Griner needs to be brought back home

Britney is extremely tough she is resilient. she must certainly be worried about her future but I have to say from an outside perspective when I see her in Russian court she appears to be strong and courageous under distress. I see her tattoos I see her muscles I see this woman who is tall and athletic.

as the other posters are saying it’s about leaving no American behind.

But another point Ok if she was in a Russian prison for violently assaulting a child or some similar crime she needs to stay there ….but I submit that it is against Christianity and decency to have her in jail for any more than a few weeks if she had a little bit of marijuana or even cocaine for that matter. And again we don’t even know if she had the drugs or if somebody planted them. And it might not have been a Russian government official maybe somebody just didn’t like her and planted the drugs who knows.

But again why would a great athlete be using a Vape pen?
You know this is an extremely emotional issue for so many Americans including me. Especially the basketball fans. I remember watching Brittney in college basketball. Also looking at the pictures I get the sense that the Russian prison guards are sympathetic toward Britney.

It’s no different than seeing Josh Allen or Aaron Rodgers being locked up because of a drug charge.

So I think this was a miscalculation by Russia. They don’t understand that while Britney Griner might be a lesbian she is still physically fit she represents strength. Russia calculates that some portion of the American public won’t care about gReiner but they miss calculate that. And I’m actually sympathetic toward Russian history. I am against giving all this money to Ukraine but I am also against Russia jailing Brittney Griner.

Admiral Rockwell Tory

We are on the same side brother. I support the American military. I support Christianity. I support being proud of America. I disagree with far left BLM politics. At the same time we have a situation here with regards to Britney being in a Russian jail.

——That’s why it seems like the best idea is to have a prisoner swap with Russia. I have outlined my points clearly and if the detractors want to respond to them then respond.

——-What do you want to happen do you want there to be a prisoner swap?

——What about the fact that Britney Griner is in great physical shape don’t we need people like her showing American youth what it’s all about to be physically fit. Yes Britney Griner is a lesbian but all throughout human history there have been LGBT people. Yes we don’t want transgender surgeries to occur on the children but let’s not make this conversation something it’s not. Brittney Griner is an American icon. You might have concerns about elements of the American left including some of Griners views but there’s more to the picture here there’s a huge picture and there’s a lot to look at here not just one single point.

——Ok if a republican or conservative can help to get Brittney Griner out of prison we can change Britney Griner‘s profile in politics think about this. Imagine that happening and then Brittney Griner coming home and standing for the national anthem and changing some of her political views.
Griner is guilty and needs to serve her sentence. No prisoner swap. The last time we did that we got a deserter back from the Taliban in return for five of their leaders. How did that work out?

She is an anti-American POS.
Britney is extremely tough she is resilient. she must certainly be worried about her future but I have to say from an outside perspective when I see her in Russian court she appears to be strong and courageous under distress. I see her tattoos I see her muscles I see this woman who is tall and athletic.

as the other posters are saying it’s about leaving no American behind.

But another point Ok if she was in a Russian prison for violently assaulting a child or some similar crime she needs to stay there ….but I submit that it is against Christianity and decency to have her in jail for any more than a few weeks if she had a little bit of marijuana or even cocaine for that matter. And again we don’t even know if she had the drugs or if somebody planted them. And it might not have been a Russian government official maybe somebody just didn’t like her and planted the drugs who knows.

But again why would a great athlete be using a Vape pen?
She admitted the drugs were hers. No one planted them.
Britney is extremely tough she is resilient. she must certainly be worried about her future but I have to say from an outside perspective when I see her in Russian court she appears to be strong and courageous under distress. I see her tattoos I see her muscles I see this woman who is tall and athletic.

as the other posters are saying it’s about leaving no American behind.

But another point Ok if she was in a Russian prison for violently assaulting a child or some similar crime she needs to stay there ….but I submit that it is against Christianity and decency to have her in jail for any more than a few weeks if she had a little bit of marijuana or even cocaine for that matter. And again we don’t even know if she had the drugs or if somebody planted them. And it might not have been a Russian government official maybe somebody just didn’t like her and planted the drugs who knows.

But again why would a great athlete be using a Vape pen?
What does religion have to do with the topic? Are you confused?

She claimed it was to help with her pain from an injury.
Griner is guilty and needs to serve her sentence. No prisoner swap. The last time we did that we got a deserter back from the Taliban in return for five of their leaders. How did that work out?

