Gun violence at lowest level in the recorded history of the United States.

Sorry guys, you can't talk about how low crime is and that most victims are themselves criminals, and then claim everyone needs a gun for defense. You are countering your own argument like you so often do.

Yes.....low crime to you means no crime at all......typical left wing is your funeral....and one day it just might be.....

Funeral really? Over 300 million people. Like 11,000 murders each year with most being criminals killed by criminals. My chance of being murdered is about 0. Sorry but those are the facts. No reason to be scared.

None of us are scared brain...we have made rational, dispassionate nuts are the ones see it in all of your posts...
Sorry guys, you can't talk about how low crime is and that most victims are themselves criminals, and then claim everyone needs a gun for defense. You are countering your own argument like you so often do.

Yes.....low crime to you means no crime at all......typical left wing is your funeral....and one day it just might be.....

Funeral really? Over 300 million people. Like 11,000 murders each year with most being criminals killed by criminals. My chance of being murdered is about 0. Sorry but those are the facts. No reason to be scared.

None of us are scared brain...we have made rational, dispassionate nuts are the ones see it in all of your posts...

So scared I don't even need a gun. Based on the stats you are not rational.
I think you are confusing some terms here Brain.

We are safer.

You'll know when we are completely won't need to lock your doors and windows anymore.

We are very safe. Just look at the statistics. No need to be scared.

So, you leave your doors unlocked and your windows open at night, and when you are away...correct?

Again you are astronomically more likely to be robbed if you leave windows and doors open than you are to be killed cause you are unarmed. The two aren't even comparable. Have you wronged someone who wants to kill you? Most people murdered are involved in criminal activity and/or know their killer. In a country of over 300 million murder is just a tiny fraction of a percent of all crime.

And yet innocent people are murdered every day…….their luck just runs out….and had they had a gun they might still be alive….like the people who actually do use guns to stop violent criminals from attacking them.

We are a country of over 300 million people.

320 million....
We are very safe. Just look at the statistics. No need to be scared.

So, you leave your doors unlocked and your windows open at night, and when you are away...correct?

Again you are astronomically more likely to be robbed if you leave windows and doors open than you are to be killed cause you are unarmed. The two aren't even comparable. Have you wronged someone who wants to kill you? Most people murdered are involved in criminal activity and/or know their killer. In a country of over 300 million murder is just a tiny fraction of a percent of all crime.

And yet innocent people are murdered every day…….their luck just runs out….and had they had a gun they might still be alive….like the people who actually do use guns to stop violent criminals from attacking them.

We are a country of over 300 million people.

320 million....

And only 1.2 million violent crimes against mostly criminals. No need to be scared.
We are very safe. Just look at the statistics. No need to be scared.

So, you leave your doors unlocked and your windows open at night, and when you are away...correct?

Again you are astronomically more likely to be robbed if you leave windows and doors open than you are to be killed cause you are unarmed. The two aren't even comparable. Have you wronged someone who wants to kill you? Most people murdered are involved in criminal activity and/or know their killer. In a country of over 300 million murder is just a tiny fraction of a percent of all crime.

And yet innocent people are murdered every day…….their luck just runs out….and had they had a gun they might still be alive….like the people who actually do use guns to stop violent criminals from attacking them.

We are a country of over 300 million people.

320 million....

You are trying to sell flood insurance to people living in a desert. Just doesn't make sense.
I remember in the 1960s when Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" became the most shocking non-fictional book on the shelves. That was just a family of four in the middle of nowhere in Kansas shot by two robbers. Now the gun nuts don't even blink when 20 first graders are shot in school. My oh my how things have changed for the worst.

If you have nothing to hide, then man and woman up and allow for better background checks. 87% of Americans want them.
And how funny is this???

Of the mass shootings on Obamas watch, how many of them were committed by people obtaining a gun through private sale or gun show??

Exactly ZERO!!!

The gun grabbers........lets face it, these people are the most stoopid mofu's walking the planet!!! If the intentions are noble and good, just do it!! If it is Disney thinking, so what? As long as the intentions are good.:spinner:

You see......this gun issue displays something very vividly: that progressives have this unyielding tragic view of life and the world. It is why Obama cried is impossible for them to comprehend that life is about tradeoffs, some good, some bad. Clearly, there is some mental disorder here....brain just cant reconcile despite knowing what the facts are. These nuts think that if you can somehow control the institutions, you can make bad stuff go away!! Its a brain fuck up......these people mean well but just absolutely cannot deal. These knuckleheads DO dream of a world without guns all the time!!! As if it were an obtainable objective.:ack-1:

But heres the not being able to deal with life, their thinking puts others at risk. And that's just not acceptable.
And how funny is this???

