Gun culture or parenting culture?

When that happens, then I will be more concerned about it. But to my knowledge, it never has and for the life of me I can't think of a situation where it could..

Police have shot other police officers, because the other guy 'had a gun'. He also had a badge, but they were busy noticing the gun.
so what?

even the most skilled and trained person can make a mistake it happens but it is rare
No.. this never happens

Officer Killed by Fellow Police

An undercover police officer who had cornered a fleeing suspect was shot and killed by fellow officers, Oakland Police Department officials said today.

Officer William Wilkins, who had been with the police force for seven years, was shot around 11 p.m. Thursday and died at Highland Hospital early today.

Wilkins, 29, was on a drug stakeout and was not in uniform when he spotted a stolen car speeding by.

Berlin said Wilkins caught the alleged car thief near the San Leandro border with Oakland. Wilkins was holding the suspect at gunpoint in a driveway when the two uniformed officers arrived.

At least one officer opened fire, and Wilkins was hit several times in the upper torso, Berlin said. He added that 11 shell casings were found at the scene. Berlin did not know if Wilkins returned the fire.

Case in point, popo done gone off the motherfuckin' deep end and that shit needs a return to reality.

I got arrested by a DUI cop in America that really can't speak English, wtf? :uhh:

That's where we're at I guess.
when you walk up to an ATM a crook has no idea if you are depositing or withdrawing if he sees you pull one of those deposit envelopes out of your pocket don't you think he'd try to take it?

Do you let people stand that close to you? You take the envelope out, and put it into the slot. It's people taking money out that have to worry. The crooks know when you reach for a fist full of $20's you have cash on you. But they don't know if it's $500 or just $20.
so what?

even the most skilled and trained person can make a mistake it happens but it is rare

Which is my point. If highly trained and skilled people with guns make deadly mistakes. What chance do untrained civilians have of not panicing and shooting up the countryside because somebody looked at them funny,.
so what?

even the most skilled and trained person can make a mistake it happens but it is rare

Which is my point. If highly trained and skilled people with guns make deadly mistakes. What chance do untrained civilians have of not panicing and shooting up the countryside because somebody looked at them funny,.

Because you shoot anybody for looking at you funny, you'll find yourself in jail.
when you walk up to an ATM a crook has no idea if you are depositing or withdrawing if he sees you pull one of those deposit envelopes out of your pocket don't you think he'd try to take it?

Do you let people stand that close to you? You take the envelope out, and put it into the slot. It's people taking money out that have to worry. The crooks know when you reach for a fist full of $20's you have cash on you. But they don't know if it's $500 or just $20.

What they do know is you have access to withdraw money from your account. Once you type your password in, you have a section of things you wish to do. So even if you went there to deposit money, it doesn't matter. When that gun is in your face and the crook tells you to withdraw the maximum, you withdraw the maximum.
nature. Obama has not been a business friendly president and has piled on regulations after regulations. Which policy do you claim boosted the economy? Less than 2% gdp growth his eight years impresses you? You're a disciple to a religion.

Actually there were two FY's with over 3.0% job growth. You can put that meme to bed.

As far as which policies. Most of them. Republicans said Obama would drive gasoline to $5 a gallon with his regulations on Gulf oil drilling, deep water horizon regulations were supposed to create oil shortages. Well oil production under Obama is at the highest ever.

Yes it is because of fracking (which the Democrats hate) and private land drilling. Public land drilling permits under DumBama decreased
If at all possible, you don't wait until somebody is pointing a gun at you before you fire. If you perceive a threat of your life, then you have the right to stop that threat with deadly force yourself.

You're making the argumnent against citizens being permitted to carry guns. As you said, don't wait for the other guy to pull out his gun, before you pull out yours. Don't wait for the other guy to point his gun at you, before you open fire.
If two armed citizens confront each other, there's going to be a gunfight with each trying to get the drop on the other.

And yet we went from 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997 to over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....and that didn't happen. Our gun murder rate went down 49%....our gun accident rates went down....

The idea that two normal people are just going to start guns blazing is not supported by the truth, the actual facts or the actual reality of gun ownership in this country.....

