Gun violence at lowest level in the recorded history of the United States.

Read this:

The Psychology of Gun Ownership

A June 2015 study found that “310 million firearms estimated to be in private hands in the United States are disproportionately owned by people who are prone to angry, impulsive behavior and have a potentially dangerous habit of keeping their guns close at hand.” There is a “co-occurrence of impulsive angry behavior and possessing or carrying a gun among adults with and without certain mental disorders and demographic characteristics.”Almost 9% of people who “self-report patterns of impulsive angry behavior” also have a firearm at home, and 1.5% (or nearly 85 people out of 5,653 surveyed for this study) carry their guns in places other than their home. The authors found that, when studying violence and anger, it is more effective to look at the arrest history of individuals rather than seeing if they have a mental illness. Arrests could show “a history of impulsive or angry behavior (for example, criminal records of misdemeanor violence, DWIs and domestic violence restraining orders),” which “would likely serve as a more feasible and less discriminatory indicator of an individual’s gun violence risk.”
You know Dhara, when I read "studies" like this, I always ask myself "what is the reality of the situation today"? And when I realize that gun laws have been relaxed, more people can carry them, and there are now more guns than ever before, while the rate of gun deaths are at historic lows, I can quickly conclude the "study" is not worth the paper it is written on.

what does your logic tell you?

My logic tells me this study is worthy of being looked at. There is more than one side to any discussion of gun laws and gun "rights".
Read this:

The Psychology of Gun Ownership

A June 2015 study found that “310 million firearms estimated to be in private hands in the United States are disproportionately owned by people who are prone to angry, impulsive behavior and have a potentially dangerous habit of keeping their guns close at hand.” There is a “co-occurrence of impulsive angry behavior and possessing or carrying a gun among adults with and without certain mental disorders and demographic characteristics.”Almost 9% of people who “self-report patterns of impulsive angry behavior” also have a firearm at home, and 1.5% (or nearly 85 people out of 5,653 surveyed for this study) carry their guns in places other than their home. The authors found that, when studying violence and anger, it is more effective to look at the arrest history of individuals rather than seeing if they have a mental illness. Arrests could show “a history of impulsive or angry behavior (for example, criminal records of misdemeanor violence, DWIs and domestic violence restraining orders),” which “would likely serve as a more feasible and less discriminatory indicator of an individual’s gun violence risk.”

That may well be the dumbest thing I've ever read...and I've been here 8 years, so that's really saying something.
Of course you would say that. You're a gun owner.

Do you own six or more guns?
No big surprise, but a study has found if you have several guns then you are more likely to have anger issues.

The study was conducted by researchers from universities including Duke and Harvard. The findings were published in the journal, Behavioral Sciences and the Law and showed more importance and focus should be placed on individuals with a “history of violent behavior” and “less on diagnosed mental illness” when trying to reduce gun violence.

The study also found that guns are “disproportionately owned” by those who are more likely to have trouble with anger management and impulse control. The LA times reported:

“…people owning six or more guns were more likely to fall into both of these categories than people who owned a single gun.”
Bombshell Study: Gun Owners Tend to Be Angry, Unstable, Impulsive
Anyone catch obamas photo op of him wiping fake tears today ?
What a spineless panzee
Disarm the people who protect you if you're so anti gun

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Then why has there been a marked increase in mass shootings that kill children?

there hasn't......they have stayed about the same 2014 there were 4, two by muslim terroists and a total of 36 people killed...

public shootings are not a problem...

criminals shooting other criminals are the actual problem....they murder each other in the majority of the 8,124 gun murders in 2014........normal gun owners...don't shoot other people.....
No big surprise, but a study has found if you have several guns then you are more likely to have anger issues.

The study was conducted by researchers from universities including Duke and Harvard. The findings were published in the journal, Behavioral Sciences and the Law and showed more importance and focus should be placed on individuals with a “history of violent behavior” and “less on diagnosed mental illness” when trying to reduce gun violence.

The study also found that guns are “disproportionately owned” by those who are more likely to have trouble with anger management and impulse control. The LA times reported:

“…people owning six or more guns were more likely to fall into both of these categories than people who owned a single gun.”
Bombshell Study: Gun Owners Tend to Be Angry, Unstable, Impulsive

Wrong...did they control for criminal background? I bet not.....actual studies have shown that in shootings the majority are people who have criminal backgrounds with drug and alcohol abuse thrown in.......

The rest of the gun not have those problems......

Let's David Hemenway in this anywhere?
No big surprise, but a study has found if you have several guns then you are more likely to have anger issues.

The study was conducted by researchers from universities including Duke and Harvard. The findings were published in the journal, Behavioral Sciences and the Law and showed more importance and focus should be placed on individuals with a “history of violent behavior” and “less on diagnosed mental illness” when trying to reduce gun violence.

