Guam Should Be Given Immediate Statehood.

Most PR's love the current status quo; they get the welfare bennies and none of the taxes that go to pay for them, and don't have to pay squat for their military defense. FYI, we have several protectorates in the Pacific, not exactly major or even populated, but there nonetheless.

Territories of the United States - Wikipedia
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i wonder 2 days ago if any of the people cheering for battle over guam could even find it on a map...estimated to be 7k in us military there..that is why it would be a direct attack on the us....even if it were not a us territory

We don't need any more justification than the Mad Midget's pissant threats.
they may be US citizens at birth, yet they are not allowed to vote for US president? In a way, that seems unfair?
There are many goodies and responsibilities you have as a state that territories don't have. In many of our federal laws, the statues say "states" not "states and territories." Many federal grants do not include territories. If the people vote for independence US citizenship would be lost unless congress did something.

Hmmm most people that I know that live in Puerto Rico say that being a territory instead of a state is actually better. Puerto Rico is only doing bad right now with their economy because of some mismanagement that has caused them to lose almost a quarter of their jobs, plus they have had a lot of people moving off the island. But they get a lot of the same perks a state get. They get health insurance, food stamps, HUD... all of that.
Yes and No. The Medicaid program differs from the states. Puerto Rico get's Medicaid but it is not the same as in states. It operates within a larger, centrally administered health care delivery system. Recipients are not free to choose their own provider, but are referred to the proper level of care by public health care system. Congress has capped the system since 1968 which has created huge costs for the local government. The Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico is similar to the programs in states but with a major difference. It it is cooperative programs between the federal government and local goverment. The result are similar to that of the healthcare system, huge deficits.

Benefits and responsibilities of territories vary greatly. For example in American Somoza, another territory, birth does not grant citizenship. Samoans have to go through naturalization to attain citizenship. Medicaid in Guam is also different from other territories and the states. Other social programs such as the Free and Reduce Lunch programs are cost sharing programs. The reason there are so many differences between states and territories is due to the fact that each state was admitted separately at different times, different politics, and with very different legislation. Also the differences between the territories in regard to culture, language, education, economics, and geography has effected the legislation in congress. Much legislation has been specific to a particular territory. Benefits are not the same between the territories and certainly not between the states and territories.
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.
So what if the lefty lunatics consider it a dilemma? Their problem to deal with so we just give 'em the old middle finger and move on.
Well... Thier penchant for violence toward those who hold different views than they do, is a concern for us all. We've already witnessed the mass assasination attempt of our senators by just such a leftist. And I fear the attacks will only become more brazen, and more frequent; the more often the right refuses to aquiese to their demands.

Sorry! That never happened. Check your facts.
Check yours.

So when this "mass assassination attempt of our Senators" happen? Surely, something like that would be in the news, and I seriously doubt that I missed it.
It was. And apparently you did miss it. Though you think youre coy because only a representative of the house, an aide or two; and some capitol police were hit. It doesn't change the fact that the shooter had a list of targets on his person when he was taken. Said list contained the names of republicans from both houses. So stuff that in your ass you ignorant cocksucker.
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It was. And apparently you did miss it. Though you think your coy because only a representative of the house, an aide or two; and some capitol police were hit. It doesn't change the fact that the shooter had a list of targets on his person when he was taken. Said list contained the names of republicans from both houses. So stuff that in your ass you ignorant cocksucker.

Anybody trying to pretend that wasn't the case has less than zero credibility on anything, not even the excuse of just being a hapless dumbass kid.
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.

Libtards aren't going to hinder any response, an adult is in charge, and he knows how to handle petulant children.

Statehood is way too much for a small territory, there is no way they should get two US Senators spots.
It was. And apparently you did miss it. Though you think your coy because only a representative of the house, an aide or two; and some capitol police were hit. It doesn't change the fact that the shooter had a list of targets on his person when he was taken. Said list contained the names of republicans from both houses. So stuff that in your ass you ignorant cocksucker.

Anybody trying to pretend that wasn't the case has less than zero credibility on anything, not even the excuse of just being a hapless
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.

Libtards aren't going to hinder any response, an adult is in charge, and he knows how to handle petulant children.

Statehood is way too much for a small territory, there is no way they should get two US Senators spots.

I'm not that concerned about PR; they have their problems but many are as patriotic as any in the Cuban community. They are a bit small to justify two Senate seats, though, but then Wyoming and Rhode Island are, too.
So that when we retaliate for strikes against it there will be no libtard dilemmas to hinder our response.

And this is, I would assume, the only reason you'd want to give statehood to anyone.
Why do you assume that?

Because many people are against giving statehood to any state in case it upsets the balance of partisan politics. They're afraid that the other side will somehow get an advantage.
Guam is a beautiful country that has a lot of attractions. The Marianas Trench is immediately east of Guam and in 1974 Guam had the largest McDonald's in the world. Guam has sensitive plants and when you touch them, they curl up fast. The Natives are friendly to Americans because we ran the Japs off in WW2. Guam has the biggest land snails that I had ever saw but they are poisonous to touch or eat.

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