aside from the fact that Bush did nothing to prevent 9.11, It hurt our economy far less than Bush's Great Recession. Yet you bitch about including 9.11 but not Bush's Great Recession.

You really are desperate!

As you know, it was former President Bill Clinton who was the cause we never knew what was coming. President Bill Clinton "erected" a wall of silence between all 17 of our intelligence agencies. The theory was good, it was to prevent leaks of intelligence due to so many agencies having the information. The problem created was that what one agency learned, was not communicated to the agency that needed the information. There was no way to connect the dots, all the dots were in different agencies.
I already did, dumbfuck. I posted the market amounts for the dates you wanted in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0, just as your desperation begged.

It's not my problem you're a desperate liar who doesn't like the results.
I posted the market amounts in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0,

You divided. Because you're a moron.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR
You figure out there is fed rate data available from before Obama yet?

View attachment 287349
Thanks. Most of the chart is clearly higher than now. Often much higher.
The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term.

View attachment 287341

Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now. The rate is very low historically and has been his whole term. That’s a fact.

That's some fancy footwork trying to recover from your gaffe
The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term.

View attachment 287341

Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now. The rate is very low historically and has been his whole term. That’s a fact.

From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now.


The rate is very low historically

And the actual lowest rate was during Obama's first 7 years. Not during Trump's term.
Sorry, my bad,

It still didn't. Not even if you want to give credit to Trump for gains made under Obama.

01/20/2009 ...... 7949.09
11/07/2016 ... 18,259.60
10/30/2019 ... 27,186.69

01/20/2009 ...... 1,520.76
11/07/2016 ...... 5,166.17
10/30/2019 ...... 8,303.98


01/20/2009 ......... 849.64
11/07/2016 ...... 2,131.52
10/30/2019 ...... 3,046.77

  • DJIA: UP 130%
  • NASDAQ: UP 240%
  • S&P500: UP 151%
  • DJIA: UP 49%
  • NASDAQ: UP 61%
  • S&P500: UP 43%
So in your moment of desperation, trying to shift numbers in favor of Trump, your idiotic claim that the market did better under Trump than Obama still remains bullshit. :lmao:

Even with your skewed dates, Obama still did roughly 3 times better than Trump.

Not even if you want to give credit to Trump for gains made under Obama

Why would Obama deserve credit for the nearly 6% gain in the S&P between Trump's election and his inauguration? Was lame duck Obama, with a Republican House and Senate doing something good for the market or the economy?

your idiotic claim that the market did better under Trump than Obama still remains bullshit.

You still can't do the math, can you?

Even with your skewed dates, Obama still did roughly 3 times better than Trump.


What was Obama's annual return? Use 7.8 years.

What was Trump's annual return? Use 3 years.
"Why would Obama deserve credit for the nearly 6% gain in the S&P between Trump's election and his inauguration?"

Because Obama was still president and the economy was still driving under his policies. Whereas Trump had not passed a single one of his policies. Even worse for your ridiculous nonsense, there isn't a poster on this forum who knows you'd be blaming Obama, and not Trump, had the market gone down during that period.

"Hilarious! What was Obama's annual return? Use 7.8 years. What was Trump's annual return? Use 3 years."

What's hilarious is your utter desperation to keep shifting the parameters, hoping to find some algorithm to get Trump ahead of Obama.

But guess what? You fail yet again. :lmao:

Even using you're skewed date range and even using your math, Obama still comes out ahead....

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
  • DJIA: UP 16%
  • NASDAQ: UP 20%
  • S&P500: UP 14%

Time for you to think up something new. This one's failed you 3 times now.

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
Are you serious? LOL!

Show your work.
I already did, dumbfuck. I posted the market amounts for the dates you wanted in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0, just as your desperation begged.

It's not my problem you're a desperate liar who doesn't like the results.


Even with your skewed dates, Obama still did roughly 3 times better than Trump.

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
  • DJIA: UP 16%
  • NASDAQ: UP 20%
  • S&P500: UP 14%
17% isn't 3 times better than 16%, 31% isn't 3 times better than 20% and 19% isn't 3 times better than 14%.

If Obama really saw a 17% annual increase in the Dow, over 7.8 years,
the Dow would have gone from 7949 to 27049.
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever retared. :cuckoo:

I never said 17% is 3 times better than 16%, 31% is 3 times better than 20% and 19% is 3 times better than 14%.

When I said Obama did roughly 3 times better than Trump, I used the following figures...