The study also found that guns are “disproportionately owned” by those who are more likely to have trouble with anger management and impulse control. The LA times reported:

“…people owning six or more guns were more likely to fall into both of these categories than people who owned a single gun.”
Bombshell Study: Gun Owners Tend to Be Angry, Unstable, Impulsive

Yeah.....not finding the people and their backgrounds who they interviewed........
Read this:

The Psychology of Gun Ownership

A June 2015 study found that “310 million firearms estimated to be in private hands in the United States are disproportionately owned by people who are prone to angry, impulsive behavior and have a potentially dangerous habit of keeping their guns close at hand.” There is a “co-occurrence of impulsive angry behavior and possessing or carrying a gun among adults with and without certain mental disorders and demographic characteristics.”Almost 9% of people who “self-report patterns of impulsive angry behavior” also have a firearm at home, and 1.5% (or nearly 85 people out of 5,653 surveyed for this study) carry their guns in places other than their home. The authors found that, when studying violence and anger, it is more effective to look at the arrest history of individuals rather than seeing if they have a mental illness. Arrests could show “a history of impulsive or angry behavior (for example, criminal records of misdemeanor violence, DWIs and domestic violence restraining orders),” which “would likely serve as a more feasible and less discriminatory indicator of an individual’s gun violence risk.”

So......we know from FBI table 8 that there were 8,124 gun murders in the United States in 2014.

We also know from other research that the majority of those murdering people with guns had extensive criminal records...and that is the same for the majority of their victims.

so...last count there were 357 million guns on private hands...

minus 8,124 for gun murders...

356,991,876 guns were in private hands and did not commit murder....

The whole point of the study means nothing.....especially if they don't admit who they interviewed and wether or not those people actually used their guns to commit crimes.....
And here we go........hidden in this news article is why this study is typical, anti gun extremist crap.....

A new study in Behavioural Sciences and the Law finds that about 9% of American adults have a history of “impulsive, angry behaviour” and possess a gun not required for their work. Some 1.5% have anger issues and carry a gun outside the home.

Granted, the study used a broad definition of “angry and impulsive”, including anyone who admitted to having had a tantrum (violent or otherwise),

smashed objects or got into a physical fight in the previous five years. But still, these are worryingly big numbers.

Of course they did.....and if you pouted and stomped your feet you are probably a serial killer...right?
Your anger speaks volumes. What do you do about people who see it differently? Shoot them?
Read this:

The Psychology of Gun Ownership

A June 2015 study found that “310 million firearms estimated to be in private hands in the United States are disproportionately owned by people who are prone to angry, impulsive behavior and have a potentially dangerous habit of keeping their guns close at hand.” There is a “co-occurrence of impulsive angry behavior and possessing or carrying a gun among adults with and without certain mental disorders and demographic characteristics.”Almost 9% of people who “self-report patterns of impulsive angry behavior” also have a firearm at home, and 1.5% (or nearly 85 people out of 5,653 surveyed for this study) carry their guns in places other than their home. The authors found that, when studying violence and anger, it is more effective to look at the arrest history of individuals rather than seeing if they have a mental illness. Arrests could show “a history of impulsive or angry behavior (for example, criminal records of misdemeanor violence, DWIs and domestic violence restraining orders),” which “would likely serve as a more feasible and less discriminatory indicator of an individual’s gun violence risk.”
You know Dhara, when I read "studies" like this, I always ask myself "what is the reality of the situation today"? And when I realize that gun laws have been relaxed, more people can carry them, and there are now more guns than ever before, while the rate of gun deaths are at historic lows, I can quickly conclude the "study" is not worth the paper it is written on.

what does your logic tell you?

My logic tells me this study is worthy of being looked at. There is more than one side to any discussion of gun laws and gun "rights".
Nope, that would be wrong. Facts and reality trump any study. If the "study" does not reflect reality, it is simply wrong.

As this one obviously is.

more guns = less crime

Harvard University.......April 2013..........Journal of Law and Public Policy >>

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders, other violent crime

How many millions of guns have been sold in the past 7 years??:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


If that were true, we'd have almost no crime since we, by far, have the greatest number of guns in the hands of citizens of any developed society.

Instead, we lead all developed nations in the number of murders.
...Despite the President and his allies colluding to sell the illusion of a “gun violence epidemic,” the fact remains that per-capita homicides are the lowest they ever been in recorded history in the United States, since the Federal Bureau of Investigation began tracking that data in 1960.

Bitter Obama Starts New Year Grandstanding On Gun Control

Progressives never let facts get in the way of their Agenda.

The only reason gun violence statistics are so high is because of minorities. If it weren't for the millions of blacks and Latinos, we would have lower crime rates than all of Europe.

C'mon fella's back him up.....
Limiting access to guns by the law abiding, will reduce gun violence. That is the president's position and of course, it is illogical, but many Americans are so dumb they believe.

If we could somehow limit access to guns by criminals, now that is the ticket.

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