Of the mass shootings on Obamas watch, how many of them were committed by people obtaining a gun through private sale or gun show??

Exactly ZERO!!!

The gun grabbers........lets face it, these people are the most stoopid mofu's walking the planet!!! If the intentions are noble and good, just do it!! If it is Disney thinking, so what? As long as the intentions are good.:spinner:

You see......this gun issue displays something very vividly: that progressives have this unyielding tragic view of life and the world. It is why Obama cried is impossible for them to comprehend that life is about tradeoffs, some good, some bad. Clearly, there is some mental disorder here....brain just cant reconcile despite knowing what the facts are. These nuts think that if you can somehow control the institutions, you can make bad stuff go away!! Its a brain fuck up......these people mean well but just absolutely cannot deal. These knuckleheads DO dream of a world without guns all the time!!! As if it were an obtainable objective.:ack-1:

But heres the not being able to deal with life, their thinking puts others at risk. And that's just not acceptable.

You are wrong.

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem
Please, that's from the National inquirer? Same folks that can prove the Elvis-Bigfoot lovechild diet cures cancer? More guns, less shootings. Right.
I remember in the 1960s when Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" became the most shocking non-fictional book on the shelves. That was just a family of four in the middle of nowhere in Kansas shot by two robbers. Now the gun nuts don't even blink when 20 first graders are shot in school. My oh my how things have changed for the worst.

If you have nothing to hide, then man and woman up and allow for better background checks. 87% of Americans want them.

Nope.....those people who support background checks don't know what you guys mean when you say background checks...they don't know how the anti gunners exploit "common sense" gun control to move to restrict access to guns, ammo and equipment when we give them an inch.......

If they knew that it would mean felonies if you sell a gun to your brother, that it would make it incredibly hard to leave you guns with friends when you go on vacation or that it would mean less access to training and safety education they would not support "Background Checks" especially if they knew that private sales account for the smallest percent of sales to criminals......and that in fact, criminals and mass shooters do not undergo background checks at all....only normal, law abiding gun owners do...
And how funny is this???

Of the mass shootings on Obamas watch, how many of them were committed by people obtaining a gun through private sale or gun show??

Exactly ZERO!!!

The gun grabbers........lets face it, these people are the most stoopid mofu's walking the planet!!! If the intentions are noble and good, just do it!! If it is Disney thinking, so what? As long as the intentions are good.:spinner:

You see......this gun issue displays something very vividly: that progressives have this unyielding tragic view of life and the world. It is why Obama cried is impossible for them to comprehend that life is about tradeoffs, some good, some bad. Clearly, there is some mental disorder here....brain just cant reconcile despite knowing what the facts are. These nuts think that if you can somehow control the institutions, you can make bad stuff go away!! Its a brain fuck up......these people mean well but just absolutely cannot deal. These knuckleheads DO dream of a world without guns all the time!!! As if it were an obtainable objective.:ack-1:

But heres the not being able to deal with life, their thinking puts others at risk. And that's just not acceptable.

You are wrong.

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

This is why I don't respect you brain....this brain dead crap...the article itself points out that this is crap....

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

and obtained the weapon two days after becoming subject to a restraining order that required him to turn any firearms he owned into police.

On August 29, Cam Edwards, the host of Cam & Company on NRA News, obfuscated the loophole during a segment in which he expressed opposition to a proposal by Mayors Against Illegal Guns to require background checks on nearly all gun sales.

CAM EDWARDS: As you know, the gun laws in this country are the same for private citizens at gun shows or at their home. The laws in the country are the same for federally licensed firearms retailers whether they are at their brick-and-mortar store or whether they are manning a table at a gun show. The laws don't change based on the location.

Edwards' focus on where guns are sold is a distraction from the real issue: the lax regulation of private gun sales creates a venue for prohibited persons, like Haughton, to obtain firearms.

In 2010, the National Rifle Association successfully lobbied against Wisconsin legislation that would have required individuals subject to a restraining order to turn in their weapons within 48 hours or face arrest.

So the very article points out that the guy got the gun 2 know...48 hours, after the restraining order so he would not have been required to turn in any guns he already had and he wouldn't have been in violation within that 2 day period......

And keep in mind......the guy was going to commit murder......if he wanted a gun he would have gotten a know...considering he was going to commit murder.......

And then this...

It is unknown at this time if law enforcement made any effort to determine whether Haughton owned any weapons when the restraining order was granted.

