Greatest Economy Ever at 1.9% GDP

GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
It's backpedaling?

They'll be dropping rates again.

Jeez, you guys are clueless.
Yep, it’s seems their hand is forced to lower again. And lowering rates while having to support the repo market with hundreds of billions seems to suggest there are serious underlying problems in the economy and the banking system. Makes you wonder if we are on the doorstep of something like 2008 again.

I don't think so, but ya can't tell. Right now my focus is on sub-prime corporate loans, which have been proliferating.
So what would it be without these new rounds of QE?

I'm no economist but I read that when employment is this low and with the current inflation rate, you want the GDP to be between 2 and 3 percent. .1 percent doesnt seem to be too bad off.
Why is this funny braindead?
What economist ever said we want slow growth?
They said too much growth with the economy the way it is will lead to an asset bubble.

I agree, slow growth can be more beneficial in the long term. Sharp booms can lead to sharp busts. Slow and steady wins the race. Business that follow this philosophy usually survive busts.
Do you like huge debt? Trump gave us tax cuts that were supposed to increase growth. They haven’t. Without strong growth debt will continue to increase rapidly.
It has been less than THREE YEARS into the Trump Presidency. His average GDP growth is just under 3%. Still way above Obama's average 1.6% over EIGHT YEARS. Even though Obama had two Trillion dollar Stimuli and near ZERO interest rates from the FED.

How convenient is selective memory. O'bama inherited a major crash while Rump inherited a recovery from that crash.

That makes Rump basically the pinch-runner sent in to hold second base after the previous batter hit a double, and then says "HEY LOOKA ME I GOT MYSELF INTO SCORING POSITION. What's more, the batter before me tappppppppppppppped my wires, what a loser."
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Obama dealt with the recession by implementing TWO Trillion dollar stimuli used purely as political payback to UNIONS and green energy CRONIIES. Not to infrastructure and what he called "shovel ready jobs". He also had the Fed GIVING him near ZERO interest rates, yet could only average a paltry 1.6% GDP growth over eight years.
Obama dealt with the recession by implementing TWO Trillion dollar stimuli used purely as political payback to UNIONS and green energy CRONIIES. Not to infrastructure and what he called "shovel ready jobs". He also had the Fed GIVING him near ZERO interest rates, yet could only average a paltry 1.6% GDP growth over eight years.
And after inheriting a strong economy, trillion dollar deficits, huge tax cuts, regulation cuts, fed rate cuts.... we are at a paltry 1.9%. Policy failure.
Better than Hillary's economy...….
It has been less than THREE YEARS into the Trump Presidency. His average GDP growth is just under 3%. Still way above Obama's average 1.6% over EIGHT YEARS. Even though Obama had two Trillion dollar Stimuli and near ZERO interest rates from the FED.
How is it you children always forget President Obama took over an economy in free fall? GDP was negative, employment was dropping, banks and big companies bankrupt, markets crashing, and so on, remember?

tRump started with growing GDP, low unemployment, banks and large corporations posting record and near record profits.

And 1.9% is the best he can do? Even with interest rate cuts and markets near record highs.


How is it you children always forget President Obama took over an economy in free fall?

I will never forget Obama's slowest recovery since WWII.
It was the GOP slowing things down.
It has been less than THREE YEARS into the Trump Presidency. His average GDP growth is just under 3%. Still way above Obama's average 1.6% over EIGHT YEARS. Even though Obama had two Trillion dollar Stimuli and near ZERO interest rates from the FED.
Obama was handed a recession. And your guy has given us trillion dollar deficits. Policy is a failure.

Bullshit, Obama created the recession. When Democrats took over the Senate and House, and it became obvious Obama was going to win, business and consumer confidence crashed. Everyone ran for the hills.

More right wing horse shit.
It has been less than THREE YEARS into the Trump Presidency. His average GDP growth is just under 3%. Still way above Obama's average 1.6% over EIGHT YEARS. Even though Obama had two Trillion dollar Stimuli and near ZERO interest rates from the FED.
Obama was handed a recession. And your guy has given us trillion dollar deficits. Policy is a failure.

Bullshit, Obama created the recession. When Democrats took over the Senate and House, and it became obvious Obama was going to win, business and consumer confidence crashed. Everyone ran for the hills.

More right wing horse shit.
Next he will tell us how TARP was all Oblama's plan also...
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

Bogging down the country with non-stop “impeachment” BS had consequences. As does having a Democrat House.
Congress doesn't make the trade wars like the president has and impeachment doesn't slow down production.

The President hasn’t started any “trade wars”.
China has been kicking our ass in their trade war against the US for the last 30+ years. President Trump is merely the first President to take a stand against them. Obviously the globalists that side with China hate him for that, and will stop at nothing to help China.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

Bogging down the country with non-stop “impeachment” BS had consequences. As does having a Democrat House.
Congress doesn't make the trade wars like the president has and impeachment doesn't slow down production.

The President hasn’t started any “trade wars”.
China has been kicking our ass in their trade war against the US for the last 30+ years. President Trump is merely the first President to take a stand against them. Obviously the globalists that side with China hate him for that, and will stop at nothing to help China.
Yeah, Trump never put any tariffs upon any goods he's a free market man....
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

Bogging down the country with non-stop “impeachment” BS had consequences. As does having a Democrat House.
Congress doesn't make the trade wars like the president has and impeachment doesn't slow down production.

The President hasn’t started any “trade wars”.
China has been kicking our ass in their trade war against the US for the last 30+ years. President Trump is merely the first President to take a stand against them. Obviously the globalists that side with China hate him for that, and will stop at nothing to help China.
Yeah, Trump never put any tariffs upon any goods he's a free market man....

In retaliation for tariffs against us.

Funny how you leftwing morons never address the fact that China and the EU have been using tariffs against the US for decades.
I'm no economist but I read that when employment is this low and with the current inflation rate, you want the GDP to be between 2 and 3 percent. .1 percent doesnt seem to be too bad off.
Why is this funny braindead?
What economist ever said we want slow growth?
They said too much growth with the economy the way it is will lead to an asset bubble.

Easy money *always* leads to asset bubbles.

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