gun owners who believe that Jo Biden doesn't want to take your right away

Don't tell me, you're standing there with a finger in each ear saying, "ner ner ner ner".

You are paranoid and along with most of your ilk, you couldn't cope living in the UK, you would be too petrified.
Seems the founders of this country couldn't cope with British subjugation and fought for the rights. I suppose you would have squawk and call the founders of America paranoid lol.
Seems the founders of this country couldn't cope with British subjugation and fought for the rights. I suppose you would have squawk and call the founders of America paranoid lol.
That's why when you were getting your arse whipped, the French had to help. Learn history, prick.
Get up-to-date, stop coming out with the usual dull shit. You retards might be gullible to it, the Brits aren't. Either discuss guns as adults, or fuck off back to Kindergarten.

Since you've found out I don't tolerate juvenile shit, when you reply to my posts in future, consult an adult before opening your mouth. I'm past all that old rethoric crap.
Get up-to-date, stop coming out with the usual dull shit. You retards might be gullible to it, the Brits aren't. Either discuss guns as adults, or fuck off back to Kindergarten.

Since you've found out I don't tolerate juvenile shit, when you reply to my posts in future, consult an adult before opening your mouth. I'm past all that old rethoric crap.
Get up to date? Stop with the gun grabbing legislation so we don't have to repeat the same old shit.
And that has what to do with what? We are a free from English rule country. But if you care to try it again go for it please
America was made up of various nationalities, even Brits off the Mayflower. So eventually, the inhabitants of America didn't like to be told what to do by the British, especially over taxation. So war broke out. As the people living in America were getting their arse whipped, the French came to their aid. If you get stuck with that, get your arse to Paris and you will find statues of French generals that helped the Americans. But to protect your vanity, you guys claim it was over guns and you omit the French from saving your ass and you've got fuck all to do with 1776, yet you're trying to be big headed in taking credit. So wind your fucking neck in and get back to school before spouting that shite to me.
Get up to date? Stop with the gun grabbing legislation so we don't have to repeat the same old shit.
Not grabbing your guns, your low intelligence doesn't grasp that. Your brain cannot cope with middle ground. Some guns are suitable in a society, some guns aren't. Some people are good with guns in society, some aren't. Your brain is American, you can only cope with all guns v no guns, and everyone can have guns v no guns. Middle ground is out of your comprehension, it won't sink into solid bone.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine proves the value of an armed civilian population. Our nation would be extremely difficult to occupy and control. Estimates are that 400 million civilian owned firearms exist in our nation.

It's also a tougher hill to climb to try subjugate a people that have lived free for more than 200 years, and are very familiar with firearms.
America was made up of various nationalities, even Brits off the Mayflower. So eventually, the inhabitants of America didn't like to be told what to do by the British, especially over taxation. So war broke out. As the people living in America were getting their arse whipped, the French came to their aid. If you get stuck with that, get your arse to Paris and you will find statues of French generals that helped the Americans. But to protect your vanity, you guys claim it was over guns and you omit the French from saving your ass and you've got fuck all to do with 1776, yet you're trying to be big headed in taking credit. So wind your fucking neck in and get back to school before spouting that shite to me.
Uhh, no. The French came in AFTER the crushing American victory at Saratoga.
Not grabbing your guns, your low intelligence doesn't grasp that. Your brain cannot cope with middle ground. Some guns are suitable in a society, some guns aren't. Some people are good with guns in society, some aren't. Your brain is American, you can only cope with all guns v no guns, and everyone can have guns v no guns. Middle ground is out of your comprehension, it won't sink into solid bone.
Stop lying
Uhh, no. The French came in AFTER the crushing American victory at Saratoga.

Here's a statue of a French general in Paris who saved your arse. If it wasn't for the French, you would currently be answering to Boris Johnson. So fuck off.
Get up-to-date, stop coming out with the usual dull shit. You retards might be gullible to it, the Brits aren't. Either discuss guns as adults, or fuck off back to Kindergarten.

Since you've found out I don't tolerate juvenile shit, when you reply to my posts in future, consult an adult before opening your mouth. I'm past all that old rethoric crap.
when it comes to usual dull shit, any time someone mentions guns, here you come to be the broken record you are on the topic. you don't wish to discuss it, you with to tear into anyone who doesn't feel as you do.

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