Greta's nemesis,14 year old German girl speaks about living in Germany with the influx of "migrants"

The retards here actual think I believe this German girl is a Nazi with a propaganda hairdo. A delightful blend of self-righteous and thick as fuck.
No, we think you dont give a damn about young girls being abused by immigrants in their own land

Why should I care what some internet randoms think of me?
The retards here actual think I believe this German girl is a Nazi with a propaganda hairdo. A delightful blend of self-righteous and thick as fuck.
No, we think you dont give a damn about young girls being abused by immigrants in their own land

Why should I care what some internet randoms think of me?

Why do you care if some internet randoms say not so nice words about Greta Thunberg?
The retards here actual think I believe this German girl is a Nazi with a propaganda hairdo. A delightful blend of self-righteous and thick as fuck.
No, we think you dont give a damn about young girls being abused by immigrants in their own land

Why should I care what some internet randoms think of me?
So you support sexual abuse . Thank you. Sexual abuse and harassment, as long as it's not old perverts being harrassed
Why do you care if some internet randoms say not so nice words about Greta Thunberg?

I don’t. I was going for a laugh, but instead I triggered some retards into revealing themselves to whiny hypocrites.
The retards here actual think I believe this German girl is a Nazi with a propaganda hairdo. A delightful blend of self-righteous and thick as fuck.
No, we think you dont give a damn about young girls being abused by immigrants in their own land

Why should I care what some internet randoms think of me?
So you support sexual abuse . Thank you. Sexual abuse and harassment, as long as it's not old perverts being harrassed

Don’t forget to signal some virtues when you’re done whacking that strawman.
Work on a couple of problems with one move here -

Send that Greta person to Germany, let her get some stress relive form the Terrorists, maybe calm her down a little bit, and then we go and execute the terrorists.

Everyone wins.
The retards here actual think I believe this German girl is a Nazi with a propaganda hairdo. A delightful blend of self-righteous and thick as fuck.
We only know what your own post says . You jumped at chance to slam this girl being the very first comment in the thread calling her a "retarded Nazi" with zero justification, all for the crime
of bringing attention to the problem of women who are assaulted by "others" in their own nation
and it enraged you.

You can back peddle later and call it a joke and that you don't care about Thunberg but why you would attack this fourteen year old German girl and then call it "sarcasm".

You are a liar and not a very smart one at that.
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I don’t. I was going for a laugh, but instead I triggered some retards into revealing themselves to whiny hypocrites.
Of course you care liar and you went to the trouble (post #69) to dig up some comments hoping you could find something
you could use to slander others. The only "hypocritical twat" here is you.
The retards here actual think I believe this German girl is a Nazi with a propaganda hairdo. A delightful blend of self-righteous and thick as fuck.
We only know what your own post says . You jumped at chance to slam this girl being the very first comment in the thread calling her a "retarded Nazi" with zero justification, all for the crime
of bringing attention to the problem of women who are assaulted by "others" in their own nation
and it enraged you.

You can back peddle later and call it a joke and that you don't care about Thunberg but why you would attack this fourteen year old German girl and then call it "sarcasm".

You are a liar and not a very smart one at that.

I’m used the “It’s okay when *we* do it.” act around here. It’s the national anthem for the blind partisan clowns like you.
I’m used the “It’s okay when *we* do it.” act around here. It’s the national anthem for the blind partisan clowns like you.
What excuses you when you call some fourteen year old German a "retarded Nazi"? The only hypocrisy I see here is yours.
It's ironic that you complain about "it's okay when we do it" while you do that exact thing yourself. You don't seem that stupid but apparently you are.

As far as criticizing Greta Thunberg and her managed, financed unscientific children's astroturf crusade against global warming I have done so and will continue to do so as I see fit. She's the worst sort of fear mongering alarmist and a dangerous person who seems to believe the world will come to an end starting in the year 2030.
She's a crank and a Chicken Little fear monger.
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I don’t. I was going for a laugh, but instead I triggered some retards into revealing themselves to whiny hypocrites.
Of course you care liar and you went to the trouble (post #69) to dig up some comments hoping you could find something
you could use to slander others. The only "hypocritical twat" here is you.