In any case, because Haughton was subject to a restraining order, he was prohibited under federal law from purchasing a firearm at the time that he bought the murder weapon from a private seller.

What a crock of crap....
Last edited:
And how funny is this???

Of the mass shootings on Obamas watch, how many of them were committed by people obtaining a gun through private sale or gun show??

Exactly ZERO!!!

The gun grabbers........lets face it, these people are the most stoopid mofu's walking the planet!!! If the intentions are noble and good, just do it!! If it is Disney thinking, so what? As long as the intentions are good.:spinner:

You see......this gun issue displays something very vividly: that progressives have this unyielding tragic view of life and the world. It is why Obama cried is impossible for them to comprehend that life is about tradeoffs, some good, some bad. Clearly, there is some mental disorder here....brain just cant reconcile despite knowing what the facts are. These nuts think that if you can somehow control the institutions, you can make bad stuff go away!! Its a brain fuck up......these people mean well but just absolutely cannot deal. These knuckleheads DO dream of a world without guns all the time!!! As if it were an obtainable objective.:ack-1:

But heres the not being able to deal with life, their thinking puts others at risk. And that's just not acceptable.

You are wrong.

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

There is no loophole. Individuals are not covered by the law and they shouldn't be. Selling a legal product to another person is not a crime.
And anti gun extremism and your nonsense gun laws cost this woman her life....

This guy didn't need a gun....he used a knife...

'No one helped her': NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit | Fox News

Carol Bowne knew her best shot at defending herself from a violent ex was a gun, and not a piece of paper. And it was paperwork that left her unprotected when Michael Eitel showed up at her New Jersey home last week and stabbed her to death, say Second Amendment advocates, who charge local police routinely sit on firearms applications they are supposed to rule on within 30 days.

Bowne, 39, had a restraining order against Eitel when he killed her in her driveway last Wednesday, but she was still waiting for Berlin Township Police Chief Leonard Check to approve the gun permit she had applied for on April 21.

Tragically, she had gone to the township police department just two days before her death to check on the status of her languishing application. In another indication of her fear of Eitel, Bowne had recently installed surveillance cameras around her home, and the equipment recorded the 45-year-old ex-con attacking her as she arrived home and got out of her car.

and the biggest killer of innocent people........Gun Free zones....created by anti gun extremists....more innocents are killed in groups in Gun Free Zones than anywhere else....

Tell us....was the beauty salon a gun free zone?
What percentage of assaults with firearms were prevented with someone with a firearm?That might actually be a more important factor, don't you think? I can look it up, and I am sure that that percentage is rather tiny. The right to bear arms might have more significance IF it didn't enable criminals and the NRA gun fetishes than to actually stop criminal threats. I am not seeing gun violence lessening at all.
And how funny is this???

Of the mass shootings on Obamas watch, how many of them were committed by people obtaining a gun through private sale or gun show??

Exactly ZERO!!!

The gun grabbers........lets face it, these people are the most stoopid mofu's walking the planet!!! If the intentions are noble and good, just do it!! If it is Disney thinking, so what? As long as the intentions are good.:spinner:

You see......this gun issue displays something very vividly: that progressives have this unyielding tragic view of life and the world. It is why Obama cried is impossible for them to comprehend that life is about tradeoffs, some good, some bad. Clearly, there is some mental disorder here....brain just cant reconcile despite knowing what the facts are. These nuts think that if you can somehow control the institutions, you can make bad stuff go away!! Its a brain fuck up......these people mean well but just absolutely cannot deal. These knuckleheads DO dream of a world without guns all the time!!! As if it were an obtainable objective.:ack-1:

But heres the not being able to deal with life, their thinking puts others at risk. And that's just not acceptable.

You are wrong.

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

This is why I don't respect you brain....this brain dead crap...the article itself points out that this is crap....

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

and obtained the weapon two days after becoming subject to a restraining order that required him to turn any firearms he owned into police.

On August 29, Cam Edwards, the host of Cam & Company on NRA News, obfuscated the loophole during a segment in which he expressed opposition to a proposal by Mayors Against Illegal Guns to require background checks on nearly all gun sales.

CAM EDWARDS: As you know, the gun laws in this country are the same for private citizens at gun shows or at their home. The laws in the country are the same for federally licensed firearms retailers whether they are at their brick-and-mortar store or whether they are manning a table at a gun show. The laws don't change based on the location.

Edwards' focus on where guns are sold is a distraction from the real issue: the lax regulation of private gun sales creates a venue for prohibited persons, like Haughton, to obtain firearms.

In 2010, the National Rifle Association successfully lobbied against Wisconsin legislation that would have required individuals subject to a restraining order to turn in their weapons within 48 hours or face arrest.

