Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

It wasn't until the 1830 that all white men were given the right to vote regardless of if they owned property or not.
What does that have to do with gun ownership?

Did the Swamp Foxes (Francis Marion) troops give up their firearms because they weren't landowners?

Did ANYONE not a landowner give up their firearms because of the 2nd?
P#1: I have a clear picture of the Bay Area having served for 32 years in law enforcement.

P#2: This is clear picture of foolishness. Penal codes, vehicle codes, health and welfare codes, and dozens of more codes are in effect and most of the people obey them. Municipal codes, rules and regulations as well as State and Federal laws exist do to problems, and when these problems require a solution, then new laws are promulgated.

The United States has a serious problem, and that problem is the use of firearms everyday causing the death and wounding of innocent people.
why don't they enforce the 30,000+ laws on the books, instead of creating new ones criminals will ignore anyway?
In California Constitution (All Males from age 18-54 can be called upon by Governor to form Militia only exceptions being if they are Members of the Legislature , Law Enforcement or Active Duty Military ) So we Train & prepare here for just such a situation Legally .

There is nothing illegal about it if I train and prepare at my house, and don't wait for the government to tell me I can.
If law enforcement ever shows up ... They tend to bring targets and ammo ... :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, I live in a State that has stronger protections for gun owners than the US Constitution seems to provide in our own State Constitution.
We don't have to be in a Militia, or pretend the words mean something they don't.


There is nothing illegal about it if I train and prepare at my house, and don't wait for the government to tell me I can.
If law enforcement ever shows up ... They tend to bring targets and ammo ... :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, I live in a State that has stronger protections for gun owners than the US Constitution seems to provide in our own State Constitution.
We don't have to be in a Militia, or pretend the words mean something they don't.

Yep , and gettin a CCW/CHL/CWP does not mean your a sellout to Government Regulations either
Yep , and gettin a CCW/CHL/CWP does not mean your a sellout to Government Regulations either

A Veteran here can get a CAC permit free of charge and without classes
as long as their DD214 indicates they completed Small Arms Training.

We have an unequivocal and inalienable right to machine guns and we will get them.

I people must die, it's not our fault.

You gun-grabbing bitches caused it.

A Veteran here can get a CAC permit free of charge and without classes
as long as their DD214 indicates they completed Small Arms Training.

I hear regular folk can "Mail it in " to get CHL in Texas & Florida too ( When I leave here I'm moving to Pennsylvania or New Hampshire (To be Close to Daughter & Young Grandsons in Montclair NJ )
I hear regular folk can "Mail it in " to get CHL in Texas & Florida too ( When I leave here I'm moving to Pennsylvania or New Hampshire (To be Close to Daughter & Young Grandsons in Montclair NJ )

I don't know about "mail-ins" in other States.

Here, for a Conceal and Carry Permit you are required to go to the Sheriff's Department and get fingerprinted.
They check your prints against the database before they issue the permit.

You just take your DD214 with you when you go for that.

I propose a constitutional amendment REQUIRING each person age 10 and older to own a squad-level weapon.

No more FUCKING PUSSIES. We are the army.
Did you notice you have not provided a primary source to back your claim, as I asked?
Of course you did.
Because you know there is none.
Pretty much common knowledge....

The Naturalization Act of 1790 was the first immigration act passed by Congress after the Constitution was ratified.

It was passed during President George Washington‘s first term and would allow free male white persons that owned property to gain citizenship.

This would not allow for indentured servants, women, or nonwhite persons to become a citizen.

There were exceptions.


I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.

What do you propose? I have a 45 handgun semi auto. I have 3 magazines maybe I can hold around 20 bullets in all three. Are you suggesting we make these types of handguns illegal? If not, then shit like this just can happen.

The idea is to lower the number of times it happens. Years should go by between these incidences, not weeks or months. So what is going on? When we find out who did it, lets find out why. From the pics, it looks like someone who doesn't like Asians did it. Who doesn't like Asians? Who was talking negatively about Asians in recent years? Maybe our top guy shouldn't have been calling it the Wuhan Flu or the China Flu.

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