Gun free zone

Duh, we're talking about "gun control"...

Then explain how it is good policy to arm the drug cartels, launder money for them and assist with deliveries.

How has that restricted YOUR gun rights (under Bush or Obama)? Didn't restrict mine!

I didnt claim additional restrictions, Though I could post about how democrats are handling NICS.

But you dont have the stomach for facts.

But apparently you dont mind hundreds of murders so additional restrictions could be applied as was attempted.

The back door method of gun control was arming the cartels, you must be so proud to support that type of corruption.
Duh, we're talking about "gun control"...

Then explain how it is good policy to arm the drug cartels, launder money for them and assist with deliveries.

How has that restricted YOUR gun rights (under Bush or Obama)? Didn't restrict mine!

I have a very good memory while fast and the furious operation was being used remember in 2009 Clinton holder and obama talking about guns crossing the border into Mexico And something had to be done to help Mexico with the problem? Now it's 2012 do we hear anything from those three talking about guns crossing the border into Mexico ? What happen to stop the talks? Could it be fast and the furious was shut down?
Then explain how it is good policy to arm the drug cartels, launder money for them and assist with deliveries.

How has that restricted YOUR gun rights (under Bush or Obama)? Didn't restrict mine!

I have a very good memory while fast and the furious operation was being used remember in 2009 Clinton holder and obama talking about guns crossing the border into Mexico And something had to be done to help Mexico with the problem? Now it's 2012 do we hear anything from those three talking about guns crossing the border into Mexico ? What happen to stop the talks? Could it be fast and the furious was shut down?

I havent found a single issue a democrat could take the high ground with
Then explain how it is good policy to arm the drug cartels, launder money for them and assist with deliveries.

How has that restricted YOUR gun rights (under Bush or Obama)? Didn't restrict mine!

Had they not been BUSTED running guns into Mexico they were going to use the violence there as a reason to further restrict gun rights here. You might recall all the speeches that were made by Obama, Hillary, Napolitano and Holder talking about the 90% of guns recovered in Mexico being traced back to America?

At the minimum they were looking to add 'Demand Letter 3', Google it.

Yeah, I already said that...
How has that restricted YOUR gun rights (under Bush or Obama)? Didn't restrict mine!

I have a very good memory while fast and the furious operation was being used remember in 2009 Clinton holder and obama talking about guns crossing the border into Mexico And something had to be done to help Mexico with the problem? Now it's 2012 do we hear anything from those three talking about guns crossing the border into Mexico ? What happen to stop the talks? Could it be fast and the furious was shut down?

I havent found a single issue a democrat could take the high ground with

Think about have you heard anything about guns crossing the border and obama clinton or holder talking about something had to be done about guns crossing the border? If it wasn't due to the government allowing those guns to cross why has it stopped and nothing heard about it since fast and the furious was shut down?
As an avid gun enthusiast, and former NRA member, it has been my concern for several years that unyielding NRA extremists will eventually cause a backlash that will result in severely restricted gun rights. I don't want that to happen.

When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...
As an avid gun enthusiast, and former NRA member, it has been my concern for several years that unyielding NRA extremists will eventually cause a backlash that will result in severely restricted gun rights. I don't want that to happen.

When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...

Why do we no longer hear about guns crossing the border into mexico from obama clnton or holder? What made those speeches stop, why haven't we heard about guns going into Mexico since Fast and the furious was shut down? I'm sure the drug cartels didn't stop doing it if they were the ones doing it.
As an avid gun enthusiast, and former NRA member, it has been my concern for several years that unyielding NRA extremists will eventually cause a backlash that will result in severely restricted gun rights. I don't want that to happen.

When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...
So says the avid anti-gun enthusiast.

And let's address a few lies you repeat.

Gunrunner aka Wide Receiver was ended before the Obama Administration started Fast and Furious. Critical differences in the programs are well known, such as the microchip trackers that were used to track guns and ended when they realized they were being removed and disabled.

Fast and Furious did NOT track the guns, and had an ancillary "benefit" to create a crisis designed to discredit and give cause to disarm the populace at large or reason to criminalize gun sales. Its goal primary goal was stated to trace gun sales? How did they plan to do that without tracking? It was not to save lives.

You are right on one MAJOR point. Fast and Furious had nothing to do with Loughner or Holmes. Neither one of these psychopaths were stopped by the increased gun laws from our past. Nor will they be stopped from further infringements of the constitution you desperately desire in your cowardice.

Tell me. Should the Lakota have been disarmed by the US government? Ohhhhh that's right. They mostly were. How'd that work out for your people?
One of the persistent ideas that has driven interest in the Fast & Furious story among many on the right is the idea that the entire operation was created by forces within the Obama Administration as an operation designed not to catch Mexican drug gangs illegally buying guns in the United States, but to essentially manufacture evidence that could be used to push for additional gun control legislation.

More: Debunking The Fast & Furious Gun Control Conspiracy
As an avid gun enthusiast, and former NRA member, it has been my concern for several years that unyielding NRA extremists will eventually cause a backlash that will result in severely restricted gun rights. I don't want that to happen.

