Greatest threat to the USA?

You may choose three, thanks.

  • North Korea (including threat of nukes)

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • The new "progress"ive "lib"eral, including their baggage (ideology)- mostly led by the liberal elite

    Votes: 25 44.6%
  • Russia (including threat of nukes)

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Debt

    Votes: 14 25.0%
  • Trump (for entertainment)

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • China (including threat of nukes)

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Middle East, including terrorism. Spread of Islam included, though that's under option 2 as well.

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Global warming

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Fake breasts and erections. (more entertainment, too many fake breast ladies, IMO).

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • The internet, including user identity, tremendous propaganda & control of info.

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • US Government, including the fuckers we have in congress. Even a 1% approval rating would B 2 much

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • Corporate America

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 17.9%

  • Total voters
Has anyone picked ...'Da Jooos'?


I'm a bit miffed we didn't even make the list.
You may choose three, thanks.

You left out the dangers of the extreme right that is gumming things up right now. That would have not been in the top three but it's still up there.

Other than that, the list is very good.

The influence of the extreme right is limited to the airtime granted it by media in order to forward Leftist ideals. In other words, none.

The Left, on the other hand, is determined to - in the words of their Messiah - "fundamentally change the United States of America" and is supported by the Democratic Party and its minions to that end.

There is no valid comparison of the two.

"There is no valid comparison of the two."

I agree. Besides race, the biggest thing pino trump promised is that he would "drain the swamp". Even the nmost stupid trumpanzee now sees that was a lie but remember the other things he and his minion said/wrote - that they wanted to tear it down, burn it down, end DC. The trumpkins said the same thing. They really want to do spectacular and permanent harm to the US, and especially the US Constitution, and they are succeeding through trump.
trump and his blind, unthinking, supporters are America's single greatest threat.
At this very moment? N.Korea, without a doubt.
Jesus. You guys really stretch when looking for an enemy. How come Iran has fallen out of favour?

Are you braindead? You really think N.Korea isn't an enemy?

Holy shit ... I don't think I've ever seen such a mass of delusion concentrated in one place in all my life ... and I took a required women's studies class in college. Even they were more rational than the people here.
You may choose three, thanks.

The biggest threat appears to be the way the US is heading downwards in the world, due to the US's inability to solve any of its problems.

Partisan politics is causing so many problems, but not for the rich who control that partisan politics, without caring whether it destroys the country or not, as long as they're making their money.
I'm the greatest threat to the US. I can think outside box. Beware of me.
Be Entirely Away From the Box. It's a Roach Motel

"Thinking out of the box" is as misleading as the puzzle it's named after. The line starts inside the box, timidly goes a short distance outside the box, then goes right back in the box. "Hey, Masters, I've come up with a new angle you can use!" The fact that you copy Establishment buzz words is ironic.
Indeed. The answer dear Brutus is not in our stars but in our selves that we are underlings.

Before the Plagiarism Police hype themselves up that's Shakespeare from Julius Caesar.
Get Over the Overlings

The answer is in our All-Stars, who are inferior people in a superior positions. Quit looking up to people who look down on all the rest of us.
You may choose three, thanks.

You left out the dangers of the extreme right that is gumming things up right now. That would have not been in the top three but it's still up there.

Other than that, the list is very good.

The influence of the extreme right is limited to the airtime granted it by media in order to forward Leftist ideals. In other words, none.

The Left, on the other hand, is determined to - in the words of their Messiah - "fundamentally change the United States of America" and is supported by the Democratic Party and its minions to that end.

There is no valid comparison of the two.
I think that ABC cancelling The Last Man Standing proves your point.
Dallas Cowboy fans.
Whoa! Easy buddy...
Okay, Jerry Jones' plastic surgeon.
Wow...imagine that honor. To be that close to a man with that level of greatness? God bless his heart. May he live forever.
He might've died five years ago and nobody would be able to tell the difference. I soooooo wish he had drafted Johnny Football when he wanted to.
His son Stephen Jones is a true God send as he does not share his father's 'wildcatter' intuition. However, no Stephen and we may have been saddled with that reprobate.
The Guillotine Will Make Sure That Where Their Heads Were, There Will Only Be Air

More worship of HeirHeads. You might as well believe that Troy Aikman's son should be their quarterback.
At this very moment? N.Korea, without a doubt.

Overall? Islam. And I'm not talking about "radical" Islam. I'm talking about Islam. The single greatest threat to the Western world is the sick, cancerous ideology we call Islam, and the liberal refusal to recognize the threat it poses, pretending it has "nothing to do with terror". They just stick their fat heads in the sand and pretend it's a religion of peace.
The Yellow Yell, and Hollow Fools Follow

The Chickenhawk Conservatives also refused to recognize all Islam as the enemy.
Whoa! Easy buddy...
Okay, Jerry Jones' plastic surgeon.
Wow...imagine that honor. To be that close to a man with that level of greatness? God bless his heart. May he live forever.
He might've died five years ago and nobody would be able to tell the difference. I soooooo wish he had drafted Johnny Football when he wanted to.
His son Stephen Jones is a true God send as he does not share his father's 'wildcatter' intuition. However, no Stephen and we may have been saddled with that reprobate.
The Guillotine Will Make Sure That Where Their Heads Were, There Will Only Be Air

More worship of HeirHeads. You might as well believe that Troy Aikman's son should be their quarterback. much hate in your heart. God Bless Jerry Jones and America's Team...the Dallas Cowboys

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