Guam Should Be Given Immediate Statehood.

... too much stupid.

As I recall we had to "save" the Guam peoples (Guamianese?) because Japan was basically using them as slaves; forced labor, genocide, etc. After we liberated them they became allies, and a key military base of operations. They wished to become a territory, we wanted the base, thus in the 50s they became American's - I've never heard a single complaint of Guam wanting independence or to break away from the US my entire life either.
... too much stupid.

As I recall we had to "save" the Guam peoples (Guamianese?) because Japan was basically using them as slaves; forced labor, genocide, etc. After we liberated them they became allies, and a key military base of operations. They wished to become a territory, we wanted the base, thus in the 50s they became American's - I've never heard a single complaint of Guam wanting independence or to break away from the US my entire life either.
Me either... And in the cost of lives... That's one expensive piece of real estate.
... too much stupid.

As I recall we had to "save" the Guam peoples (Guamianese?) because Japan was basically using them as slaves; forced labor, genocide, etc. After we liberated them they became allies, and a key military base of operations. They wished to become a territory, we wanted the base, thus in the 50s they became American's - I've never heard a single complaint of Guam wanting independence or to break away from the US my entire life either.

There's a little rumbling here and there. A very vocal minority at times that can seem bigger than it is.
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.

Contards have no desire for a new state composed mostly of non-whites.

Liberals- and all real Americans- know that Guam is part of the United States- and Guamians are U.S. citizens- and our response would be no different than if they hit San Francisco or Dallas.
Related tidbit {Governor of Guam since 2011}

“As far as I’m concerned, as an American citizen, I want a president that says that if any nation such as North Korea attacks Guam…that they will be met with hell and fury,” Calvo declared.

Calvo also fired a shot at Lindsey Graham who for some odd reason doesn’t seem to care about everyone in Guam dying.

In fact, Calvo said he was more disturbed by Sen. Lindsey Graham’s statement that “if there was going to be a war, it would be in the region, not in America.”

“This is American sovereign soil…there are over 200,000 American citizens,” Calvo said, noting his island’s geographic proximity to North Korea.
... too much stupid.

As I recall we had to "save" the Guam peoples (Guamianese?) because Japan was basically using them as slaves; forced labor, genocide, etc. After we liberated them they became allies, and a key military base of operations. They wished to become a territory, we wanted the base, thus in the 50s they became American's - I've never heard a single complaint of Guam wanting independence or to break away from the US my entire life either.

The United States captured Guam during the Spanish American War. It was controlled by the U.S. when the Japanese invaded in 1941. U.S. Marines and Navy were killed during the invasion.

The United States re-took Guam in 1944 as part of the American strategy to bomb Japan with B-29's. The U.S. fleet first attacked Saipan, then attacked and took nearby Tinian and Guam. Certainly the United States were glad to 'liberate' the native population of Guam- who had suffered under the Japanese occupation, but the primary purpose was to establish air bases on Saipan, Tinian and Guam.
... too much stupid.

As I recall we had to "save" the Guam peoples (Guamianese?) because Japan was basically using them as slaves; forced labor, genocide, etc. After we liberated them they became allies, and a key military base of operations. They wished to become a territory, we wanted the base, thus in the 50s they became American's - I've never heard a single complaint of Guam wanting independence or to break away from the US my entire life either.

The United States captured Guam during the Spanish American War. It was controlled by the U.S. when the Japanese invaded in 1941. U.S. Marines and Navy were killed during the invasion.

The United States re-took Guam in 1944 as part of the American strategy to bomb Japan with B-29's. The U.S. fleet first attacked Saipan, then attacked and took nearby Tinian and Guam. Certainly the United States were glad to 'liberate' the native population of Guam- who had suffered under the Japanese occupation, but the primary purpose was to establish air bases on Saipan, Tinian and Guam.

Spain /gave/ us Guam in ... (Gads its like trying to read faded print, learned this shit like 30 years ago) uhm... somewhere around the 1900's? I thought it was kind of given to Japan in 1919, but that's a bit too unclear in my memory. I do clearly recall hearing that in WWII the Japanese treated the Guamanians (damn I know there's a proper name here as we used to tease my ex-husband with it. I can't pull it out, keep thinking "Cheeco," but I know that isn't exactly right.) like dog shit because they were loyal to the US. We had to liberate them (that probably was in '44.)

