Greta's nemesis,14 year old German girl speaks about living in Germany with the influx of "migrants"

Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
Because one is a LEGITIMATE and OBVIOUS problem. The other is a mental illness and imaginary made up thing.

The only one with the mental illness here seems to be you.

And you. Don't sell yourself short.
You must have been dreadfully outraged over the comment made here about that Greta girl.
I didn't see a one that called her a Nazii stooge. And I don't see an astroturf campaign pushing this girl like some sort of Joan of Arc in front of the UN or when meeting with Obama or the Pope.
And I don't hear this girl talking about the end of Germany in ten years if criminal migrants aren't eradicated.

You are pushing incredulous nonsense to the breaking point trying to compare this girl in some little town in Germany with the global hoopla and PR campaign built around Greta Thumberg.

You can call what you are doing satire or irony but there is an important element of intelligence missing here in your attempt that exists on the very thinnest of pretexts that never quite makes it.

You didn't see it here!? lol. If you did the tiniest bit of research you would know that isn't true.
If I said the same thing about Greta yesterday it would’ve rained agrees, winners, and thank yous in my alert box. Bet the fucking farm on it. It’s amazing what people don’t see here when they chose to be willfully blind.
News flash for you....except for being a young female there is nothing these two girls have in common. Not their message, not their platforms, not the hoopla around them....nothing!

Straining to make a comparison between the two in order to defend Thunberg is witless and pointless. I gave you more credit for brains then I should have. You come out with reactionary rubbish and call it "sarcasm". So sad.
I'm guessing she won't be addressing the UN any time soon.

Which is a shame, she seemed to do a good job.

But on the plus side, she will not be attacked endlessly by the right wing wackos either. Well, except for BSFilter
...Other than climate change is not man-made. Lol

True, it is not. But that is no reason for personal attacks against a 16 year old. Attack her message, not her.

But none of you have the actual knowledge to do that, so you just attack the girl instead.
This silly little fucker represents progressives much better than she does...

If I said the same thing about Greta yesterday it would’ve rained agrees, winners, and thank yous in my alert box. Bet the fucking farm on it. It’s amazing what people don’t see here when they chose to be willfully blind.
News flash for you....except for being a young female there is nothing these two girls have in common. Not their message, not their platforms, not the hoopla around them....nothing!

Straining to make a comparison between the two in order to defend Thunberg is witless and pointless. I gave you more credit for brains then I should have. You come out with reactionary rubbish and call it "sarcasm". So sad.


I am glad that my sarcasm has you scrambling for your tampons.
Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
Because one is a LEGITIMATE and OBVIOUS problem. The other is a mental illness and imaginary made up thing.

The only one with the mental illness here seems to be you.

And you. Don't sell yourself short.
You didn't see it here!? lol. If you did the tiniest bit of research you would know not that isn't true.
It? What is it? I didn't see what here? Try writing a sentence with a subject. It helps because I don't claim to be a mind reader.
I'm guessing she won't be addressing the UN any time soon.

Which is a shame, she seemed to do a good job.

But on the plus side, she will not be attacked endlessly by the right wing wackos either. Well, except for BSFilter
...Other than climate change is not man-made. Lol

True, it is not. But that is no reason for personal attacks against a 16 year old. Attack her message, not her.

But none of you have the actual knowledge to do that, so you just attack the girl instead.
This silly little fucker represents progressives much better than she does...

A future planeteer.

I am glad that my sarcasm has you scrambling for your tampons.
Your ad hom insults don't do much for your claims either unless it is your intent to seem like a witless loser trying to save face. And even then, you fail.
You didn't see it here!? lol. If you did the tiniest bit of research you would know not that isn't true.
It? What is it? I didn't see what here? Try writing a sentence with a subject. It helps because I don't claim to be a mind reader.

You didn't see all the posts here about Greta being a Nazi and the comments about how her hairdo reminds of them of old Nazi posters? Go open a couple threads about her here and see what I mean. Now I played fetch for you yesterday, but today you're going to have to do your own research. All the best.
I'm guessing she won't be addressing the UN any time soon.

