Gruber apologizes for his inaccurate remarks

Now you want to resort to violence with a veteran who would have no trouble with either of you clowns. I learned along time ago that no fight should ever be a fair one. Neither of you would ever realize that it was over.

Accept your own failures, blame no one else, and try doing good.

Sounds more like a complaint, than a useless brag! Child!
Now you want to resort to violence with a veteran who would have no trouble with either of you clowns. I learned along time ago that no fight should ever be a fair one. Neither of you would ever realize that it was over.

Accept your own failures, blame no one else, and try doing good.

You know "Veteran"...I am one too. Viet-Nam. DIA 22 years in Embassies. Don't be so damned sure of yourself useful idiot. Don't puff your chest out too far. You might fall over....
(smiles) vigilante is another marginalized white male blaming others for his own failures

For the life of me, I don't know why you bother, you fucking left wing, subversive, traitor! Only a pure scumbag of the left would introduce a thread like this, where he TRIES to cover for the Obola!

And I do like the RACIST overtone thrown in with the marginalized WHITE male... are you BLACK, Pond Scum, perhaps the one of the illegitimate sons of Jesse Jackson? ...You see Fakey, we all can throw around the racist remarks, even though this is a thread about the regimes lies, and the absolute assholes that are trying to cover over you!

Truth hurts.

You are white, you are marginalized, you blame your failures in life on others.

I am white, I am successful, I have taken the punches and shook them off and blamed no one else.

The ObolaZombie speaks! You haven't taken any punches, you simply have taken the slings and arrows of Patriotic Americans who recognize a very stupid child that posts in here. Mr. Flagg, I'd wager $100 on, would whip your ass with half his brain tied behind his back, as he's done numerous times before!

Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, period!


We lied to get ObamaCare passed. Stupid voters. BWA-HA-HA-HA!


You CANNOT keep your insurance.


We did NOT lie to get ObamaCare passed. Stupid reporters. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, period!


We lied to get ObamaCare passed. BWA-HA-HA-HA!


You CANNOT keep your insurance.


We did NOT lie to get ObamaCare passed.

You know, those graphics really aren't that far from the truth. Isn't it a damned shame that this is "politics" today? Doesn't matter what party it is - we are lied to constantly, taken for damned fools on a regular basis and expected to just "shut up and take it".

What the hell happened to this country? We are becoming more and more like the old Soviet Union every day. It breaks my heart.
For the life of me, I don't know why you bother, you fucking left wing, subversive, traitor! Only a pure scumbag of the left would introduce a thread like this, where he TRIES to cover for the Obola!

And I do like the RACIST overtone thrown in with the marginalized WHITE male... are you BLACK, Pond Scum, perhaps the one of the illegitimate sons of Jesse Jackson? ...You see Fakey, we all can throw around the racist remarks, even though this is a thread about the regimes lies, and the absolute assholes that are trying to cover over you!

Truth hurts.

You are white, you are marginalized, you blame your failures in life on others.

I am white, I am successful, I have taken the punches and shook them off and blamed no one else.

The ObolaZombie speaks! You haven't taken any punches, you simply have taken the slings and arrows of Patriotic Americans who recognize a very stupid child that posts in here. Mr. Flagg, I'd wager $100 on, would whip your ass with half his brain tied behind his back, as he's done numerous times before!

Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

Not into guns much anymore but still have a 9MM Glock from a previous occupation! Shoots fine up to 25 yards!
Now you want to resort to violence with a veteran who would have no trouble with either of you clowns. I learned along time ago that no fight should ever be a fair one. Neither of you would ever realize that it was over.

Accept your own failures, blame no one else, and try doing good.

You're as believable an internet tough guy as you are a "mainstream GOP'r". Give it up Jake, you fool no one but yourself.
Truth hurts.

You are white, you are marginalized, you blame your failures in life on others.

I am white, I am successful, I have taken the punches and shook them off and blamed no one else.

The ObolaZombie speaks! You haven't taken any punches, you simply have taken the slings and arrows of Patriotic Americans who recognize a very stupid child that posts in here. Mr. Flagg, I'd wager $100 on, would whip your ass with half his brain tied behind his back, as he's done numerous times before!

Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

Not into guns much anymore but still have a 9MM Glock from a previous occupation! Shoots fine up to 25 yards!

Up here in Montana - miles away from anyone - guns are pretty much a way of life for us. Hell, I've been carrying since the early 70s (occupation) but I usually don't any longer unless I'm going up into the mountains. Then I take my M4 and a pistol. Mountain Lions don't screw around much. If you're not packing - the mountain lion will eat well...... :)
Truth hurts.

You are white, you are marginalized, you blame your failures in life on others.

I am white, I am successful, I have taken the punches and shook them off and blamed no one else.

The ObolaZombie speaks! You haven't taken any punches, you simply have taken the slings and arrows of Patriotic Americans who recognize a very stupid child that posts in here. Mr. Flagg, I'd wager $100 on, would whip your ass with half his brain tied behind his back, as he's done numerous times before!

Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

Not into guns much anymore but still have a 9MM Glock from a previous occupation! Shoots fine up to 25 yards!

Hey!! I have friends that absolutely SWEAR by Glocks! I never could quite get used to them. I used a 1911 for years before switching over to Sig.
The ObolaZombie speaks! You haven't taken any punches, you simply have taken the slings and arrows of Patriotic Americans who recognize a very stupid child that posts in here. Mr. Flagg, I'd wager $100 on, would whip your ass with half his brain tied behind his back, as he's done numerous times before!

Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

Not into guns much anymore but still have a 9MM Glock from a previous occupation! Shoots fine up to 25 yards!

Hey!! I have friends that absolutely SWEAR by Glocks! I never could quite get used to them. I used a 1911 for years before switching over to Sig.

They are ISSUE for the NYPD!...Never had one jam!
Maybe you're part of the 5% on this site
AGAIN what part of "that he was talking about obamacare supporters" don't you comprehend DUMBASS?
I'm not an Obamacare supporter, and you're still part of the 5% on this site that are stupid.
I doubt you are telling the truth you defend obama and everything democrat and attack republicans way to much not to be pro obamacare.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

Not into guns much anymore but still have a 9MM Glock from a previous occupation! Shoots fine up to 25 yards!

Hey!! I have friends that absolutely SWEAR by Glocks! I never could quite get used to them. I used a 1911 for years before switching over to Sig.

They are ISSUE for the NYPD!...Never had one jam!

Yeah, when the Army switched over to the Baretta - I said screw that. The Baretta is a heavy gun and a pain in the ass to carry all day. So I continued to use the .45 that I was issued (pissed the section Chief off) and then later, when I was promoted to CW3 - didn't matter. I could carry what I wanted. I had the chance to shoot a Poliezi Investigator's SIG and I was hooked. Carried them from them on and still use them today. Wouldn't use anything else!
Last edited:
The ObolaZombie speaks! You haven't taken any punches, you simply have taken the slings and arrows of Patriotic Americans who recognize a very stupid child that posts in here. Mr. Flagg, I'd wager $100 on, would whip your ass with half his brain tied behind his back, as he's done numerous times before!

Oh Vig......unfortunately, I'm 70 (nearly 71) years of age. My ass-kicking days are well behind me. I have (probably) 15 seconds of ass-kicking left in me. I'd rather save it for someone that is threatening me. I can, however, shoot as well as anyone. :)

Oh, and thanks for the rep!!

We are the same age Randall, and to tell you the truth, I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm as good once, as I always was! Instead of holding back, you have to let it all out on the first try!... I can't miss with a variable scope, and a .270 Weatherby! :banana:

Indeed!! My personal preference is a Remington 700 and the Leopold Mark II Scope. Put me in my Ghile suit and a Buck doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell. Took one last week as a matter of fact. Freezer is now full again.

Pistols? I'm a Sig Sauer guy myself - P226 P220 and recently picked up a SP2022 ($400) Best 400 bucks I EVER spent. Accurate as hell. I started carrying Sigs when I was in Germany and then in Moscow. Absolutely LOVE those guns.

Not into guns much anymore but still have a 9MM Glock from a previous occupation! Shoots fine up to 25 yards!