  • DJIA: UP 130%
  • NASDAQ: UP 240%
  • S&P500: UP 151%
  • DJIA: UP 49%
  • NASDAQ: UP 61%
  • S&P500: UP 43%
Leading you to cry like a bitch that I should use annual growth rates because Obama was president longer. That led to these figures...

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
  • DJIA: UP 16%
  • NASDAQ: UP 20%
  • S&P500: UP 14%
Which I never said was 3 times greater for Obama. What I did say was even with your skewed dates the annual averages still favor Obama.

And I'm still waiting for you to show your math for how you would average 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trumps without using division...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now. The rate is very low historically and has been his whole term. That’s a fact.

That's some fancy footwork trying to recover from your gaffe
No gaffe. The rate is historically very low right now. If we go to recession we are doomed.
I posted the market amounts in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0,

You divided. Because you're a moron.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR
You figure out there is fed rate data available from before Obama yet?

View attachment 287349
Thanks. Most of the chart is clearly higher than now. Often much higher.

And during Obama's terms, much lower.
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now. The rate is very low historically and has been his whole term. That’s a fact.

From 1971-2001 the rate was higher than now.


The rate is very low historically

And the actual lowest rate was during Obama's first 7 years. Not during Trump's term.
Yes during a recession. And trump with a very low rate, huge tax cuts, regulation cuts, trillion dollar deficit, manages a 1.9%. Pathetic.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR
You figure out there is fed rate data available from before Obama yet?

View attachment 287349
Thanks. Most of the chart is clearly higher than now. Often much higher.

And during Obama's terms, much lower.
Yes, the Great Recession. Obama’s time wasn’t booming either,
"Why would Obama deserve credit for the nearly 6% gain in the S&P between Trump's election and his inauguration?"

Because Obama was still president and the economy was still driving under his policies. Whereas Trump had not passed a single one of his policies. Even worse for your ridiculous nonsense, there isn't a poster on this forum who knows you'd be blaming Obama, and not Trump, had the market gone down during that period.

"Hilarious! What was Obama's annual return? Use 7.8 years. What was Trump's annual return? Use 3 years."

What's hilarious is your utter desperation to keep shifting the parameters, hoping to find some algorithm to get Trump ahead of Obama.

But guess what? You fail yet again. :lmao:

Even using you're skewed date range and even using your math, Obama still comes out ahead....

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
  • DJIA: UP 16%
  • NASDAQ: UP 20%
  • S&P500: UP 14%

Time for you to think up something new. This one's failed you 3 times now.

  • DJIA: UP 17%
  • NASDAQ: UP 31%
  • S&P500: UP 19%
Are you serious? LOL!

Show your work.
I already did, dumbfuck. I posted the market amounts for the dates you wanted in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0, just as your desperation begged.

It's not my problem you're a desperate liar who doesn't like the results.
I posted the market amounts in post #329 along with the percentage of growth. Then in post #338, I divided the results for Obama by 7.8 and Trumps by 3.0,

You divided. Because you're a moron.

so when I showed the results of 7.8 years of Obama's growth and 3.0 years of Trump's growth, what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

what operation other than division would you use to calculate average annual growth...?

The correct one......DURR

Yeah, it looks like this ....

240% ÷ 7.3 = 31%
61% ÷ 3 = 20%
And far short of what’s needed to pay for the tax cuts. Remember the growth that was promised? You like huge deficits?

We'd have been there too had the Fed not chocked off the economy with their spikes in interest rates.

The economy is going to remain choked off even with the cuts. Far, far too many believe that Wall Street is the economy. It is not. No one was begging for rate cuts other than wall street.
Yeah, with this economy everyone will embrace communism.
Run with that, Sparky.

The banks are begging to steal our money (negative rates) maybe capitalism is nothing more than legal communism.
The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term. You live in fantasy land.

The fed rate is at historical lows and has been for trumps whole term.

View attachment 287341

Wow, lotta history you grabbed there. Are you always such a joke? They lower rates during a recession...
Wow, lotta history you grabbed there.

I grabbed enough to show proof of your lie.

They lower rates during a recession...

Yup. Probably why the rate was 0.25% for 7 years under Obama.
You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there. No shit. Again, they were over 5% for much of Clinton. They are historically very low now. If you realize there is history before Obama. Haha

You grabbed rates starting with a recession and showed they went up from there.

You said the rate is at historical lows during Trump's whole term. You lied.

Or were you just ignorant of the real numbers?
Here's a lie...
And yet, the market has performed better since Trump was elected than it did under Obama.

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