Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

As someone that votes Republican most of the time I know one fact for sure:
Oil companies donate more $ to Republican candidates than Democrats.
As someone that votes Republican most of the time I know one fact for sure:
Oil companies donate more $ to Republican candidates than Democrats.


Obama fends off criticism of accepting BP employee donations in 2008

the money was given by employees of the company and not the company itself.

Over the past decade, BP employees have given over $3 million. "Fifty-seven percent of BP's contributions went to Republicans, while 43 percent went to Democrats."

Could you imagine how different the country would be if Republicans went to sites such as this for information:

Instead of Fox?
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Here's a good question...did he get big money from big oil? Yes or no?

Yes from the employees.

No from the company itself.

In the black and white world of Republicans, everything can be reduced to a simple "yes or no".

I assume you work for a company. If your company gave 50,000 to Obama, but you and the other employees gave fundraisers, sold cookies and made personal donations, then bundled that money together, and gave 75,000 to John McCain saying the money comes from the company all of you work at, who did the company give more Money to? Obviously, Obama. Because the money you gave actually came from the employees even though, records list the company.

I know it works this way because the company I work at gave money to McCain, but the employees gave bundled money to Obama. But now, both campaigns listed the same company.
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As someone that votes Republican most of the time I know one fact for sure:
Oil companies donate more $ to Republican candidates than Democrats.


Obama fends off criticism of accepting BP employee donations in 2008

the money was given by employees of the company and not the company itself.

Over the past decade, BP employees have given over $3 million. "Fifty-seven percent of BP's contributions went to Republicans, while 43 percent went to Democrats."

Could you imagine how different the country would be if Republicans went to sites such as this for information: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting

Instead of Fox?

Yep, I scanned that politico article and I saw no indication that BP had ever contributed to anyone else besides Obama ;)
As I said spin.
It all makes sense now. The guy wont even criticize BP. Talk about sucking up to the "Evil Oil Companies?" I knew something was up with this one. Really sad stuff.
Anyone that believes Democrats receive more $ from Big Oil than Republicans has no business posting on a political board anywhere.
As someone that votes Republican most of the time I know one fact for sure:
Oil companies donate more $ to Republican candidates than Democrats.


Obama fends off criticism of accepting BP employee donations in 2008

the money was given by employees of the company and not the company itself.

Over the past decade, BP employees have given over $3 million. "Fifty-seven percent of BP's contributions went to Republicans, while 43 percent went to Democrats."

Could you imagine how different the country would be if Republicans went to sites such as this for information: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting

Instead of Fox?

Yep, I scanned that politico article and I saw no indication that BP had ever contributed to anyone else besides Obama ;)
As I said spin.

I guess the concept of "bundled" money from the employees was way over your head. Sorry. I thought you were smarter than that. My bad.

Obama fends off criticism of accepting BP employee donations in 2008

the money was given by employees of the company and not the company itself.

Over the past decade, BP employees have given over $3 million. "Fifty-seven percent of BP's contributions went to Republicans, while 43 percent went to Democrats."

Could you imagine how different the country would be if Republicans went to sites such as this for information: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting

Instead of Fox?

Yep, I scanned that politico article and I saw no indication that BP had ever contributed to anyone else besides Obama ;)
As I said spin.

I guess the concept of "bundled" money from the employees was way over your head. Sorry. I thought you were smarter than that. My bad.

Um that included BP PAC money
Nowhere in the paragraph does it state "overall donations", it does state that "BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama".

Once a liar always a liar seems to be your motto.

During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.

That's $77, 051, not over 20 years as you suggest, because Obama has not been in the senate for 20 years.

Your lies just keep piling up. Perhaps you should quit while you still have an ounce of credibility left.

OK, let's break down the paragraph you quoted:

Here it states the overall donations made to federal candidates:

BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years,

Here it describes where a portion of that money went:

with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

And here it describes the Donations that were the subject of the preceding sentence, those being the overall donations. Note that it first describes the source of the overall donations, and then the amounts of the overall donations, in the same sentence.

Donations come from a mix of employees and the company’s political action committees — $2.89 million flowed to campaigns from BP-related PACs and about $638,000 came from individuals.

Admit it, you read it wrong.

I admit you're wrong. Obama has taken money from oil companies and lied about it. Obama is a liar and you are a liar.
Nowhere in the paragraph does it state "overall donations", it does state that "BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama".

Once a liar always a liar seems to be your motto.

During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.

That's $77, 051, not over 20 years as you suggest, because Obama has not been in the senate for 20 years.