Which is a shame, she seemed to do a good job.

But on the plus side, she will not be attacked endlessly by the right wing wackos either. Well, except for BSFilter
...Other than climate change is not man-made. Lol

True, it is not. But that is no reason for personal attacks against a 16 year old. Attack her message, not her.

But none of you have the actual knowledge to do that, so you just attack the girl instead.
This silly little fucker represents progressives much better than she does...

Thanks for proving my point! you people are so helpful
Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
------------------------------------------ seems to me that she is talking about ACTUAL Things that imported third worlders bring to Germany rather than THEORETICAL events that May happen in the future GGator . ---------- I haven't watched the video yet ,
I'm guessing she won't be addressing the UN any time soon.

Which is a shame, she seemed to do a good job.

But on the plus side, she will not be attacked endlessly by the right wing wackos either. Well, except for BSFilter
...Other than climate change is not man-made. Lol

True, it is not. But that is no reason for personal attacks against a 16 year old. Attack her message, not her.

But none of you have the actual knowledge to do that, so you just attack the girl instead.
This silly little fucker represents progressives much better than she does...

Thanks for proving my point! you people are so helpful

No doubt, All progressives are fucked in the head
He was mocking all the Trumpians that spent the last few days attacking Greta Thunberg.

But you are too stupid to grasp that little point.
You must be his court pointed defender based on your skills. If his intent was to defend Thunberg by attacking this German girl than he, and by extension you, are far stupider than I would have expected.
Well, not you so much. I've never heard of you before and now I see why.

His "sarcasm" and your defense of it are both colossal failures.
Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
------------------------------------------ seems to me that she is talking about ACTUAL Things that imported third worlders bring to Germany rather than THEORETICAL events that May happen in the future GGator . ---------- I haven't watched the video yet ,

So, that means one should be attacked personally and the other should not?

that is pretty fucked up
Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
Because one is a LEGITIMATE and OBVIOUS problem. The other is a mental illness and imaginary made up thing.

The only one with the mental illness here seems to be you.

And you. Don't sell yourself short.

Yep, that is your go to move after being spanked by me yet again. Zero originality. 100% predictability.
He was mocking all the Trumpians that spent the last few days attacking Greta Thunberg.

But you are too stupid to grasp that little point.
You must be his court pointed defender based on your skills. If his intent was to defend Thunberg by attacking this German girl than he, and by extension you, are far stupider than I would have expected.
Well, not you so much. I've never heard of you before and now I see why.

You really are not very smart. His point was not to defend Thunberg, it was to mock and highlight the hypocrisy of the far right wackos that spent the last 3 days calling Thunberg a Nazi and worse.

But again, sarcasm takes intelligence to understand, so you are just shit out of luck.
Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
Because one is a LEGITIMATE and OBVIOUS problem. The other is a mental illness and imaginary made up thing.

The only one with the mental illness here seems to be you.

And you. Don't sell yourself short.

Yep, that is your go to move after being spanked by me yet again. Zero originality. 100% predictability.

you do have a very active imagination.
Why does she have to be her nemesis, both are speaking out on issues they are passionate about. I applaud this young lady for her bravery to stand up and highlight what she sees as a problem.

I wonder if all the Trump worshipers will come in here and attack her for being a child having the audacity to speak publicly.
------------------------------------------ seems to me that she is talking about ACTUAL Things that imported third worlders bring to Germany rather than THEORETICAL events that May happen in the future GGator . ---------- I haven't watched the video yet ,

So, that means one should be attacked personally and the other should not?

that is pretty fucked up
Perhaps you are getting a very small bit of your own medicine. And of course like most of the comparison issues, we have a fraud climate scam compared to a real migrant issue.
The difference between them is one wants to vastly expand power of govt over your life while the other is a victim of govt policy. One seeks celebrity One seeks redress
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