So the very article points out that the guy got the gun 2 know...48 hours, after the restraining order so he would not have been required to turn in any guns he already had and he wouldn't have been in violation within that 2 day period......

And keep in mind......the guy was going to commit murder......if he wanted a gun he would have gotten a know...considering he was going to commit murder.......

And then this...

It is unknown at this time if law enforcement made any effort to determine whether Haughton owned any weapons when the restraining order was granted.

In any case, because Haughton was subject to a restraining order, he was prohibited under federal law from purchasing a firearm at the time that he bought the murder weapon from a private seller.

What a crock of crap....

Gun was bought in a private sale.
What percentage of assaults with firearms were prevented with someone with a firearm?That might actually be a more important factor, don't you think? I can look it up, and I am sure that that percentage is rather tiny. The right to bear arms might have more significance IF it didn't enable criminals and the NRA gun fetishes than to actually stop criminal threats. I am not seeing gun violence lessening at all.

The major problem...gun grabbers such as yourself have created Gun Free Zones in almost every public that mass shooters never have to worry about armed citizens......

And here you go.....real world results..

Some details to help you make your guess....

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)
No guns: 15 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”
And how funny is this???

Of the mass shootings on Obamas watch, how many of them were committed by people obtaining a gun through private sale or gun show??

Exactly ZERO!!!

The gun grabbers........lets face it, these people are the most stoopid mofu's walking the planet!!! If the intentions are noble and good, just do it!! If it is Disney thinking, so what? As long as the intentions are good.:spinner:

You see......this gun issue displays something very vividly: that progressives have this unyielding tragic view of life and the world. It is why Obama cried is impossible for them to comprehend that life is about tradeoffs, some good, some bad. Clearly, there is some mental disorder here....brain just cant reconcile despite knowing what the facts are. These nuts think that if you can somehow control the institutions, you can make bad stuff go away!! Its a brain fuck up......these people mean well but just absolutely cannot deal. These knuckleheads DO dream of a world without guns all the time!!! As if it were an obtainable objective.:ack-1:

But heres the not being able to deal with life, their thinking puts others at risk. And that's just not acceptable.

You are wrong.

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

This is why I don't respect you brain....this brain dead crap...the article itself points out that this is crap....

Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem

and obtained the weapon two days after becoming subject to a restraining order that required him to turn any firearms he owned into police.

On August 29, Cam Edwards, the host of Cam & Company on NRA News, obfuscated the loophole during a segment in which he expressed opposition to a proposal by Mayors Against Illegal Guns to require background checks on nearly all gun sales.

CAM EDWARDS: As you know, the gun laws in this country are the same for private citizens at gun shows or at their home. The laws in the country are the same for federally licensed firearms retailers whether they are at their brick-and-mortar store or whether they are manning a table at a gun show. The laws don't change based on the location.

Edwards' focus on where guns are sold is a distraction from the real issue: the lax regulation of private gun sales creates a venue for prohibited persons, like Haughton, to obtain firearms.

In 2010, the National Rifle Association successfully lobbied against Wisconsin legislation that would have required individuals subject to a restraining order to turn in their weapons within 48 hours or face arrest.

So the very article points out that the guy got the gun 2 know...48 hours, after the restraining order so he would not have been required to turn in any guns he already had and he wouldn't have been in violation within that 2 day period......

And keep in mind......the guy was going to commit murder......if he wanted a gun he would have gotten a know...considering he was going to commit murder.......

And then this...

It is unknown at this time if law enforcement made any effort to determine whether Haughton owned any weapons when the restraining order was granted.

In any case, because Haughton was subject to a restraining order, he was prohibited under federal law from purchasing a firearm at the time that he bought the murder weapon from a private seller.

What a crock of crap....

Gun was bought in a private sale.

So...millions of other guns were bought in private sales and not used to commit you say...this is a tiny, tiny problem...why be a scaredy cat...right brain?
What percentage of assaults with firearms were prevented with someone with a firearm?That might actually be a more important factor, don't you think? I can look it up, and I am sure that that percentage is rather tiny. The right to bear arms might have more significance IF it didn't enable criminals and the NRA gun fetishes than to actually stop criminal threats. I am not seeing gun violence lessening at all.

The major problem...gun grabbers such as yourself have created Gun Free Zones in almost every public that mass shooters never have to worry about armed citizens......

And here you go.....real world results..

Some details to help you make your guess....

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)
No guns: 15 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”

Then why aren't your republicans pushing to end gun free zones? They control congress. They should start with corporations.

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