When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...

:lol: You are comedy. It was the democrats that allowed them to walk untraced. It is what democrats meant buy back door gun control. Democrats were screaming about them going south, lying about the percentages all to put in place further restrictions.

Honest question. Are you as stupid as you appear?

If we didnt speak out, the ban would still be in place.
As an avid gun enthusiast, and former NRA member, it has been my concern for several years that unyielding NRA extremists will eventually cause a backlash that will result in severely restricted gun rights. I don't want that to happen.

When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...

In other words, you're too chickenshit to address what this administration has illegally done in order to advance their narrative for more gun controls.

As an avid gun enthusiast, and former NRA member, it has been my concern for several years that unyielding NRA extremists will eventually cause a backlash that will result in severely restricted gun rights. I don't want that to happen.

When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...

:lol: You are comedy. It was the democrats that allowed them to walk untraced. It is what democrats meant buy back door gun control. Democrats were screaming about them going south, lying about the percentages all to put in place further restrictions.

Honest question. Are you as stupid as you appear?

If we didnt speak out, the ban would still be in place.
Little Running Mouth is salivating for the day he can take the washichu's guns and maybe get his people's land back.
When you idiots do eventually lose gun rights, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You seem totally incapable of having intelligent debate on the issue. Hell, you can't even stay on topic.

Regarding Fast and Furious, no matter how poorly it was designed and carried out, it was meant as a sting operation to trace gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to deprive them of weapons. The goal was to help save lives. Project Gunrunner began under Bush in 2005.

Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious have nothing to do with Jared Loughner and James Holmes. The gun control debate is coming, and I suggest you become better prepared for it. Bubba bullshit won't work...

:lol: You are comedy. It was the democrats that allowed them to walk untraced. It is what democrats meant buy back door gun control. Democrats were screaming about them going south, lying about the percentages all to put in place further restrictions.

Honest question. Are you as stupid as you appear?

If we didnt speak out, the ban would still be in place.
Little Running Mouth is salivating for the day he can take the washichu's guns and maybe get his people's land back.

He is what I would describe as a cigar store indian.

White man taught him good.
In other words, you're too chickenshit to address what this administration has illegally done in order to advance their narrative for more gun controls.


No, sorry, man, the world doesn't fit into your paranoid loon box.

First, the DoJ didn't need Fast and Furious to show that Mexican Drug Lords were getting their weapons from the US Dealers. The thousands of weapons the Mexicans have recovered already prove that.

Second, Obama hasn't proposed one bit of gun control, not even after Gabby Giffords got shot. He won't propose anything after this attrocity, either.
Sucks to be you, Joe. Zimmerman will be acquitted.

Uh, no, he won't. His lawyers are probably already looking for a plea and he's out of money to pay them.

He's FAR from out of money, Joe, and 'probably' is not a statement of fact.

If he wasn't out of money, he wouldn't be scraping for interviews on Barbara Walters' show.

That's the beauty of it. The state has infinite resources, and he's a minimum wage loser with no assets.

He's SOOOOO going down.
In other words, you're too chickenshit to address what this administration has illegally done in order to advance their narrative for more gun controls.


No, sorry, man, the world doesn't fit into your paranoid loon box.

First, the DoJ didn't need Fast and Furious to show that Mexican Drug Lords were getting their weapons from the US Dealers. The thousands of weapons the Mexicans have recovered already prove that.

Second, Obama hasn't proposed one bit of gun control, not even after Gabby Giffords got shot. He won't propose anything after this attrocity, either.

Actually, very few of the weapons they recovered were actually traceable, so being able to trace the F&F guns bolstered their statistics in order to hit that 90%. Be that as it may, I'm sure you recall when the entire Obama administration was making pronouncements almost daily about all the guns in Mexico and how we had to do something about it.

Then the Fast & Furious story broke, and suddenly we're not hearing a PEEP from ANY of them. Not a WORD.

Curious, ain't it?
Hey Joe. What about accidental gun deaths. Who leads the world in kids getting killed by guns?
Who leads the world in murder by gun? Who leads the world in armed citizens? Who leads the world in the amount of money spent on guns and ammo by its citizens.

Who says America isn't a world leader still?

What is the leader in accidental kid death? Your friendly automobile but nobody wants to ban them or even slow them down to 20mph to keep kids safe. You keep your car I'll keep my gun.
Uh, no, he won't. His lawyers are probably already looking for a plea and he's out of money to pay them.

He's FAR from out of money, Joe, and 'probably' is not a statement of fact.

If he wasn't out of money, he wouldn't be scraping for interviews on Barbara Walters' show.

That's the beauty of it. The state has infinite resources, and he's a minimum wage loser with no assets.

He's SOOOOO going down.

The State WAAAAY overcharged in this case, they'll never prove murder2. They probably could have gotten an involuntary manslaughter conviction, and they might give him that in a plea deal, but murder 2 ain't happening.

And Zimmerman is still getting money from across the country to fund his defense. That's why they re-arrested him and bumped up his bail from $200K to an even mil.

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