Guess what rich person paid an 18.4% tax rate last year?

He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?

Once again, slowly. you on the left demonized Romney for exactly the same things that you are now worshiping obama for------------its called hypocrisy.

Geez, liberals are thick headed.

We're waiting for you to show us when Obama demanded that the rich voluntarily pay 30%.

The only hypocrites around here are the ones who defended Romney's 13% rate who are now attacking Obama for 'only' paying 18%.

Just like we are waiting for you to show that Romney ran on decreasing his own taxes and increasing the deficit. :cuckoo:
Guess what rich person paid an 18.4% tax rate last year?

Who WOULDN'T pay the lowest amount they were legally obligated to pay? :dunno: Wouldn't you?

Overheard at the accountants office...
"When you figure out what I owe, tack on an extra couple of grand..."
:eusa_hand: NOT!

Just more proof that the tax code is unfair.

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics, and then, watch your kids reach for the stars.

:smoke: It's not rocket science, y'all.

I don't pay the least I owe and for a good reason. The amount of the difference if I itemized and what it is taking the standard deduction is not really worth the hassle or the chance of an audit. I did itemize the year I was diagnosed with the PH because I had so many medical bills, travel to Vanderbilt, and some left over from the previous years. That year, all my certifications and licenses lined up to be renewed, which was a considerable amount of money. I also bought out a locum tenens contract so I could work where I do, and get in my last year needed to retire with full benefits. I got back $2800. What I turned in should have gotten me $3300. But the IRS lopped off a chunck said they would send me their reason, but they never did. I won't call them on it because it is already like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know the IRS isn't looking for taxpayers like me. They want the big fish generally. But, still, I keep my ducks in a row. If I itemized every year, I might get a pittance back, but having to deal with an audit would make it all moot. So, yes, there ARE people who don't pursue it to the Nth degree. It just isn't worth it.

And Obama, as a wealthy person, should have realized the message he would send by doing this, and paid more. I am allowed, what? $5900 to live on? He has EVERY expense paid out of the pockets of the taxpayers, but that isn't good enough for him!

Americans who 'get money back' because they file on wages shouldn't even need to file a return. Fair and simple... one rate, one deduction...

This is about the Monkeys at the top who write quarterly checks to Uncle Sam's Treasury with six to eight figures on them. Trust me, the Monkeys who run in those circles pay good money to lawyers, accountants and most precious of all, lobbyists, to keep their tax bill as low as legally possible. That's why complication of the code has been so successful.

Fair and simple... One rate, One deduction.
Why, yes, I really do believe that the President should pay the same rate as I do. As should every other wealthy person in the US. Of course, not mentioned is that he paid more than Romney ever has. But both are complying with the present tax laws. And the primary problem is this;

Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube

Yes, stupid people making stupid videos is the primary problem in this country.

Some are more equal than others
If ALL the wealth of the so-called 1% were confiscated and applied to the national debt, the effect would be mathematically, negligible.

This entire "fair share" argument is nothing but Marx/Lenin/Alinsky inspired nonsense, based on envy, jealousy, hate and avarice by Democrats - including this President - toward people who are smarter and more astute financially than themselves.
Negligible enough to eliminate the GOP National Debt entirely and still have over 5 trillion left over to party with! :woohoo:

The top 1% have 40% of the 54 trillion in wealth for the country. That's 21.6 trillion dollars, hardly a negligible amount of money.

Your post does show how the Misinformation Voter thinks they are so much smarter than everyone else who knows the facts.

Credible link, please!

Thank you!
Both Obama and Romney are hypocritical politicians? Somebody alert the press!

Is the point of this topic to make Obama look bad, or to make both Romney and Obama look bad? :eusa_eh:
Yeah, and George Bush could have picked up an M-16 and flew to Iraq if he wanted to fight the Iraqis that badly.

Have you no idea how idiotic you sound? Are you that far gone?

Every person who went to Iraq was a volunteer.

Really? They didn't get paid? They get no benefits?