I seem to recall there was some hoopla that led to them becoming a territory, Guam had made a rule/law that American's couldn't start businesses or some such and someone did but there was some disagreement as to if said person could be in trouble because there was an American base? - I'd guess the argument was the same as like foreign embassies (basically those operate under the home nations laws.) The Guam police were upset and I think their local government had a protest to become a territory. (Blarg my brain hurts trying to recall this shit and I'm sick...)

Anyway, Guam wanted to be a territory (military protection, American freedom, civil rights, financial, etc) and we wanted a base as I said; don't try to make it sound like they didn't get anything out of the deal. They are, and have been, welcome to ask to be "freed," but I have a strong feeling that they have /zero/ interest in pulling away from the "evil oppressive America" as you seem to be hinting. They'd not be the first territory we'd given independence - in fact the Philippines gained theirs around WWII and we'd "acquired" them in the 1900s as well. (In that same Spanish American War peace deal)
There are five permanently year round populated territories. Do all of them need to be made states or can we just defend them like they are our territories and protected as such? What about the other 11 territories that are not permanently populated all year?
There has been no vote in Guam asking to become a state. That is the first step. There are 3 options, remain a territory of the US, ask for independence, or ask for statehood.
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.
So what if the lefty lunatics consider it a dilemma? Their problem to deal with so we just give 'em the old middle finger and move on.
Well... Thier penchant for violence toward those who hold different views than they do, is a concern for us all. We've already witnessed the mass assasination attempt of our senators by just such a leftist. And I fear the attacks will only become more brazen, and more frequent; the more often the right refuses to aquiese to their demands.

Sorry! That never happened. Check your facts.
they may be US citizens at birth, yet they are not allowed to vote for US president? In a way, that seems unfair?
in 2013 no korea threatened to shoot a missal towards Guam, in 2016 no ko threatened to shoot a missal towards Guam....

now in 2017 no ko is threatening to shoot a missal towards guam....

do we really think no ko will ever shoot their test missals toward guam?
they may be US citizens at birth, yet they are not allowed to vote for US president? In a way, that seems unfair?
There are many goodies and responsibilities you have as a state that territories don't have. In many of our federal laws, the statues say "states" not "states and territories." Many federal grants do not include territories. If the people vote for independence US citizenship would be lost unless congress did something.
they may be US citizens at birth, yet they are not allowed to vote for US president? In a way, that seems unfair?
There are many goodies and responsibilities you have as a state that territories don't have. In many of our federal laws, the statues say "states" not "states and territories." Many federal grants do not include territories. If the people vote for independence US citizenship would be lost unless congress did something.

Hmmm most people that I know that live in Puerto Rico say that being a territory instead of a state is actually better. Puerto Rico is only doing bad right now with their economy because of some mismanagement that has caused them to lose almost a quarter of their jobs, plus they have had a lot of people moving off the island. But they get a lot of the same perks a state get. They get health insurance, food stamps, HUD... all of that.
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.
So what if the lefty lunatics consider it a dilemma? Their problem to deal with so we just give 'em the old middle finger and move on.
Well... Thier penchant for violence toward those who hold different views than they do, is a concern for us all. We've already witnessed the mass assasination attempt of our senators by just such a leftist. And I fear the attacks will only become more brazen, and more frequent; the more often the right refuses to aquiese to their demands.

Sorry! That never happened. Check your facts.
Check yours.
There's no dilemma anyway, they are American citizens and have been since the 1950s. The libtards best educate themselves.
They'd already spooling up to denounce the defence of our people. Preemptively, or not. Statehood should smooth some of that out for the more reasonable of the bunch.

I so doubt we will be attacked, I mean what are we doing in S.K and Quam anyway??? We are sure making a lot more enemies. Russia and China will both back NK. T is trying to make a name for himself, he is a schizo with a trigger finger.
Russia won't back NK, they will see it as a chance to advance their own economy.
i wonder 2 days ago if any of the people cheering for battle over guam could even find it on a map...estimated to be 7k in us military there..that is why it would be a direct attack on the us....even if it were not a us territory

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