Green Energy Red In The Face

Southern Austrailia is about to have a referendum election and its not looking good for the eco-clowns in power.. The people are pissed! I hope the throw the fascist commies out on their ass..

Wind is failing after subsidies are removed.. They simply can not compete in an open market due to the cost of repairs, 18 percent reliability, and maintenance down times. Over 1600 new Coal fired plants were approved globally for construction just last year.. Clean coal technology is going to go gang busters and the left wing hacks are pissed off..
Liberals don't need no Fourteenth Amendment.....they have Orwell:
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

Irrelevant sloganeering,

It might appeal to the hyperpartisans that post here, but it isn't a serious solution.

It's educated folks it is directed to......not you.

But you started the OP.

In many countries, green energy is the most economical form of power production.

It has nothing to do with Obama and the Democratic party.

It has everything to do with capitalism and adherents of free markets.

Free market capitalists and conservatives should be rooting for technological innovation - as they usually do - not hoping against it.

Here is item #1 from the OP>

"The justification for eliminating coal and mandating 50% wind and solar is heavily rooted in fears of catastrophic manmade climate change. But the alleged crisis has no basis in observed evidence.

It has nothing to do with ending the attempts to scam the public via global warming or green energy.

The post simply states one more giant mistake by those adhering to and advancing the gambit.

"Free market capitalists and conservatives should be rooting for technological innovation - as they usually do - not hoping against it."
Exactly what I do.....

But I won't drink the Kool-Aid. many Hula Hoops did you know, to support capitalism?

We are investing a lot of money in green technologies because of the technology, not because of the mandate.

The state with the second biggest wind generation capacity is Texas. That isn't because of liberalism.

That cartoon is a lie. No coal miners are in the White House waiting room since bringing back coal was just a campaign stunt.

Orly? Looks like coal exports are on the rise to me. :dunno:

First quarter 2017 U.S. coal exports (22.3 million short tons) increased 15.3% from fourth quarter 2016 and increased 57.6% from first quarter 2016.

Quarterly Coal Report - Energy Information Administration
The political right is absolutely stupid.

(Other than Todd, who is a realistic capitalist.)

These jobs aren't coming back.


We bought 120,000 acres of timberland last year.

After we bought it, I went to the land and watched all the mechanization chop down the trees and put them on the carts.

There were eight people working on the land. Thirty years ago, there would have been 200.

Today, the Luddite political right is complaining in the same way the Luddite political left did 40 years ago.

But they are too dumb and clueless to know what's going on.
Wyoming coal mines rehired over 50% of their miners this year.. Your lying out of your ass hole..

That's good to hear.

I'm talking about the jobs lost to technological innovation.

Many jobs in coal mining were lost because of Obama's environmental policies. Those policies are being reversed, so it's not surprising the jobs are coming back.

But today, you need less people to bring a ton of coal out of the ground than you needed 30 years ago because of mechanization in the mines. The jobs lost due to mechanization are never coming back.
"....German energy costs have soared to twice the cost of the United States because of the German government’s requirements regarding renewable energy, the Consumer Federation of California (CFC) expressed concern over costs that would be passed on to consumers. A spokesperson for CFC questioned the wisdom of this: “How are we supposed to sue the power companies when they get their energy off peoples’ roofs.”
California Requires Solar Panels on All Homes and Windmills on All Farms

How long must we wait for the elites in California to pass a bill mandating that we walk on all fours to save shoe leather?????

Memo: The Greeks had a warning for Liberals:
"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
what do you expect when wind turbines only produce less than 25% of their rated capacity?
It makes sense that wind produced electricity will be more than 4 times as expansive
Green energy is coming in a big way.

Really s0n?

Is that so?

Heres the thing........there is zero evidence of that. Solar powers just 1% of the country. Wind a smidge less than 4%. duh..........and by 2040, both solar and wind combined ( with hydro btw ) will still be at less than 10%.

Yep...........its coming in a BIG way!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay:

I have no idea why anyone would be opposed to clean, alternative forms of energy if it is economically viable. (Unless, of course, you work in the oil industry.) Energy is energy. That's why Texas has been leading the way in green energy. The Texas capitalists see what's coming.

Of course alternatives aren't going to replace the installed base any time soon. But the technology is improving, and it is becoming competitive without the subsidies.
Policlick likes coal, and black lung, and smog polluted skylines, why coal is the greatest gift we've ever had..
Policlick likes coal, and black lung, and smog polluted skylines, why coal is the greatest gift we've ever had..

Dominating the energy scene for decades to come s0n!!:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Energy always comes down to costs.........which don't matter to progressives. But.......they matter to the rest of the world!!!:coffee:
Cost is exactly why coal is losing to natural gas, you progressives should know that by now..A coal fired electric producing plant uses natural gas because of material costs, even though the capital cost are higher...Natural gas is lighter and cost less to ship...You progressives can have your coal for Christmas presents..
Green energy is coming in a big way.

Really s0n?

Is that so?

Heres the thing........there is zero evidence of that. Solar powers just 1% of the country. Wind a smidge less than 4%. duh..........and by 2040, both solar and wind combined ( with hydro btw ) will still be at less than 10%.