Dumbass. :lol:

What we get is a lie. Benefits if we're lucky, and those we get are not what we were promised and on top of that they are earned, every dime, every little snack they allow us to keep. You haven't a clue, yes, they are volunteers. Raise your hand and defend your rights......
Every person who went to Iraq was a volunteer.

Really? They didn't get paid? They get no benefits?

Dumbass. :lol:

What we get is a lie. Benefits if we're lucky, and those we get are not what we were promised and on top of that they are earned, every dime, every little snack they allow us to keep. You haven't a clue, yes, they are volunteers. Raise your hand and defend your rights......

He tried to make it look like men were sent to Iraq as part of a draft. But we haven't had a draft in years. He only made himself look like an ass, and that was his pathetic failure of an effort to recoup! The ones who got drafted got paid too. He forgot that part! These people are so lame it makes you wonder how they get food enough to live.
And some of those draftees went on to make it a career....

Yes, they sure did. Many say the military was a positive experience in their lives. I think a lot of the thugs we have now might have been saved by a draft. As it is they are lost to themselves and to the world.
Obama's a Progressive. He thinks tax fairness only applies to OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.

Really? And yet Obama was proposing a tax plan that would raise HIS OWN taxes, and Romney was proposing a tax plan that would cut ROMNEY'S OWN taxes, Romney,

the guy who was already paying a ridiculously low effective tax rate.
The oil and gas industries pay on average a 44% effective tax rate.

HA! You're quoting an article published by the American Petroleum Institute??? LMAO.
Yeah, that's an unbiased, objective source all right.

And did you actually READ the material? Try it, then get back to me.

I don't have to. I am very familiar with the API having worked in O&G in Texas for many years. They are about as unbiased as the NRA but they pay a whole lot more for their propaganda. Does the article mention anything about the $523,000,000,000 global subsidies? Thanks, I can't wait to hear back from you.
After reading a thread like this one should never ever have to wonder why conservatives cannot win a national election.

And as many as there are on federal 'benefits' the probably never will again. The balance has been tipped. We are a socialist nanny state.
Makes almost as much as someone I know very close to, almost intimately I would say.

Yes, he needs to pay more. Change the laws to make the rich pay their fair share.

so you admit obama is a hypocrite for saying the rich should pay more when he does not himself?

Obama filed a legal tax return. He didn't break any laws. How is he a hypocrite?

Do you think he should be donating money to the IRS?

Remember that yurt is permanently brain damaged, folks. That is why he tells everyone he has me on Ignore
HA! You're quoting an article published by the American Petroleum Institute??? LMAO.
Yeah, that's an unbiased, objective source all right.

And did you actually READ the material? Try it, then get back to me.

I don't have to. I am very familiar with the API having worked in O&G in Texas for many years. They are about as unbiased as the NRA but they pay a whole lot more for their propaganda. Does the article mention anything about the $523,000,000,000 global subsidies? Thanks, I can't wait to hear back from you.

Why don't you spell out those subsidies for us? Thanks, I can't wait to hear back from you.
Who Else Doesn?t Pay Taxes? Top 10 Corporate Deadbeats and Slackers

Here is a list of the top 10 corporate deadbeats and slackers (thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont):

1) Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009. Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings.

4) Chevron received a $19 million refund from the IRS last year after it made $10 billion in profits in 2009.

6) Valero Energy, the 25th largest company in America with $68 billion in sales last year received a $157 million tax refund check from the IRS and, over the past three years, it received a $134 million tax break from the oil and gas manufacturing tax deduction.

9) ConocoPhillips, the fifth largest oil company in the United States, made $16 billion in profits from 2007 through 2009, but received $451 million in tax breaks through the oil and gas manufacturing deduction.

Another pack of lies.

What you call "tax breaks" are standard depreciation deductions for capital investment...which are available to all industries.

You also neglect the vast amount of gasoline taxes collected by the federal government.
The claim by the API was that Big Oil paid a 44% tax rate, I showed they didn't. There was no claim that Big Oil paid less than 44% due to special tax breaks, that is your Straw Man to change the subject away from the fact that API lied about Big Oil paying a 44% tax rate.
Nice try though.

Yet another pathetic attempt to say "squirrel".

I didn't mention API; nor did I claim they paid 44%.

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