Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes
I found this hilarious cartoon detailing this issue..

You could take everything the Top 1% has and it still wouldn't pay off our debt ... Keep on pretending you have any answers worth listening to.

It takes 8.4 million dollars to enter the 1% club. That's not average - that's the minimum wealth of the group. In a country of 300 milllion people there are 3 million 1 percenters. 3 million x 8.4 million = 25.2 trillion dollars. They have on average way more than 8.4 million dollars so yeah, you could take everything they own and have way more than you'd need to pay off the debt. Nice talking point though.
You clearly do not know what you are talking about.
One of the things I enjoy the most about rarely visiting this site is avoiding the constant reminder that there are people like you in this country.
You mean people with no trouble pointing out your bullshit? Yeah, that could get uncomfortable.
Hey, you know the difference between "wealth" and "income"?
I found this hilarious cartoon detailing this issue..

You could take everything the Top 1% has and it still wouldn't pay off our debt ... Keep on pretending you have any answers worth listening to.

It takes 8.4 million dollars to enter the 1% club. That's not average - that's the minimum wealth of the group. In a country of 300 milllion people there are 3 million 1 percenters. 3 million x 8.4 million = 25.2 trillion dollars. They have on average way more than 8.4 million dollars so yeah, you could take everything they own and have way more than you'd need to pay off the debt. Nice talking point though.
You clearly do not know what you are talking about.
One of the things I enjoy the most about rarely visiting this site is avoiding the constant reminder that there are people like you in this country.
You mean people with no trouble pointing out your bullshit? Yeah, that could get uncomfortable.
Hey, you know the difference between "wealth" and "income"?
Saying I don't know what I'm talking about is hardly pointing out bullshit. And of course I know the difference between wealth and income. Where did I say anything about income in my statement?
who raise their taxes?

Well, it's very complicated and based on your low IQ, I'm not sure I could dumb down the explanation enough for a moron like you to understand.

could have sworn Clinton cut corporate taxes and Bush certainly did

Wrong on both counts. Idiot.
GAO U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 - Jul. 1 2013
I don't care what party does what.
"Minimize tax liabilities" Billy, just give me lower taxes and it'll trickle down, I promise!

Hike taxes on the rich and corporations, they'll just line up to pay more, I promise.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing, here, read up on some solutions, trust me, lower taxes does not equal benefits for working people, if you're seriously trying to defend trickle down economics, you're delusional and insane.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International
Hobbs said: “We need a global new deal to reverse decades of increasing inequality. As a first step world leaders should formally commit themselves to reducing inequality to the levels seen in 1990.

“From tax havens to weak employment laws, the richest benefit from a global economic system which is rigged in their favour. It is time our leaders reformed the system so that it works in the interests of the whole of humanity rather than a global elite.”

Closing tax havens – which hold as much as $32 trillion or a third of all global wealth – could yield an additional $189bn in additional tax revenues. In addition to a tax haven crackdown, elements of a global new deal could include:

  • a reversal of the trend towards more regressive forms of taxation;
  • a global minimum corporation tax rate;
  • measures to boost wages compared with returns available to capital;

The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing

My comments were about taxes on rich people, not corporations.
Try reading for comprehension.
Poor Families Pay Double The State And Local Tax Rate As The Rich Study
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others PolitiFact

No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
The "majority of people" never starved in Venezuela. The Generalismo's stupidity was in not taking the oil dollars and investing them in ways to guarantee a reasonable future for his country. Instead, as the populist socialist,he was, spent them on buying support for his government and marginalizing the forces that could support the state once the windfall was gone.
do you know that I have heard from Ford Motor executive that making cars is just an excuse to do business. another words think of all those people employed at Ford Motor Company I'm sure you could get rid of two-thirds of them I'm still produced just as many cars. no need for that many human resource employees finance employees accounting etcetera etcetera. the government a good government should be more important than your precious corporations. they only get to do business if our government allows them to do business if they don't want to play by the rules go find someone else
Hike taxes on the rich and corporations, they'll just line up to pay more, I promise.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing

My comments were about taxes on rich people, not corporations.
Try reading for comprehension.
Poor Families Pay Double The State And Local Tax Rate As The Rich Study
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others PolitiFact

No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
The "majority of people" never starved in Venezuela. The Generalismo's stupidity was in not taking the oil dollars and investing them in ways to guarantee a reasonable future for his country. Instead, as the populist socialist,he was, spent them on buying support for his government and marginalizing the forces that could support the state once the windfall was gone.
do you know that I have heard from Ford Motor executive that making cars is just an excuse to do business. another words think of all those people employed at Ford Motor Company I'm sure you could get rid of two-thirds of them I'm still produced just as many cars. no need for that many human resource employees finance employees accounting etcetera etcetera. the government a good government should be more important than your precious corporations. they only get to do business if our government allows them to do business if they don't want to play by the rules go find someone else
I'm sure that means about the same thing in English.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
The "majority of people" never starved in Venezuela. The Generalismo's stupidity was in not taking the oil dollars and investing them in ways to guarantee a reasonable future for his country. Instead, as the populist socialist,he was, spent them on buying support for his government and marginalizing the forces that could support the state once the windfall was gone.
do you know that I have heard from Ford Motor executive that making cars is just an excuse to do business. another words think of all those people employed at Ford Motor Company I'm sure you could get rid of two-thirds of them I'm still produced just as many cars. no need for that many human resource employees finance employees accounting etcetera etcetera. the government a good government should be more important than your precious corporations. they only get to do business if our government allows them to do business if they don't want to play by the rules go find someone else
I'm sure that means about the same thing in English.
of course you don't understand you're a conservative

