Gun Control Advocates Ignore the Data On Reciprocity

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Read much more at. ^ | January 18, 2020 | John R. Lott Jr


So much of the gun control debate is about things that might go wrong. Democrats, who just took control of the Virginia state legislature, are about to pass a law that will dramatically limit the ability of people with concealed handgun permits from other states to carry in Virginia. There haven’t been any problems with these permit holders, but that doesn’t matter for gun control advocates.

Currently, Virginia recognizes concealed handgun permits issued by all other states. Out-of-state permit holders can carry in Virginia as long as they follow local laws and carry photo identification.

The current rules came about in 2016 because Virginia’s Attorney General Mark Herring, a staunch gun control advocate, announced that he was going only to recognize the permits issued from five other states. Republicans who then controlled the state legislature fought back and took away Herring’s authority. The new proposed law will again give Herring control over whether permit holders from other states can carry.

It’s not easy for a truck driver to avoid troublesome state and city gun laws as he drives across the country with valuable merchandise. He can quickly run into trouble in “may issue” states such as New York, New Jersey, Illinois, or California, which give out few permits and require applicants to demonstrate sufficient “need.” Or imagine a single woman driving across state lines at night, hoping that her car won’t break down along the highway.

If state Democrats and Henning get their way, criminals will only need to look for an out of state license plates to know who to attack.

For most of the country, reciprocity is already a fact of life. The average state allows people with concealed handgun permits from 32 other states to travel freely. But the seven “may issue” states and D.C. pull down that average; only one of those seven states, Delaware, recognizes permits from any other state. These “may issue” states only give out permits to people who provide local public officials with a good reason for being able to defend themselves...........


Liberals love to talk about all the possible things that could go wrong if guns were unrestricted. However, nothing would ever go wrong in their perfect world if guns were restricted. Then it would be utopia because everybody would suddenly obey the law. Progressives are such children.....and in all honesty deniers of reality!
Exactly, and why does this country keep listening and obeying adult children is my question ?? Unbelievable.
Exactly, and why does this country keep listening and obeying adult children is my question ?? Unbelievable.

It is the MEDIA, and our allowing so many communist to TEACH OUR CHILDREN from kindergarten where they are being taught that a boy can be a girl if he wants to, to having ALL CHILDREN use the same bathrooms!....You make morals and ethics BAD WORDS AND THOUGHTS!....It just progresses from there!
Exactly, and why does this country keep listening and obeying adult children is my question ?? Unbelievable.

It is the MEDIA, and our allowing so many communist to TEACH OUR CHILDREN from kindergarten where they are being taught that a boy can be a girl if he wants to, to having ALL CHILDREN use the same bathrooms!....You make morals and ethics BAD WORDS AND THOUGHTS!....It just progresses from there!
Agree, it has all gotten way out of hand these days, and people who say that it ain't are just living an unGodly life. This nation moving away from God has gotten it into some serious trouble it seems.

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