Hey!! I have friends that absolutely SWEAR by Glocks! I never could quite get used to them. I used a 1911 for years before switching over to Sig.
I use my old granpappy's Colt DA 38. It makes the devil's own noise, and kicks like a bad boy.
I'm not an Obamacare supporter, and you're still part of the 5% on this site that are stupid.
I doubt you are telling the truth you defend obama and everything democrat and attack republicans way to much not to be pro obamacare.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.
That excuse might fly if it wasn't for the OTHER videos where Gruber conveyed the same view. Sorry, Jake but this is proof that the Obama Administration deliberately lied to the American people to pass the ACA because they knew that they couldn't get it passed unless they did so.

Gruber disagrees with you. Talk to him. Sorry, Oldstyle.

Gruber is doing damage control, Jake. His repeated comments on how progressives misled the American people in order to pass the ACA were indicative of how they view the public. Gruber thinks he's smarter than you are and therefore it's OK if he lies to you to get what he wants. He's calling YOU stupid, my're just too caught up in defending him to realize it.

All politicians and combinations think they are smarter than us.

Consider the fools in the TP movement, for instance. It took only two elections to reject them. Hopefully, the Pres and Congress can work on meaningful reform of ACA.

One thing, though, about the useful foolishness of the electorate.

They have never fallen for the libertarians' nonsense. They are worse than far left and far right. The liberts want to privatize all the profit for themselves while socializing all the expense of government services. They are bigger "something for nothing" thieves than other American grouping.

Was it not you that before the election said that the right would be beaten? Why yes it was. And here you are still trying to show your political prowess. What a crock jake, what a crock.

I said the far right would be beaten. I was right. Look at all the screaming, including you, Freewill. We in the mainstream GOP will never give up stomping on you guys.

You're in the GOP? Seriously? I've never heard you argue any viewpoint on this board that wasn't that of the far Left. Why would you be in the GOP with your beliefs?
Gruber disagrees with you. Talk to him. Sorry, Oldstyle.

Gruber is doing damage control, Jake. His repeated comments on how progressives misled the American people in order to pass the ACA were indicative of how they view the public. Gruber thinks he's smarter than you are and therefore it's OK if he lies to you to get what he wants. He's calling YOU stupid, my're just too caught up in defending him to realize it.

All politicians and combinations think they are smarter than us.

Consider the fools in the TP movement, for instance. It took only two elections to reject them. Hopefully, the Pres and Congress can work on meaningful reform of ACA.

One thing, though, about the useful foolishness of the electorate.

They have never fallen for the libertarians' nonsense. They are worse than far left and far right. The liberts want to privatize all the profit for themselves while socializing all the expense of government services. They are bigger "something for nothing" thieves than other American grouping.

Was it not you that before the election said that the right would be beaten? Why yes it was. And here you are still trying to show your political prowess. What a crock jake, what a crock.

I said the far right would be beaten. I was right. Look at all the screaming, including you, Freewill. We in the mainstream GOP will never give up stomping on you guys.

You're in the GOP? Seriously? I've never heard you argue any viewpoint on this board that wasn't that of the far Left. Why would you be in the GOP with your beliefs?
Maybe he's and Eisenhower or Goldwater Republican like me...we're bearly recognizable to Republicans today.

Let me illustrate.......

Who said this?

“I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism.”

And how would the Fox News, and Rush, react to that today, if he said it now?
I doubt you are telling the truth you defend obama and everything democrat and attack republicans way to much not to be pro obamacare.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

I would offer that unless you have read the Bible - you have no clue whatsoever of what you speak. So, because I'm a "republican" - I'm retarded....OK.Gotcha. Makes me wonder exactly how old you actually are......
I doubt you are telling the truth you defend obama and everything democrat and attack republicans way to much not to be pro obamacare.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

You didn't need to read 2000 pages to know the ACA was a con job, Toxic. I figured it out as soon as someone assured me that even though the plan would make charging more for pre-existing conditions illegal that the cost of healthcare wouldn't be going up for healthy Middle Class folks but would actually be going down! That's entirely unworkable. Why would I sign up for something that is going to cost me an arm and a leg when I'm healthy if I can simply sign up for it after I get sick and they have no choice but to insure me? It would be like carrying the cheapest car insurance you can until you get in a car accident and then taking out collision with no deductible to get your vehicle fixed. Only a moron would set up a system that ridiculous.

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