Greatest threat to the USA?

You may choose three, thanks.

  • North Korea (including threat of nukes)

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • The new "progress"ive "lib"eral, including their baggage (ideology)- mostly led by the liberal elite

    Votes: 25 44.6%
  • Russia (including threat of nukes)

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Debt

    Votes: 14 25.0%
  • Trump (for entertainment)

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • China (including threat of nukes)

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Middle East, including terrorism. Spread of Islam included, though that's under option 2 as well.

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Global warming

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Fake breasts and erections. (more entertainment, too many fake breast ladies, IMO).

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • The internet, including user identity, tremendous propaganda & control of info.

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • US Government, including the fuckers we have in congress. Even a 1% approval rating would B 2 much

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • Corporate America

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 17.9%

  • Total voters
Indeed. The answer dear Brutus is not in our stars but in our selves that we are underlings.

Before the Plagiarism Police hype themselves up that's Shakespeare from Julius Caesar.


Not recognizing climate change for true threat that it is - By far and away, that's the biggest threat, especially to the working class and poor.

The 1%s like pino trump care only about getting more money and believe they will be able to buy safety for themselves and their spawn.
You may choose three, thanks.

You left out the dangers of the extreme right that is gumming things up right now. That would have not been in the top three but it's still up there.

Other than that, the list is very good.

By gumming up the works you mean stopping Socialism/ Communism?

There is almost no Communism in the US and the Democratic Socialism has nothing in common with true Communism.

Weird that people don't get that.
Without hesitation, and with no close second; the left. Every other "problem" on the list could be eliminated, if we eliminated the leftists.

I don't know about every other problem. But taxes and spending would sure decrease. My property value would double. Our prisons would be empty. We wouldn't need house alarms as much. Insurance would decrease. We could reduce the size our police and fire services.
1) American Bolsheviks, currently calling themselves Democrats;
2) The Mexican Invasion;
3) Lunatic Muslims;
4) Porch Sitters on the Federal Government Plantation;
5) Black Men who don't know how to help raise their own children.

Plenty of overlap among the five.
Last edited:
You may choose three, thanks.

You left out the dangers of the extreme right that is gumming things up right now. That would have not been in the top three but it's still up there.

Other than that, the list is very good.

By gumming up the works you mean stopping Socialism/ Communism?

There is almost no Communism in the US and the Democratic Socialism has nothing in common with true Communism.

Weird that people don't get that.

Right. The last Democrat administration told us to get health insurance or else..... They took over the banking industry, the auto industry, tried to do so with the energy industry, created new groups of government dependents....
Why doesn't Bill Clinton go over the North Korea and renegotiate his deal from the 1990s?
Without hesitation, and with no close second; the left. Every other "problem" on the list could be eliminated, if we eliminated the leftists.

I don't know about every other problem. But taxes and spending would sure decrease. My property value would double. Our prisons would be empty. We wouldn't need house alarms as much. Insurance would decrease. We could reduce the size our police and fire services.
Birds would chirp, people would all be civil to each other, there would be mo more TV commercials.

Not recognizing climate change for true threat that it is - By far and away, that's the biggest threat, especially to the working class and poor.

The liberal media and their brainwashed army of fools who swallow each story as gospel, and public schools.
I can see how Republicans were left off the list. My Top three:

the GOP
Trump's Nazi Alt Right followers

Look at the last 40 years. Republicans have:

Tricked the country into invading Iraq
Let Bin Laden go
Ruined the economy
become the home for White Supremists
Given enormous tax cuts to the rich
Watched jobs move overseas
Convinced Much of America that college is bad for the country
Sabotaged healthcare
Elected a Soviet sympathizer as president

And you think Republicans ruined the economy before? Just wait and see what happens after Trump destroys all of our trade agreements.

Republicans can scream "liar, liar", but if you can't name the lie, then there is no lie.

The Fox, Rush Limbaugh, etcetera etcetera etcetera GOP misinformation/hate service and its dupes...

Even worse are the RWNJ sites that purposely gin up the pino trump base but really, I think its the fact that pino trump was elected and the people he has hired to carry out his anti-America agenda.

Lie, steal, cheat - that has been trump's entire life and it still is.
Lol - let me guess:
You're a sexual deviant and you receive government checks.
Best thing when you have no answer to the reply, just use personal insults. the crazy's love it.
Liberalfilth by a light years. Besides their constant, mass-insanity violence and destruction, they're self-loathing Americans filled with a treasonous obsession to sell this country out to the lowest dregs of the third world. I truly wish there was some way America could bring back England's hang/draw/quarter penalty - now THERE'S a punishment!
You may choose three, thanks.

You left out the dangers of the extreme right that is gumming things up right now. That would have not been in the top three but it's still up there.

Other than that, the list is very good.

The influence of the extreme right is limited to the airtime granted it by media in order to forward Leftist ideals. In other words, none.

The Left, on the other hand, is determined to - in the words of their Messiah - "fundamentally change the United States of America" and is supported by the Democratic Party and its minions to that end.

There is no valid comparison of the two.

"There is no valid comparison of the two."

I agree. Besides race, the biggest thing pino trump promised is that he would "drain the swamp". Even the nmost stupid trumpanzee now sees that was a lie but remember the other things he and his minion said/wrote - that they wanted to tear it down, burn it down, end DC. The trumpkins said the same thing. They really want to do spectacular and permanent harm to the US, and especially the US Constitution, and they are succeeding through trump.

The ludicrousness of your statement has no peer.

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