We have had 20 years of people carrying guns...and nothing anti gunners have said about it has come true...not one thing.

How do you explain that?
so what?

even the most skilled and trained person can make a mistake it happens but it is rare

Which is my point. If highly trained and skilled people with guns make deadly mistakes. What chance do untrained civilians have of not panicing and shooting up the countryside because somebody looked at them funny,.
Where is that happening? Besides your sweat soaked sheets I mean.
but more importantly the situation he was elected into. He blew it.

YUP, Obama blew 8,.2% unemployment and $1.5 trillion deficits. Obama blew the DOW at 8,000, and the worlds most wanted terrorist on the loose. Just what was he thinking of by reversing the economy that Bush left him.

One, he added 10 trillion dollars to the deficit. That's double of what it was before he came in. Two, it's the feds with their Quantitive Easing that led to the stock market bubble. Three, much of that unemployment number is due to the amount of Americans that quit looking for a job which hit a record under Obama. The more people that claim they are no longer looking for a job, the less people are considered to be unemployed.
I'm sure he did. DumBama is a book smart guy. But I think he falls way short when it comes to common sense.

Obama cut the deficit by 60%, cut unemployment by 50%, cut the wars by 50%, increased the DOW by 120%, saved GM and created 22 million private sector jobs. The longest continuous private sector job growth in history.

No too shabby for someone you say was only book smart.

No, a President can't cut the deficit--only Congress can. And yes, the Republicans did cut the deficit after they regained leadership of Congress.
so what?

even the most skilled and trained person can make a mistake it happens but it is rare

Which is my point. If highly trained and skilled people with guns make deadly mistakes. What chance do untrained civilians have of not panicing and shooting up the countryside because somebody looked at them funny,.

Again...4.7 million people carrying guns in 1997.....over 15 million in 2016....gun accidents, gun murder.....both went down, not your whole point is didn't happen and each time you guys claim it will doesn't...
nature. Obama has not been a business friendly president and has piled on regulations after regulations. Which policy do you claim boosted the economy? Less than 2% gdp growth his eight years impresses you? You're a disciple to a religion.

Actually there were two FY's with over 3.0% job growth. You can put that meme to bed.

As far as which policies. Most of them. Republicans said Obama would drive gasoline to $5 a gallon with his regulations on Gulf oil drilling, deep water horizon regulations were supposed to create oil shortages. Well oil production under Obama is at the highest ever.
I didn't say there was no job growth I asked which one of Obama's policies helped and you threw up a smoke screen.
What they do know is you have access to withdraw money from your account. Once you type your password in, you have a section of things you wish to do. So even if you went there to deposit money, it doesn't matter. When that gun is in your face and the crook tells you to withdraw the maximum, you withdraw the maximum.

And the crook does this standing in front of the ATM camera?
So it's the kid's fault that the cop didn't have better judgement than to drive right up on him and to kill him 2 seconds later. That's disgusting.

What was the cop supposed to do?
IMO, the cop was too quick on the trigger since, IIRC, the kid didn't piont the gun at him or anyone. Now, if the kid was pointing the gun at a person, then immediate shooting is justified.

He might have been, but that doesn't mean he did anything wrong or illegal.

If at all possible, you don't wait until somebody is pointing a gun at you before you fire. If you perceive a threat of your life, then you have the right to stop that threat with deadly force yourself.
So, the fact I know you are armed is justification to shoot you? I think not.

No, pulling it out while in front of a police officer is.
Wasn't it already out? Sorry, but the police officer was too quick to shoot. He had cover and the "suspect" wasn't pointing the gun at him. He had time to take control of the situation.

Three experienced police officers who testified agreed the situation was mishandled:

Nonetheless, extremists are all about "all or nothing". I know the anti-gun, anti-police mob is like that. I hope you aren't likewise. There are over 750,000 LEOs in this nation. Mistakes happen, but they shouldn't be covered up. They also shouldn't be extrapolated by a bunch of anti-gun and/or anti-cop assholes to mean one mistake applies to all concerned.

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