Greta's nemesis,14 year old German girl speaks about living in Germany with the influx of "migrants"

She’s a retarded Nazi too stupid to see her puppet strings being plucked.
Speaking of retarded what is it about sexual harassment (rape in some cases) that you approve of?
This happens all over Europe, in Sweden, France, England, Italy, Germany (of course) etc. Wherever "migrants" have been moved en masse into a host country.

Your reactionary dismissal of this girl's comments, that reflect the complaints and reports of so many other women, is disappointing to say the least. But hey, it's not you who are now a stranger in your own country.

You can’t see what I am doing here? Thought you were clever.

I do not think I would use clever and Eric Arthur Blair in the same sentence..ever
Why are they trotting out children for political causes? No matter what the cause, children should NOT BE EXPLOITED like this!
Don't feel bad, sarcasm takes intelligence to understand, so you will always be confused by such things.
I don't feel bad at all because I know what sarcasm actually is. It involves irony and satire none of which is present in a comment that accuses some girl of being a Nazii dupe. That is an ignorant smear...not irony so go fuck yourself.

You must have been dreadfully outraged over the comment made here about that Greta girl.
Don't feel bad, sarcasm takes intelligence to understand, so you will always be confused by such things.
I don't feel bad at all because I know what sarcasm actually is. It involves irony and satire none of which is present in a comment that accuses some girl of being a Nazii dupe. That is an ignorant smear...not irony so go fuck yourself.

You must have been dreadfully outraged over the comment made here about that Greta girl.

I am sure if we go look we will find just hundreds of post from him expressing that outrage...:21::21:
Why are they trotting out children for political causes? No matter what the cause, children should NOT BE EXPLOITED like this!

How is she being exploited? She is giving her opinion and telling her experiences. Seems she did a very good job of it if the translation was accurate.

What is it with you neanderthals that think that children should only been seen and not heard?
If you can’t see what I am doing here than you’re not as clever I as previously thought.
Nor are you as decent as I previously thought. You might get away with your "Triumph of the Will" comment if it wasn't a follow up to a comment in which you accused this girl of being an ally of Nazis which, believe it or not, Germany is very serious about not tolerating anymore.

You should just disavow your first comment which was very unwise and leave it at that.
She’s a retarded Nazi too stupid to see her puppet strings being plucked.
Speaking of retarded what is it about sexual harassment (rape in some cases) that you approve of?
This happens all over Europe, in Sweden, France, England, Italy, Germany (of course) etc. Wherever "migrants" have been moved en masse into a host country.

Your reactionary dismissal of this girl's comments, that reflect the complaints and reports of so many other women, is disappointing to say the least. But hey, it's not you who are now a stranger in your own country.

You can’t see what I am doing here? Thought you were clever.

I do not think I would use clever and Eric Arthur Blair in the same sentence..ever

If I said the same thing about Greta yesterday it would’ve rained agrees, winners, and thank yous in my alert box. Bet the fucking farm on it. It’s amazing what people don’t see here when they chose to be willfully blind.
If you can’t see what I am doing here than you’re not as clever I as previously thought.
Nor are you as decent as I previously thought. You might get away with your "Triumph of the Will" comment if it wasn't a follow up to a comment in which you accused this girl of being an ally of Nazis which, believe it or not, Germany is very serious about not tolerating anymore.

You should just disavow your first comment which was very unwise and leave it at that.

Yeah, I am not going to edit myself to soothe your delicate constitution, mate. I am incorrigible wise-ass. Get over it. Or don’t.
Your perception of what makes sense is biased. She has Asperger's syndrome and is clearly being used as a propaganda parrot. Deep down you know it, but this is the part where you play dumb.

Yes, she does. And she has been able to overcome that and fight for what she has a passion for. Even if we do not agree with her message we should applaud her bravery and strength to do what you could never do.

But people like you who lack the knowledge and intelligence to attack her message just attack her instead, it is all you have
Wrong, buzzard breath. I'm attacking the commie gangsters like you that use children like her as a front to further your sick agenda.
Your perception of what makes sense is biased. She has Asperger's syndrome and is clearly being used as a propaganda parrot. Deep down you know it, but this is the part where you play dumb.

Yes, she does. And she has been able to overcome that and fight for what she has a passion for. Even if we do not agree with her message we should applaud her bravery and strength to do what you could never do.

But people like you who lack the knowledge and intelligence to attack her message just attack her instead, it is all you have
Wrong, buzzard breath. I'm attacking the commie gangsters like you that use children like her as a front to further your sick agenda.

In what way is either of these two girls being harmed?
Your perception of what makes sense is biased. She has Asperger's syndrome and is clearly being used as a propaganda parrot. Deep down you know it, but this is the part where you play dumb.

Yes, she does. And she has been able to overcome that and fight for what she has a passion for. Even if we do not agree with her message we should applaud her bravery and strength to do what you could never do.

But people like you who lack the knowledge and intelligence to attack her message just attack her instead, it is all you have
Wrong, buzzard breath. I'm attacking the commie gangsters like you that use children like her as a front to further your sick agenda.

In what way is either of these two girls being harmed?
She's being used and you know it. Cut the crap.
Your perception of what makes sense is biased. She has Asperger's syndrome and is clearly being used as a propaganda parrot. Deep down you know it, but this is the part where you play dumb.

Yes, she does. And she has been able to overcome that and fight for what she has a passion for. Even if we do not agree with her message we should applaud her bravery and strength to do what you could never do.

But people like you who lack the knowledge and intelligence to attack her message just attack her instead, it is all you have
Wrong, buzzard breath. I'm attacking the commie gangsters like you that use children like her as a front to further your sick agenda.

In what way is either of these two girls being harmed?
She's being used and you know it. Cut the crap.

In what way is either of these two girls being harmed?
You must have been dreadfully outraged over the comment made here about that Greta girl.
I didn't see a one that called her a Nazii stooge. And I don't see an astroturf campaign pushing this girl like some sort of Joan of Arc in front of the UN or when meeting with Obama or the Pope.
And I don't hear this girl talking about the end of Germany in ten years if criminal migrants aren't eradicated.

You are pushing incredulous nonsense to the breaking point trying to compare this girl in some little town in Germany with the global hoopla and PR campaign built around Greta Thumberg.

You can call what you are doing satire or irony but there is an important element of intelligence missing here in your attempt that exists on the very thinnest of pretexts that never quite makes it.
Why are they trotting out children for political causes? No matter what the cause, children should NOT BE EXPLOITED like this!

How is she being exploited? She is giving her opinion and telling her experiences. Seems she did a very good job of it if the translation was accurate.

What is it with you neanderthals that think that children should only been seen and not heard?
Oh, cut the crap. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
I'm guessing she won't be addressing the UN any time soon.

Which is a shame, she seemed to do a good job.

But on the plus side, she will not be attacked endlessly by the right wing wackos either. Well, except for BSFilter
I'm guessing she won't be addressing the UN any time soon.

Which is a shame, she seemed to do a good job.

But on the plus side, she will not be attacked endlessly by the right wing wackos either. Well, except for BSFilter
...Other than climate change is not man-made. Lol

True, it is not. But that is no reason for personal attacks against a 16 year old. Attack her message, not her.

But none of you have the actual knowledge to do that, so you just attack the girl instead.

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