She is an anti-American POS.
Britney is not in the same category as Bergdoll. Can we for sure say greiner is guilty and it is it morally appropriate for her to have to go to jail for nine or 10 years for having a marijuana Vape pen or even if she had to say an ounce of marijuana?

Berdoll I believe join the Taliban didn’t he? Britney is far left…. but you know what like I said if some conservative Republican gets her out of jail she could then become a conservative and gain more voters for Republicans.

And Russia is not in the same category as the Taliban. I see Russian society having a good number of similarities to American societies. Sure we have our differences but more in common I think.
Ok but still Perhaps she was feeling the heat of the prosecution. She admitted to something she didn’t do to get a lesser sentence. That happens in America with drug offenses to.
She didn't admit to something she didn't do. She admitted to bringing a THC vape cartridge into the country. Her defenses were she didn't know it was against the law. It was prescribed by a doctor. Do you see admitting to something she didn't do? Do you watch too much television?
Britney is extremely tough she is resilient. she must certainly be worried about her future but I have to say from an outside perspective when I see her in Russian court she appears to be strong and courageous under distress. I see her tattoos I see her muscles I see this woman who is tall and athletic.

as the other posters are saying it’s about leaving no American behind.

But another point Ok if she was in a Russian prison for violently assaulting a child or some similar crime she needs to stay there ….but I submit that it is against Christianity and decency to have her in jail for any more than a few weeks if she had a little bit of marijuana or even cocaine for that matter. And again we don’t even know if she had the drugs or if somebody planted them. And it might not have been a Russian government official maybe somebody just didn’t like her and planted the drugs who knows.

But again why would a great athlete be using a Vape pen?

She's an embarrassment to her country, and was since well before she got caught smuggling drugs into Russia. I say let Russia keep her as long as they can make excuses to do so. The United States is better off without her.

Americans have come not to take drug smuggling as seriously as we once did, but this does not obligate other countries to treat this crime with any lenience. While we allow invading foreign criminals to freely bring harmful drugs across out southern border, Malaysia puts drug smugglers to death. Personally, I would much prefer Malaysia's approach to drug smuggling, than ours. Russia is somewhere between these two extremes, and no where where it hasn't every right to be on the subject.
She didn't admit to something she didn't do. She admitted to bringing a THC vape cartridge into the country. Her defenses were she didn't know it was against the law. It was prescribed by a doctor. Do you see admitting to something she didn't do? Do you watch too much television?
She could still be saying that just to get a lighter sentence. Those are the facts of life as we both know. Not here to get personal.

She could have made the statement she said whatever she said to get a lighter sentence. That’s the first point the second point is even if it is true that she is guilty of having any amount of drugs ….the point remains a proper moral society proper Christian society would be forgiving and would not have her languish in jail for nine years. So to the other posters point Admiral Rockwell Tory

that’s the point that’s why I said it’s against Christianity ….because the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.

Still at the other point remains I think if a Republican got her out of prison the GOP could get a lot of minority voters. So there’s a lot going on here. And I don’t think America has any Russians in prison for similar offenses although we could. Considering the millions of people in this country…

As I have said before I disagree with giving Ukraine money. And knowing that America has invaded Iraq I disagree with us being altruistic about this war. But the point remains Britney Griner has a lot of fans in Russia and so Russia is making a mistake here …. I don’t think most Russian or American people agree with her having to go to jail for a drug affects whether the drugs are planted or even if it was a legit case of her actually having the drugs.

She’s not even an international drug dealer. she is a world-class basketball player She should not have to go to jail for nine years for a drug offense… International drug dealer selling hundreds of pounds of heroin now maybe they can go to jail for nine years but no not pretty punishment doesn’t fit the crime.
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She could still be saying that just to get a lighter sentence. Those are the facts of life as we both know. Not here to get personal.

She could have made the statement she said whatever she said to get a lighter sentence. That’s the first point the second point is even if it is true that she is guilty of having any amount of drugs ….the point remains a proper moral society proper Christian society would be forgiving and would not have her languish in jail for nine years. So to the other posters point Admiral Rockwell Tory

that’s the point that’s why I said it’s against Christianity ….because the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.

Still at the other point remains I think if a Republican got her out of prison the GOP could get a lot of minority voters. So there’s a lot going on here. And I don’t think America has any Russians in prison for similar offenses although we could. Considering the millions of people in this country…

As I have said before I disagree with giving Ukraine money. And knowing that America has invaded Iraq I just agree with us being altruistic about this war. But the point remains Britney Griner has a lot of fans in Russia and so Russia is making a mistake here …. I don’t think most Russian or American people agree with her having to go to jail for a drug affects whether the drugs are planted or even if it was a legit case of her actually having the drugs.