Your lies just keep piling up. Perhaps you should quit while you still have an ounce of credibility left.

And as far as your point about the 20 years thing goes... OK, fine, lets say it was over the past 8 years, whatever.

Thats about 10,000 Dollars a year. WHAT'S THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE??

It's still a piddling amount of money in terms of election funding, and the point still stands that it probably came from individual voters.

There is certainly no evidence from anything you posted that Mr Obama received direct corporate funding, or funding through a corporate PAC.

So, please, enough with the desperate Bullshit. There is no way you're going to pin this on Obama.

YOU are the party of "Drill Baby Drill".

YOU are the party of "Hands off the oil corporations".

Your Orwellian propaganda is unbelievable and, frankly, insulting to the intelligence of the average American.

No difference I suppose, Obama took money from oil companies then lied about it.

I have a stake in the oil industry that's true, I would like us to drill more and become less dependent on foreign oil, again, that's true.

Hands off oil? You have to be more specific.

What's insulting is when fuckers like you lie about things I've never said.
And you can keep on using the word "lying" all you want, it doesn't make your point any more valid.

You're a partisan hack desperately trying to cover up the fact that your side has been strong supporters of the Oil industry all along.

You're trying to make a big deal out of the fact that Mr Obama received some minimal amount of campaign contributions from employees at BP, when the vice president you last voted into office was the fucking CEO of HALLIBURTON.

Not trying to make a point just being honest, that's something you liars have a hard time doing.

No, the big deal you stupid fuck is that Obama LIED about it and gullible fucks like you believed him. Of course bring Cheney into the mix, you still won't win the argument.

Fact is Obama took money from oil companies and lied about it.
As usual the Hopey Changeys are being dishonest & hypocritical on this one. And once again,shame on the corrupt Liberal MSM. My God,could you imagine their reaction if a Republican was in the White House right now? This current President did receive the most cash from BP. This is fact. This is fact no matter how much the Hopey Changeys want to spin things. He hasn't even criticised BP yet for this terrible catastrophe. I guess we now know why. This White House has botched this thing. We'll be paying for this calamity for many many years.
I saw Obama saying that BP would pay for the cleanup.

Just how has Obama botched the oil spill?

Yes but he hasn't criticized them. I guess we now know why. The cost of the cleanup is not the main thing to be upset about. They're never going to clean this mess up anyway. They still haven't cleaned up the Valdez mess. The horrible damage done goes far far beyond the cost of cleanup. The least he could do is criticize BP a little. Their response was also pitifully slow & inadequate. They haven't even stopped the leak yet. What a sad disaster.

And my thread on the fact that right-wingers are blanketing the internet with this talking point was moved to the "Flame Zone".


Can we get some Mod action here please?
Well, since there's 6 different threads on this exact same subject, I guess I'm just going to have to copy and paste the exact same answer into each of them.

Here goes:

British Petroleum has 80,000 employees. If only a few hundred of them made average-sized campaign donations (about $250.00) to Mr Obama, that total would have been reached.

Considering Mr Obama $600 Million (or about $2 for every American) for his 2008 presidential bid, it would stand to reason that any sample population taken randomly would have given a significant amount of campaign donations.

In fact, on average, 80,000 people from BP should have produced about $160,000 Dollars in campaign donations. The amount from BP is actually short.
Well, since there's 6 different threads on this exact same subject, I guess I'm just going to have to copy and paste the exact same answer into each of them.

Here goes:

British Petroleum has 80,000 employees. If only a few hundred of them made average-sized campaign donations (about $250.00) to Mr Obama, that total would have been reached.

Considering Mr Obama $600 Million (or about $2 for every American) for his 2008 presidential bid, it would stand to reason that any sample population taken randomly would have given a significant amount of campaign donations.

In fact, on average, 80,000 people from BP should have produced about $160,000 Dollars in campaign donations. The amount from BP is actually short.
Well, since there's 6 different threads on this exact same subject, I guess I'm just going to have to copy and paste the exact same answer into each of them.

Here goes:

British Petroleum has 80,000 employees. If only a few hundred of them made average-sized campaign donations (about $250.00) to Mr Obama, that total would have been reached.

Considering Mr Obama $600 Million (or about $2 for every American) for his 2008 presidential bid, it would stand to reason that any sample population taken randomly would have given a significant amount of campaign donations.

In fact, on average, 80,000 people from BP should have produced about $160,000 Dollars in campaign donations. The amount from BP is actually short.

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