Another Mike? How many Mikes do we have here anyways? Lol anyways... :welcome:
Jurinalism Gradchewits Give Us Trickle-Down Grammar

At least we don't have a "Mic," with the media's retarded spelling. Using the same stupidity, they should start pushing "Mich," still pronounced "Mike." After all, that's short for Michael.
I was once on a forum with my user name Michael. This bozo kept calling me "Little Mikey." It seemed too innocuous for him after awhile, so he started calling me "Little Dick Mikey." It was so hilarious because he had a shitload of sock puppets. He was an enlisted guy trying to portray an army major. The stories I could tell about that place. It was Pure Comedy Gold! :laugh2:
I was once on a forum with my user name Michael. This bozo kept calling me "Little Mikey." It seemed too innocuous for him after awhile, so he started calling me "Little Dick Mikey." It was so hilarious because he had a shitload of sock puppets. He was an enlisted guy trying to portray an army major. The stories I could tell about that place. It was Pure Comedy Gold! :laugh2:
Thanks, Royboytoy. (Just Kidding)
Crafty with words and thoughts, that doesn’t sound like a lefty to me. So extra welcome and have fun .. crafty mike. 😉

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