She’s not even an international drug dealer. she is a world-class basketball player She should not have to go to jail for nine years for a drug offense… International drug dealer selling hundreds of pounds of heroin now maybe they can go to jail for nine years but no not pretty punishment doesn’t fit the crime.
Of course the punishment fits the crime. It is against the law to smuggle drugs into Russia. Period. The worst excuse in the world is that what she did isn't against the law in this country. There are many men from middle eastern countries that would jump at the chance to say killing a wife is not illegal in their home country. So they should be allowed to kill their wives here.

She can serve her sentence and shut up. I hope she made wise investments because after 9 years in a gulag she's not going to play much basketball.
She's an embarrassment to her country, and was since well before she got caught smuggling drugs into Russia. I say let Russia keep her as long as they can make excuses to do so. The United States is better off without her.

Americans have come not to take drug smuggling as seriously as we once did, but this does not obligate other countries to treat this crime with any lenience. While we allow invading foreign criminals to freely bring harmful drugs across out southern border, Malaysia puts drug smugglers to death. Personally, I would much prefer Malaysia's approach to drug smuggling, than ours. Russia is somewhere between these two extremes, and no where where it hasn't every right to be on the subject.
We don’t know if the drugs were planted. We don’t know if Britney just accepted a deal and gave a false confession. Even if she is guilty there’s people in the Russian government at all areas of Russia using drugs so hypocrisy is at play here too.

The same time to your point there are drug users in the Malaysian and Russian government. It’s not always what we see where they want to paint a picture of Russia as opposing the drug trade being all paternalistic and strong about it. You know there’s Coke heads in the Russian government the American government in every government of the world. I have reminded of the situation in the Philippines where they had a president who said they should shoot drug users and a few Americans applauded the funny thing about that is the president of the Philippines Deterte could have been using cocaine or heroin himself. The picture is not what we always think it is that’s the point.

I also think it’s wrong to punish drug users as opposed to international drug dealers and Britney Griner is not an international drug dealer she is at worst in this case a user

Even Iran has drug users some of their government officials have been caught with prostitutes so the picture is not always what it seems.

Brittney Griner is a world-class athlete. She is a fine physical specimen regardless of the marijuana or not. See that’s the thing that she’s not using meth or heroin she is a good representative of physical strength regardless of our politics. But again I think you’re missing something we can change her political viewpoints.
I am serious. She has been punished enough. The woke cult needs to take the loss and profess they understand that the US is not so bad.

She is a misguided soul fooled from very bad domestic communists trying to take down the USA.

She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

Biden, get her home.

I know I am a hardcore TRUMPER, but this is sincere.
The charge is over the top and she should be released and the left need to realize that we are not an oppressive government and that when you go to other countries follow their laws and if you can’t do not go!
Brittney Griner is a world-class athlete. She is a fine physical specimen…

Won't be so much after nine years in a Russian gulag. But maybe, if she ever comes back to the the U.S., she might have a better appreciation of her own country, for which she has expressed such disrespect and contempt. Or maybe she'll die in the gulag, and she'll never be our problem again.
The charge is over the top and she should be released and the left need to realize that we are not an oppressive government and that when you go to other countries follow their laws and if you can’t do not go!
This poster is in my brain. They get it
I know her action was DUMB AS FUCK.
What is really was is ignorant AF.
I think Trump should just ask Poot to release her.

Maybe here in the USA we should be "good Christians" and not put any people in jail at all?
Yeah, maybe after they commit crimes just let em go. THAT'LL TEACH EM !!!

You sound like a Bidenista Left winger.
Or maybe you just have a soft spot for those who love the same things you do?
The woman was living LARGE in America while all the while stabbing us all in the back.

She may not survive this, but if she does I guarantee you she'll come back a HELL of a lot wiser than she left.
I am serious. She has been punished enough. The woke cult needs to take the loss and profess they understand that the US is not so bad.

She is a misguided soul fooled from very bad domestic communists trying to take down the USA.

She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

Biden, get her home.

I know I am a hardcore TRUMPER, but this is sincere.

Yeah. Bring her back home, restitute her income loss, make a hero out of her, give her a book deal and Netflix gig... and a statue next to George Floyd's. She deserves at least that much.

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