Gun control

please break into MY house...please.please.please....if I am not at of the little dogs will eat you....if by chance you make it to where the guns are..very BIG are you going to move a 1000lb gun safe, bolted to the wall and floor....are you superman too??? the only un-safe gun is one that is un-loaded...dumbass...move out into the country...des moines ia should work for you...eeemmm superman...that would be 3 ids...:D
yes they are loaded. and im with jon. please break in, i could use the target practice.
I appreciate how eager you guys would be to kill me, but that wasn't my point. I personally won't break into any house unless I lock myself out of my own home.

I was asking if it's easy for someone to steal your legitimate guns and use them illegally... if you keep your guns in a huge safe, how quickly can you grab it to defend your family? If the guns are handy, how hard are they to steal? that's the question.
long guns in the safe...always a hand gun near in the bedroom... a snake-charmer....410 pistolgrip pump ..if its dark and you come to my noisy and stay in the light....some guns are for hunting and some are for the boogie man..:D
Now we're talking... if I come into your house it would be because YOU opened the door and said 'the game's on, beers in the fridge' and I would make noise.

Seriously though, if one of those evil burglurs broke in while you're at work, it's only the handgun they could really steal, correct? Whereas some people have all their guns in some case or fixture that anyone can access...(based on the movies I've seen..LOL. I have never seen a gun case in real life)

Anyhow, I asked because I usually hear about gun violence and stolen guns in the same sentence. And I figure in my country (CANADA, not Cuba) you can't really steal handguns from any store... only from people's homes. forgot about the dogs....not good to come visit when no one is home...:D what the dogs dont get, I will!!!
Originally posted by Scourge
I appreciate how eager you guys would be to kill me, but that wasn't my point. I personally won't break into any house unless I lock myself out of my own home.

I was asking if it's easy for someone to steal your legitimate guns and use them illegally... if you keep your guns in a huge safe, how quickly can you grab it to defend your family? If the guns are handy, how hard are they to steal? that's the question.
this goes both ways. you can lock things up all you want, but lets face it. if i want it bad enough, im going to get it. no matter if its your guns, money, valuables, your kids, or you. there is no way around that one. i learned that one a long time ago.

as for the my guns, they are in a rack on the wall. plus in their cases. handgun under my pillow.
Originally posted by jon_forward forgot about the dogs....not good to come visit when no one is home...:D what the dogs dont get, I will!!!
Damn, if someone broke into my house all my dog would do is look at them puzzled wondering "hey why isn't this guy giving me a biscuit" :p: Labs just aren't good guard dogs.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Damn, if someone broke into my house all my dog would do is look at them puzzled wondering "hey why isn't this guy giving me a biscuit" :p: Labs just aren't good guard dogs.
Hee hee. My old dog, a labrador/german shorthair pointer mix, would have pointed to the silver and then rolled over so the burglar could pet her tummy!!!! She never even barked. Damn, I miss that doggie.

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