Greatest Economy Ever at 1.9% GDP

A simple the US doing better economically when put side to side with the rest of the world?
This is a better indicator

The rest of the world can not enact massive Socialist economic policies. We are not going to be able to forever.
You hate capitalism and it, now run along.
You hate free markets, you want tariffs to manipulate trade.
The end game is not tariffs, it's ridding tariffs on us....think, "Big Picture"
A simple the US doing better economically when put side to side with the rest of the world?
This is a better indicator
Everyone seems to be doing poorly since trump started his trade war...
YOU need to look at the big picture.
Trump didn't get us into the tariff situation....past administrations created the tariff situation. How much money have we given away
to other countries through THEIR tariffs?
Trump is the president who is addressing it.
You understand they are a tax on us right? You want big gov trying to manipulate trade?
I want an even playing field....and yes, I do understand that the other countries are taxing us through their tariffs. You don't have an issue with that?
(see what I did there?)
I’m paying no taxes to other countries. You seem confused. They are taxes on their people. Taxes are good for an economy now?
A simple the US doing better economically when put side to side with the rest of the world?
This is a better indicator

The rest of the world can not enact massive Socialist economic policies. We are not going to be able to forever.
You hate capitalism and it, now run along.
You hate free markets, you want tariffs to manipulate trade.
The end game is not tariffs, it's ridding tariffs on us....think, "Big Picture"
The new nafta did not do that, more managed trade. You trust big gov a lot eh?
A simple the US doing better economically when put side to side with the rest of the world?
This is a better indicator

The rest of the world can not enact massive Socialist economic policies. We are not going to be able to forever.
You hate capitalism and it, now run along.

Right, bail outs, tariffs and socialist economic policies are the cornerstone of capitalism.

Well, it is now it seems.

I hated when Obama did it also.
A simple the US doing better economically when put side to side with the rest of the world?
This is a better indicator

The rest of the world can not enact massive Socialist economic policies. We are not going to be able to forever.
You hate capitalism and it, now run along.
You hate free markets, you want tariffs to manipulate trade.
The end game is not tariffs, it's ridding tariffs on us....think, "Big Picture"
The end game is more government control, you been conned.
Farmers are slamming Trump's $28 billion farm bailout — more than double Obama's 2009 payment to automakers — as a 'Band-Aid'
Farmers are slamming Trump's $28 billion farm bailout — more than double Obama's 2009 payment to automakers — as a 'Band-Aid' | Markets Insider

How many automakers are there compared to the number of farmers? A family farm would get how much to save his farm?

The automakers were slammed by a recession. The farmers were slammed by some fat assed dipshit starting a Trade War.

When family farms go broke & their land is auctioned off to developers, that farm is gone,.

Winning, right Trumpettes.
So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.
Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.
Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
Democrats know that they cannot beat the PResident if the economy is good.

So they talk it down and put out bad statements loaded with buzz words the HFT algos will key on to bring down the markets.

In spite of all this, before Trump, candidate bragged that they could get maybe 2% growth.

Trump has shifted the paradigm up in favor of the American people.
Obama was handed a recession. And your guy has given us trillion dollar deficits. Policy is a failure.
Bullshit, Obama created the recession. When Democrats took over the Senate and House, and it became obvious Obama was going to win, business and consumer confidence crashed. Everyone ran for the hills.
While 'Brain' is a certified moron, Obama did not create the recession of 2008. He did not even take the oath of office until Jan 2009.

Obama saved our financial industry, with all due respect.
What economist ever said we want slow growth?
They said too much growth with the economy the way it is will lead to an asset bubble.
The Krugman's (Keynesianists) think that too much credit extended causes asset bubbles, but so can growth that is too fast in their view.

While I agree about cheap credit, the modern economy has grown past the problems associated with too fast growth.
We are living beyond our means. Cut government workers salaries, pensions and benefits. Including retirees. Cut big ticket unions the same. Study social welfare programs. And cut where it can be. State, local, regional and city. All of them. Demand more competent production from employees. How popular does that make me? The gap between them and the peasants not privileged will get wider and wider and then the votes will get nasty.
Yeah, make it so nobody can buy anything.

Thats a real winner, dude, lol.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
It's backpedaling?

They'll be dropping rates again.

Jeez, you guys are clueless.

The only clueless part of this convo is you not understanding I referenced the rate reductions by the Fed as back peddling. Try to keep up around here, it's your thread, cluelessX4.
Hussein's 2nd year in office was MINUS 2.8 GDP while unemployment hovered around double digits.
Meh, but that was not his fault.

The housing buble crashed and it was amplified int he financial industry by the use of MBS, CDO and CDS's.

Not really his fault, but he did fix it with QE and recapitalized the banks.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
If the economy is the best ever in human history, why should interest rates be cut even more??

How else do you think we're going to feed 20 Million illegal aliens and their anchor babies if we don't grow faster?
Better than Hillary's economy...….
It has been less than THREE YEARS into the Trump Presidency. His average GDP growth is just under 3%. Still way above Obama's average 1.6% over EIGHT YEARS. Even though Obama had two Trillion dollar Stimuli and near ZERO interest rates from the FED.
How is it you children always forget President Obama took over an economy in free fall? GDP was negative, employment was dropping, banks and big companies bankrupt, markets crashing, and so on, remember?

tRump started with growing GDP, low unemployment, banks and large corporations posting record and near record profits.

And 1.9% is the best he can do? Even with interest rate cuts and markets near record highs.


How is it you children always forget President Obama took over an economy in free fall?

I will never forget Obama's slowest recovery since WWII.
It was the GOP slowing things down.

Any specifics?

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