Greta Thunberg Alert: "We will put world leaders up against the wall"

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

The Trouble With Solar Waste

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in 2016 estimated there was about 250,000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste in the world at the end of that year. IRENA projected that this amount could reach 78 million metric tonnes by 2050.

Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel. “Approximately 90% of most PV modules are made up of glass,” notes San Jose State environmental studies professor Dustin Mulvaney. “However, this glass often cannot be recycled as float glass due to impurities. Common problematic impurities in glass include plastics, lead, cadmium and antimony.”
Just some of the DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS the Green Machine will not tell you. Nor will they tell you about NH3 from making the panels..........which is supposed to destroy our Ozone on steroids according to them.

This CHILD has BEEN BRAINWASHED by here Far Left Parents.

She is NO HERO.

She is being used, and should be enjoying her life and not spouting the Lunatic views of her parents.

We will be fine in 10 years.........but places like China and India need to get their shit together....they are now the problem...................

The Left has just EXPORTED THE POLLUTION of the Solar power industry to Asia.......and pat themselves on the back while ignoring the workers there being used as CANNON FODDER.
LOL, as though Koch Industries gave a shit at all. Get a grip.
Approximately 2 million U.S. workers remain potentially exposed to respirable crystalline silica (5). Occupational exposures to dust containing crystalline silica have long been known to occur in mining, quarrying, sandblasting, pottery making, rock drilling, road construction, stone masonry, and tunneling operations (1,5). Despite enforceable limits†† on worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica, substantial overexposures continue to occur in the United States (3). Moreover, new job tasks that place workers at risk for silicosis continue to emerge.
Just some of the DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS the Green Machine will not tell you. Nor will they tell you about NH3 from making the panels..........which is supposed to destroy our Ozone on steroids according to them.
Quick! Better tell the
Ammonia Energy Association
Ammonia Energy Association (formerly NH3 Fuel Association) serves as an industry association that promotes the adoption and use of ammonia in a sustainable energy economy. It aims to act as the global agent of collective action for its Members by creating, collecting, organizing, and disseminating relevant knowledge and by conducting advocacy activities in selected jurisdictions.
Just some of the DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS the Green Machine will not tell you. Nor will they tell you about NH3 from making the panels..........which is supposed to destroy our Ozone on steroids according to them.
Quick! Better tell the
Ammonia Energy Association
Ammonia Energy Association (formerly NH3 Fuel Association) serves as an industry association that promotes the adoption and use of ammonia in a sustainable energy economy. It aims to act as the global agent of collective action for its Members by creating, collecting, organizing, and disseminating relevant knowledge and by conducting advocacy activities in selected jurisdictions.
Not the point.......we have Ammonia where I work........EPA guidelines out the ying yang on it..

Do they have those in China......India........I think not and it's NH3 releases are part of the process to bring you Solar Panels.
We could almost discount ANYTHING she says as a cry of pain from a mentally disturbed child who does not know what she’s saying

Almost, until you realize that she's a prime example of the liberal weaponization of children. Then it sorta makes you a little uneasy that she's being given that much attention and credibility.
She's funded and groomed by George Soros.
Just like the Democrats.
Do they have those in China......India........I think not
There ya go.
And you can't figure out what I'm saying here.........LOL

Where do most of the solar panels come from to here.........Exporting pollution ans misery doesn't save the planet.

And who's done the exporting??
Were it not for your rightarded laissez faire "free market" billionaires uber alles bullshit we'd easily be leading the world now in solar tech, sales, and jobs. Unfortunately, that would entail actually giving a shit. You don't. At the very least, stop pretending you do.
Do they have those in China......India........I think not
There ya go.
And you can't figure out what I'm saying here.........LOL

Where do most of the solar panels come from to here.........Exporting pollution ans misery doesn't save the planet.

And who's done the exporting??
Were it not for your rightarded laissez faire "free market" billionaires uber alles bullshit we'd easily be leading the world now in solar tech, sales, and jobs. Unfortunately, that would entail actually giving a shit. You don't. At the very least, stop pretending you do.

We don't have as much access to the minerals required for manufacturing solar tech, as does China.

That's why the majority of "green energy" equipment is manufactured in China. There's nothing like wanting to be dependent on your ideological enemies for your power grid, is there?

Or was that you leftist's plan all along?
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Should concern everyone here. Those that are trying to take this light are the same ones that think she and people like aoc are just brilliant.

I still have not seen any of them give up any of their obsessive uses of fossil fuels. Oh, I see many people (especially in college) calling for the ban of fossil fuels.

I wonder if annoying idiots like midcan know that means the stone age. Oh riiiighhht....they are not claiming that (even though the left radicals are calling for that.)

Does anyone on the left ever tell us exactly what they want? What is this uneducated little girl who is now person of the year calling for? I have not listened to one word of hers. I could not stomach listening to one word from an obvious globalist plant. Like when the globalists decided to put dicaprio in front of the UN to lecture the world about the global WARMING and then upon telling us that, rented a $300 million dollar yacht from an oil tycoon for decadence in South America. Not one word of condemnation from the globalists. Just giggles and snickers.

Well, tell us lefty. Describe in detail what you want. Cause we will tell you it is about eradicating the middle class from the world and ushering the "NEW WORLD ORDER, same as the OLD WORLD ORDER, which is Feudalism. Which is what socialism always morphs into. Reference Venezuela to see what modern day Feudalism looks like.

Don't worry, the rich leftists will all be able to use as much fossil fuels and be able to afford 15 dollars a gallon for gas. So, it will be fine.

You all think this is an exaggeration?
If there was anything more that proves the movement is not about care for the planet and about the entire eradication of the world middle class, it's this.

I mean me bringing up no one in the media calling out DiCaprio or no one in the media calling al gores ginormous carbon footprint never works on these globalist sheep.

That there is an outstanding example and to prove it, they are ignoring it. I wonder why. I say cause they are losers. I will settle that they are just under a spell.
How many people shitting in their Depends diapers over the disrespect Thunberg gets gave a damn when the little girl
who was parodying Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was driven out of public existence by the left?
Don't answer. I know none of you gave a damn.
there's very little sustainable about the human race , which is why some little girl from Sweden has the right's knickers in knots

Do they have those in China......India........I think not
There ya go.
And you can't figure out what I'm saying here.........LOL

Where do most of the solar panels come from to here.........Exporting pollution ans misery doesn't save the planet.

And who's done the exporting??
Were it not for your rightarded laissez faire "free market" billionaires uber alles bullshit we'd easily be leading the world now in solar tech, sales, and jobs. Unfortunately, that would entail actually giving a shit. You don't. At the very least, stop pretending you do.
As you ignore the Dark side of Solar...........went right over your head.

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