Guess Which Racist Wrote the New Census Citizen Question?

That citizenship question on the 2020 Census? Kobach says he pitched it to Trump

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach encouraged President Donald Trump to add a question about citizenship status to the U.S. Census during the early weeks of Trump’s presidency.

More than a year later, Trump’s administration has moved to enact that exact policy for the 2020 census.

“I won’t go into exact detail, but I raised the issue with the president shortly after he was inaugurated,” Kobach said Tuesday.

Kobach, a Republican candidate for Kansas governor who is running on a platform focused on immigration, also published a column in January on Breitbart calling for Trump to reinstate the question to the Census.

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Kobach, freshly humiliated during the ACLU trial, is an idiot. I knew as soon as I read the news who wrote it.

Put on the hood Filthy Don...cause that is who you are. :321:

A question about citizenship is “put on the hood”?

That citizenship question on the 2020 Census? Kobach says he pitched it to Trump

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach encouraged President Donald Trump to add a question about citizenship status to the U.S. Census during the early weeks of Trump’s presidency.

More than a year later, Trump’s administration has moved to enact that exact policy for the 2020 census.

“I won’t go into exact detail, but I raised the issue with the president shortly after he was inaugurated,” Kobach said Tuesday.

Kobach, a Republican candidate for Kansas governor who is running on a platform focused on immigration, also published a column in January on Breitbart calling for Trump to reinstate the question to the Census.

(end snip)

Kobach, freshly humiliated during the ACLU trial, is an idiot. I knew as soon as I read the news who wrote it.

Put on the hood Filthy Don...cause that is who you are. :321:

Err, what? It seems a pretty relevant question, seeing as it's a census of US citizens. Help me understand how this is racist..?
leftards are parrots you really do not expect a real answer do you

A lot of them are just bots. Some bed wetter with a laptop can have several sock accounts that regularly post insipid moonbat drivel and with the correct algorithm can make it look like there is an abundance of people who believe the world is flat, global warming is all the fault of American White Christian Heterosexual Males who drive to work, and that a $100K of russian ads was enough to make everyone on Facebook vote for Trump.

I understand there are a lot of bed wetting libturds in the country, but there could not be that many. There would be piles of dead ones all along the highways that had wandered in front of buses and trucks. That's why they have to reduce traffic speeds around schools.

leftards are parrots you really do not expect a real answer do you

A lot of them are just bots. Some bed wetter with a laptop can have several sock accounts that regularly post insipid moonbat drivel and with the correct algorithm can make it look like there is an abundance of people who believe the world is flat, global warming is all the fault of American White Christian Heterosexual Males who drive to work, and that a $100K of russian ads was enough to make everyone on Facebook vote for Trump.

I understand there are a lot of bed wetting libturds in the country, but there could not be that many. There would be piles of dead ones all along the highways that had wandered in front of buses and trucks. That's why they have to reduce traffic speeds around schools.

Fucking t-sipping longhorn idiots.

I am so glad we left that conference.
The Democrats have demanded that illegal aliens be counted in the census in the past.
But now they are saying that it's racist?

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