You pretended not see a one call her a Nazi or crack wise about her Nazi hair despite having quite a few posts in two of threads where it occurred often. You chose to be willfully blind and your moral outrage over my sarcastic quip is disingenuous bullshit.
You pretended not see a one call her a Nazi or crack wise about her Nazi hair despite having quite a few posts in two of threads where it occurred often. You chose to be willfully blind and your moral outrage over my sarcastic quip is disingenuous bullshit.
I have not pretended any such thing and you can't prove I have (there you go "not caring" about Thunberg again).
I haven't taken note of anything others have accused her of save for the comments I have made about her schtick myself.

And after calling someone a "retarded Nazi" who are you to point fingers anyway?

I already said it's not my job to be Thunberg's protector here and it isn't! You seem to be obsessed with comments about her "Nazi haircut" so I suggest you take that up with the posters responsible for those comments, hypocritical twat.
You pretended not see a one call her a Nazi or crack wise about her Nazi hair despite having quite a
few posts in two of threads where it occurred often. You chose to be willfully blind and your moral outrage over my sarcastic quip is disingenuous bullshit.
I have not pretended any such thing and you can't prove I have (there you go "not caring" about Thunberg again).
I haven't taken note of anything others have accused her of save for the comments I have made about her schtick myself.

And after calling someone a "retarded Nazi" who are you to point fingers anyway?

I already said it's not my job to be Thunberg's protector here and it isn't! You seem to be obsessed with comments about her "Nazi haircut" so I suggest you take that up with the posters responsible for those comments.

I am sorry that your double standards were throughly exposed, but that’s what happens when you’re a practitioner of selective outrage. Sucks to be you.
You pretended not see a one call her a Nazi or crack wise about her Nazi hair despite having quite a
few posts in two of threads where it occurred often. You chose to be willfully blind and your moral outrage over my sarcastic quip is disingenuous bullshit.
I have not pretended any such thing and you can't prove I have (there you go "not caring" about Thunberg again).
I haven't taken note of anything others have accused her of save for the comments I have made about her schtick myself.

And after calling someone a "retarded Nazi" who are you to point fingers anyway?

I already said it's not my job to be Thunberg's protector here and it isn't! You seem to be obsessed with comments about her "Nazi haircut" so I suggest you take that up with the posters responsible for those comments.

I am sorry that your double standards were throughly exposed, but that’s what happens when you’re a practitioner of selective outrage. Sucks to be you.
There is no "double standard."

We abhor the brainwashing and abuse of Greta. You think we're evil for challenging lies.

You've shown you have no problem mocking a girl who has to suffer daily abuse over those policies of population replacement.
I am sorry that your double standards were throughly exposed, but that’s what happens when you’re a practitioner of selective outrage. Sucks to be you.
It sucks more to be a gutless lair like yourself. You may have exposed yourself to little boys in your neighborhood.
You haven't exposed a thing with regard to my posts and Greta Thunberg (who you still claim to care nothing about...lie). But you've taken the coward's way out pretending you have.
There is no "double standard."

We abhor the brainwashing and abuse of Greta. You think we're evil for challenging lies.

You've shown you have no problem mocking a girl who has to suffer daily abuse over those policies of population replacement.

I don’t think you’re evil for challenging lies. I just think you are blind parrot that doesn’t possess a single itoa of self-awareness. I am glad my sarcastic post pushed you and Eric into righteous hissy-fits. Ta.
I don’t think you’re evil for challenging lies. I just think you are blind parrot that doesn’t possess a single itoa of self-awareness. I am glad my sarcastic post pushed you and Eric into righteous hissy-fits. Ta.
There is nothing "sarcastic" about calling someone a "retarded Nazi". That's just a cretinous slur you are trying to pretty up.
Isn't it time you stopped using that transparent lie?

And responding to such lies does not constitute "righteous hissy-fits" though you think calling it such will put your shameful untruths in a better light. The longer you go on the more you reveal what a pathetic stretched out asshole you are.

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