Green New Deal to Cost Every Household $70,000-$100,000 the First Year

Then the real fun begins the years after that.

And that’s the advertised price, wait until you see the real cost.

Who said the Left want to destroy Western Civilization?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
I wondered who did the 'study', so I looked up this CEI that the Washington Examiner places such faith onto. However I did not look into the lobbyists who wrote it. I do think your white knuckles against your teeth is a bit premature. AOC specifically, and 'the squad' in general, are proposing carbon alternative options for debate, and I am grateful these kids are looking at a solution instead of the typical 'can't do' attitude so current in the Party of Lincoln. Green New Deal is a long way from reality. Think of it like ...ummm...a wall, or a de-nuke agreement, or Lordstown re-opening ..proposed but not even close to a fact.
Then the real fun begins the years after that.

And that’s the advertised price, wait until you see the real cost.

Who said the Left want to destroy Western Civilization?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
I wondered who did the 'study', so I looked up this CEI that the Washington Examiner places such faith onto. However I did not look into the lobbyists who wrote it. I do think your white knuckles against your teeth is a bit premature. AOC specifically, and 'the squad' in general, are proposing carbon alternative options for debate, and I am grateful these kids are looking at a solution instead of the typical 'can't do' attitude so current in the Party of Lincoln. Green New Deal is a long way from reality. Think of it like ...ummm...a wall, or a de-nuke agreement, or Lordstown re-opening ..proposed but not even close to a fact.

AOC specifically, and 'the squad' in general, are proposing carbon alternative options for debate,

How many new nuke plants do they want us to build?
It won't cost people anything. We have determined debt doesn't matter. When are people going to pay their share of the war costs?
Then the real fun begins the years after that.

And that’s the advertised price, wait until you see the real cost.

Who said the Left want to destroy Western Civilization?

Green New Deal to cost up to $100,000 per home in first year
I wondered who did the 'study', so I looked up this CEI that the Washington Examiner places such faith onto. However I did not look into the lobbyists who wrote it. I do think your white knuckles against your teeth is a bit premature. AOC specifically, and 'the squad' in general, are proposing carbon alternative options for debate, and I am grateful these kids are looking at a solution instead of the typical 'can't do' attitude so current in the Party of Lincoln. Green New Deal is a long way from reality. Think of it like ...ummm...a wall, or a de-nuke agreement, or Lordstown re-opening ..proposed but not even close to a fact.
So in other words the plan to destroy America is still being made more effective.
Trojan Horse? I don't see No Trojan Horse.
So in other words the plan to destroy America is still being made more effective.
Only if you believe Trump is destroying America, with the devoted help of Barr, Mulvaney, and that bunch of fruitcakes Graham, Jordan, Meadows, Nunez, Mike Lee, Cruz and now Radical Radcliffe. That crowd wont be happy until only whites are Americans and after all the welfare queens and especially their kids are starved into emigrating in caravans to Honduras for safety.
What the Green New Deal Could Cost a Typical Household

"This set of proposals, called the Green New Deal (GND)—introduced in the 116thCongress as H. R. 109 and S. 59—has earned attention, depending on the source of commentary, either as an instrument of effective leadership for the 21stcentury or as an unserious ideological signaling exercise. In either case, it is difficult to read as a set of genuine policy proposals; it is perhaps better described as a far-reaching, aspirational set of guideposts for a resurgent progressive force in American politics"

After saying that, how can they quantify the cost of a set of aspirational guideposts describing this supposed or proposed progressive utopia?
I wondered who did the 'study', so I looked up this CEI that the Washington Examiner places such faith onto. However I did not look into the lobbyists who wrote it. I do think your white knuckles against your teeth is a bit premature. AOC specifically, and 'the squad' in general, are proposing carbon alternative options for debate, and I am grateful these kids are looking at a solution instead of the typical 'can't do' attitude so current in the Party of Lincoln. Green New Deal is a long way from reality. Think of it like ...ummm...a wall, or a de-nuke agreement, or Lordstown re-opening ..proposed but not even close to a fact.

AOC chief of staff confirms: Green New Deal was not really about the climate
What the Green New Deal Could Cost a Typical Household

"This set of proposals, called the Green New Deal (GND)—introduced in the 116thCongress as H. R. 109 and S. 59—has earned attention, depending on the source of commentary, either as an instrument of effective leadership for the 21stcentury or as an unserious ideological signaling exercise. In either case, it is difficult to read as a set of genuine policy proposals; it is perhaps better described as a far-reaching, aspirational set of guideposts for a resurgent progressive force in American politics"

After saying that, how can they quantify the cost of a set of aspirational guideposts describing this supposed or proposed progressive utopia?
Thank you, boo. You said what I tried to say, only better and more cogent. Kudos!

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