Guns are having a VERY bad day at SCOTUS

"People with illegal guns are walking around, but ordinary people can't be armed?"

"Why isn't it enough to say, 'I live in a high-crime area, and I want to defend myself?"

Even Kavanaugh is wrong.

Why should one be required to give any reason why he should be allowed to exercise a right? It's enough that the right is explicitly declared and protected in the Constitution, and that the Constitution forbids this right from being infringed.

The may-issue provision of the law will be invalidated, or at least subject to a test to determine if a given regulation manifests as an undue burden.

But laws requiring a permit or license to carry a concealed weapon will remain Constitutional; likewise laws that prohibit the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools, courthouses, and police stations.
Which is all most people want.
If we don't need well regulated militia then we also don't need useless and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
That's up to the SCOTUS.

You can't read this, and decide how to answer my question for yourself: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

are you THAT dependent on your superiors?
You can't read this, and decide how to answer my question for yourself: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
Of course I can, but you will get 1000 different answers from 1000 different people. But, if you are asking me to parse the literal meaning via syntax, it clearly implies that people should be able to bear arms for the purpose of participating in well-regulated militias. But that isn't how laws and courts work, in this country. Because the Constitution is very unclear on many things, having been written at a time when people still thought they could turn lead to gold, and "arms" meant single shot musket loaders.
Of course I can, but you will get 1000 different answers from 1000 different people. But, if you are asking me to parse the literal meaning via syntax, it clearly implies that people should be able to bear arms for the purpose of participating in well-regulated militias. But that isn't how laws and courts work, in this country. Because the Constitution is very unclear on many things, having been written at a time when people still thought they could turn lead to gold, and "arms" meant single shot musket loaders.
it clearly implies that people should be able to bear arms for the purpose of participating in well-regulated militias.

Doesn't say that.

Look again
Unfortunately IMO we will be back to the Supreme Court to determine what is an "undue burden" because the court so limits their rulings.

As you correctly noted, the question presented in the writ of certiorari was narrowed to make it acceptable to at least four justices and to keep the issue focused solely on the may issue provision of the law.

The original question:

“Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit ordinary law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self-defense.”

Was replaced with:

“…whether the State’s denial of petitioners’ applications for concealed-carry licenses for self-defense violated the Second Amendment.”

The original question could place in Constitutional jeopardy laws that prohibit the open carrying of firearms, such as in Florida.
WillHaftawaite Let me help you out. It really helps if you understand how the negation of statements works. And when something is and is not a negation.

For example: What that sentence does NOT say is that ONLY those in well-regulated militias should have the right to bear arms.

maybe this will help your confusion.
Sorry, but that is precisely what it says. But you, no doubt, are probably misunderstanding what I said anyway. Most Americans have the sharpness of logic of a marble covered in poo.
Sorry, but that is precisely what it says.

no, it doesn't.

Militias were made up of males, ages 16-45. (59 in a couple of states),.

Going by your 'version' of it, no one under the age of 16, or over the age of 45, or female, would be allowed to have a firearm.

Meaning Phoebe Ann Mosley* would never have been allowed to feed her family, or use her firearms in Buffalo Bills Wild West Show.

*(aka Annie Oakley)
WillHaftawaite Let me help you out. It really helps if you understand how the negation of statements works. And when something is and is not a negation.

For example: What that sentence does NOT say is that ONLY those in well-regulated militias should have the right to bear arms.

maybe this will help your confusion.

Then you agree with me, that the Right was given to the People, NOT the militia.

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