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
The "majority of people" never starved in Venezuela. The Generalismo's stupidity was in not taking the oil dollars and investing them in ways to guarantee a reasonable future for his country. Instead, as the populist socialist,he was, spent them on buying support for his government and marginalizing the forces that could support the state once the windfall was gone.
do you know that I have heard from Ford Motor executive that making cars is just an excuse to do business. another words think of all those people employed at Ford Motor Company I'm sure you could get rid of two-thirds of them I'm still produced just as many cars. no need for that many human resource employees finance employees accounting etcetera etcetera. the government a good government should be more important than your precious corporations. they only get to do business if our government allows them to do business if they don't want to play by the rules go find someone else
I'm sure that means about the same thing in English.
of course you don't understand you're a conservative
It is a wonderful thing to have a second language, but are you sure this is the right place to use it?
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

I can't fix the world but US already employs a progressive tax system with the top 10% of earners carrying 70% of the federal income tax burden.
So what would satisfy you? 80%? 90%? 110%?

In the 1950s and early 1960s the top marginal tax rate was 90% and the top 10% carried about 95% of the tax load. That's why we had a huge middle class.
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

I can't fix the world but US already employs a progressive tax system with the top 10% of earners carrying 70% of the federal income tax burden.
So what would satisfy you? 80%? 90%? 110%?

In the 1950s and early 1960s the top marginal tax rate was 90% and the top 10% carried about 95% of the tax load. That's why we had a huge middle class.

In the 1950s and early 1960s the top marginal tax rate was 90% and the top 10% carried about 95% of the tax load.

You have any backup for this claim?
"Prior to World War II virtually all federal taxes were paid by the wealthiest members of society. Less than half of American workers paid any income tax at all prior to WWII. In order to fund the war income taxes were increased and the majority of workers had to pay income taxes for the first time, but even after the war federal taxes on average Americans remained very low. As federal tax rates on the wealthy were decreased starting in the 1960s, the tax burden on middle and low income Americans began to grow."

In Depth Analysis of American Income and Taxation
"Prior to World War II virtually all federal taxes were paid by the wealthiest members of society. Less than half of American workers paid any income tax at all prior to WWII. In order to fund the war income taxes were increased and the majority of workers had to pay income taxes for the first time, but even after the war federal taxes on average Americans remained very low. As federal tax rates on the wealthy were decreased starting in the 1960s, the tax burden on middle and low income Americans began to grow."

In Depth Analysis of American Income and Taxation

Thanks for the link.


Rich, tax paying bastards!!!!
"Prior to World War II virtually all federal taxes were paid by the wealthiest members of society. Less than half of American workers paid any income tax at all prior to WWII. In order to fund the war income taxes were increased and the majority of workers had to pay income taxes for the first time, but even after the war federal taxes on average Americans remained very low. As federal tax rates on the wealthy were decreased starting in the 1960s, the tax burden on middle and low income Americans began to grow."

In Depth Analysis of American Income and Taxation

Less than half of American workers paid any income tax at all prior to WWII.

Hmmmmm.....Sounds like the situation Mitt Romney mentioned in 2012.
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance

Financial problems in Greece as well as most of Europe stem from heavily leveraged in derivatives. Why do you think Bush, Cheney, and Gramm don't travel?

Financial problems in Greece as well as most of Europe stem from heavily leveraged in derivatives.

Greece trades derivatives? I thought they overpaid their huge public sector and didn't produce enough domestically or collect enough taxes from their producers?

Why do you think Bush, Cheney, and Gramm don't travel?

Is it because you're an idiot?
The problem in the Western world is that the poor and middle classes have to pay taxes. If the taxes were concentrated on the wealthy alone, as they were in America in the 50s and early 60s, things would be better for society.
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes
Let's see 50% of the country pay zero income taxes... and you bitch about the rich paying the highest income tax rates.. ROFL
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes
Let's see 50% of the country pay zero income taxes... and you bitch about the rich paying the highest income tax rates.. ROFL
listen you whiny baby you don't even make near enough to be having that opinion. don't you realize a long time ago it was rich people who decided to have a progressive tax system where the poor pay practically nothing because they're already overtaxed in their everyday life and the rich pay a little bit more. let me give you an example. my brother is Rich. he just bought land. he's going to pick me up drive me up north by the hotel pay for dinner and all he wants is for me to come help him work on his land. he wouldn't dare ask me to pay my fair share. he makes too much he's not a greedy bastard like you would be if you made that kind of money which you don't
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes
Let's see 50% of the country pay zero income taxes... and you bitch about the rich paying the highest income tax rates.. ROFL
listen you whiny baby you don't even make near enough to be having that opinion. don't you realize a long time ago it was rich people who decided to have a progressive tax system where the poor pay practically nothing because they're already overtaxed in their everyday life and the rich pay a little bit more. let me give you an example. my brother is Rich. he just bought land. he's going to pick me up drive me up north by the hotel pay for dinner and all he wants is for me to come help him work on his land. he wouldn't dare ask me to pay my fair share. he makes too much he's not a greedy bastard like you would be if you made that kind of money which you don't
ROFL so you're ignorant, poor, and have no pride. Got it.
The problem in the Western world is that the poor and middle classes have to pay taxes. If the taxes were concentrated on the wealthy alone, as they were in America in the 50s and early 60s, things would be better for society.

If the taxes were concentrated on the wealthy alone, as they were in America in the 50s and early 60s, things would be better for society.

Your earlier link didn't have enough info to back your claim.

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