Yep...........its coming in a BIG way!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay:

I have no idea why anyone would be opposed to clean, alternative forms of energy if it is economically viable. (Unless, of course, you work in the oil industry.) Energy is energy. That's why Texas has been leading the way in green energy. The Texas capitalists see what's coming.

Of course alternatives aren't going to replace the installed base any time soon. But the technology is improving, and it is becoming competitive without the subsidies.
The problem is that it's not economically viable

Solar works half the time at best and is really only any good in southern and southwestern parts of the country. Wind only puts out 25% if its rated capacity so we need to install 4 times as many turbines to actually see wind power be as good as they say

in the meantime we are helping China build a next generation molten salt nuclear reactor that will produce 90% plus of it's rated capacity 24/7/365 and be emission free.

THen we can borrow more money from China to buy their reactors

That makes perfect sense right?
Liberals don't need no Fourteenth Amendment.....they have Orwell:
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

Irrelevant sloganeering,

It might appeal to the hyperpartisans that post here, but it isn't a serious solution.

It's educated folks it is directed to......not you.

But you started the OP.

In many countries, green energy is the most economical form of power production.

It has nothing to do with Obama and the Democratic party.

It has everything to do with capitalism and adherents of free markets.

Free market capitalists and conservatives should be rooting for technological innovation - as they usually do - not hoping against it.

"It has nothing to do with Obama and the Democratic party."

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be, but you wouldn't be successful.

Develop renewable energy and efficient vehicles
Harnessing American ingenuity to create renewable energy. Our plan begins with commonsense investments to harness the natural world around us-the sun, wind, water, geothermal and biomass sources, and a rich array of crops-to create a new generation of affordable energy for the 21st century. We support tax credits for private sector investment in clean, renewable sources of energy, and we will make ethanol credits work better for farmers. Creating the energy-efficient vehicles of tomorrow. We support improving fuel standards, and because of the challenges this poses, we will offer needed incentives for consumers to buy efficient vehicles, and for manufacturers to build them. We are also committed to developing hydrogen as a clean, reliable domestic source of energy. Our economy cannot convert to hydrogen overnight, so we will fund research to overcome the obstacles to hydrogen fuel and continue our other efforts to achieve energy independence.Source: The Democratic Platform for America, p.14-15 , Jul 10, 2004
So battery technology beat the fuel cell, capitalism at work. And we now have EV's from almost every auto company in the world. Capitalism at work. But for those that kiss Russian ass, like PC, and want the government to mandate that we us fossil fuels, capitalism is an anathema.

1. The OP showed the failure of 'green energy.'
Proved it.

2. You actually reveal that you know this by bringing up some lie about Russia.

3. Now...this is really telling....
Throughout the threads my posts have been jocular and mocking of your warmists. It's the was one deals with fools.
You guys, on the other hand are angry, incensed, and make up lie.

It tells the story of who recognizes the truth, doesn't it.
Liberals don't need no Fourteenth Amendment.....they have Orwell:
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

Irrelevant sloganeering,

It might appeal to the hyperpartisans that post here, but it isn't a serious solution.

It's educated folks it is directed to......not you.

But you started the OP.

In many countries, green energy is the most economical form of power production.

It has nothing to do with Obama and the Democratic party.

It has everything to do with capitalism and adherents of free markets.

Free market capitalists and conservatives should be rooting for technological innovation - as they usually do - not hoping against it.

Here is item #1 from the OP>

"The justification for eliminating coal and mandating 50% wind and solar is heavily rooted in fears of catastrophic manmade climate change. But the alleged crisis has no basis in observed evidence.

It has nothing to do with ending the attempts to scam the public via global warming or green energy.

The post simply states one more giant mistake by those adhering to and advancing the gambit.

"Free market capitalists and conservatives should be rooting for technological innovation - as they usually do - not hoping against it."
Exactly what I do.....

But I won't drink the Kool-Aid. many Hula Hoops did you know, to support capitalism?

We are investing a lot of money in green technologies because of the technology, not because of the mandate.

The state with the second biggest wind generation capacity is Texas. That isn't because of liberalism.

Seems I've hit a nerve.
Green energy is coming in a big way.

Really s0n?

Is that so?

Heres the thing........there is zero evidence of that. Solar powers just 1% of the country. Wind a smidge less than 4%. duh..........and by 2040, both solar and wind combined ( with hydro btw ) will still be at less than 10%.

Yep...........its coming in a BIG way!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay:

I have no idea why anyone would be opposed to clean, alternative forms of energy if it is economically viable. (Unless, of course, you work in the oil industry.) Energy is energy. That's why Texas has been leading the way in green energy. The Texas capitalists see what's coming.

Of course alternatives aren't going to replace the installed base any time soon. But the technology is improving, and it is becoming competitive without the subsidies.

"I have no idea why anyone would be opposed to clean, alternative forms of energy...."


Not as simple as you are...but simple: as the OP proved, it doesn't work.
seems to me that coal is good for-------SOMETHING------isn't it. I big hole in
the back yard filled with chunks -------in case of energy blackout?

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