Guns are part of who we are as Americans

Love it when all the Libs wet the bed over legally owned guns used responsibly by law abiding citizens.
I love it when all the reichtards go berzerk when anyone thinks about gun regulation.

We already have 22,000 illegal gun laws on the books. So yes there are already regulations, on the Fed, State, and Local level. Many are severe. All are unconstitutional.

Guess you didn't know that. Also, violence, and murder are against the law.
That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often that not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.

That is blatantly untrue. The only people that misuse them are criminals. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, and use the responsibly. They would be the only one that yet more gun laws would effect. So you are just plain wrong.
I learn from mistakes. So all the gun violence, those are HUGE mistakes we need to stop repeating. People don't need guns like say, dialysis or oxygen. No, so let's stop kidding our selves. The constitution doesn't say anything about breathing or kidney health. But, ya know...some things transcend.

If you want to be unarmed, that’s your choice. You don’t have the right to demand the same of others.
As an American, I shouldn't be put behind the 8 ball and feel compelled to have a firearm. So far I have escaped the madness. This shouldn't be what being an American is all about. I got nothing here. I don't have a PAC that supports my right to question the second amendment. Not liberal dipshit stuff. No, grown up mature Americans tired of political madness stuff.

And again you have that right to be unarmed. But you don’t have the right to demand that I be as well.
I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.

No, the Founding Fathers put it in the Constitution so they'd have guns to shoot the Darkies if they objected to the whole slavery or genocide things. They didn't want slaves and native Americans to have guns.

The thing is, it's more likely someone in your household will kill themselves with that gun than you ever chasing off a bad guy with it.
Na, not really
No....violent criminals may not, but millions of normal Americans completely understand the long term consequences.....freedom, safety and no mass graves created by is you who isn't thinking about the long term consequences of allowing only the government and criminals to have guns.

Guns didn't stop those things... Germans had plenty of guns and they never ran out with their guns and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my buddy!"

They said, "Good riddance, Jewish Swine!" And then they took Goldstein's stuff.

They did, however, all join the Volksgrenadiers to fight the Allies to every last old man and little boy....

They lost.
Firearms are here to stay... live with it
Even if what you said is true, you shows that gun control is meant to "Control" and has nothing to do with keeping victims is meant to make people easier prey for the government, you doofus....

Guns don't keep anyone safe.

The NRA has become the arm of the gun industry, trying to keep people like you scared so you want more and more guns.

And it works.
Na, not really
You moron. You Moon Bats are dumber than door knobs. The NRA is the biggest gun safety organization in the world.

33,000 gun deaths a year.. They really suck at the "gun Safety" thing.

The 33,000 number is irrelevant as it includes Suicides.

Suicides would commit hari-kari, hang themselves,poison themselves, immolate themselves or leap from buildings if they didn't have a gun.
The 33,000 number is irrelevant as it includes Suicides.

Suicides would commit hari-kari, hang themselves,poison themselves, immolate themselves or leap from buildings if they didn't have a gun.
And if you take out inner city gang violence who use ILLEGAL guns that leaves about 2,500 actual murders where people use a gun, and most of them are handguns, not AR-15's, or any other rifle.

So 2,500 for a country of 330 Millions isn't that great a number.
The 33,000 number is irrelevant as it includes Suicides.

Suicides would commit hari-kari, hang themselves,poison themselves, immolate themselves or leap from buildings if they didn't have a gun.
And if you take out inner city gang violence who use ILLEGAL guns that leaves about 2,500 actual murders where people use a gun, and most of them are handguns, not AR-15's, or any other rifle.

So 2,500 for a country of 330 Millions isn't that great a number.
---------------------------------------- its a SMALL price to pay for the RIGHT and FREEDOM to own guns ,
The 33,000 number is irrelevant as it includes Suicides.

Suicides would commit hari-kari, hang themselves,poison themselves, immolate themselves or leap from buildings if they didn't have a gun.

Okay... except they don't... seems to me that leaping from a building is a lot easier than getting a gun.

Leaping from a building high enough sometimes requires a little bit of travel. People will do it, but it isn't necessarily easier.

Immolation is popular, but a lot of city don't allow outdoor burning, requiring the suicide to go out past the city limits.

Places with high gun control have more suicides than America.
No....violent criminals may not, but millions of normal Americans completely understand the long term consequences.....freedom, safety and no mass graves created by is you who isn't thinking about the long term consequences of allowing only the government and criminals to have guns.

Guns didn't stop those things... Germans had plenty of guns and they never ran out with their guns and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my buddy!"

They said, "Good riddance, Jewish Swine!" And then they took Goldstein's stuff.

They did, however, all join the Volksgrenadiers to fight the Allies to every last old man and little boy....

They lost.

I think the Jews who tried to fight off the national socialists with a hand full of old pistols in the Polish Ghettos would strongly disagree with you..... you can't take power in a country by beating up your opponents if they can shoot you in the have to do things a lot differently when they can shoot back....

And had the rest of Europe not disarmed their own people, the national socialists could never have held all the ground they took...but the Euopeans did what you wanted....took guns away from their people so they were defenseless in the face of occupation...except the Swiss...who had 435,000 armed citizens with military rifles, and the national socialists didn't invade would have been too much effort.......
Even if what you said is true, you shows that gun control is meant to "Control" and has nothing to do with keeping victims is meant to make people easier prey for the government, you doofus....

Guns don't keep anyone safe.

The NRA has become the arm of the gun industry, trying to keep people like you scared so you want more and more guns.

And it works.

Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans who actually use them to stop rapes, robberies and murders, you moron...and as research shows Armed citizens in mass public shootings have a 94% rate of effectiveness at stopping the killers and saving more lives.....
You moron. You Moon Bats are dumber than door knobs. The NRA is the biggest gun safety organization in the world.

33,000 gun deaths a year.. They really suck at the "gun Safety" thing.

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


gun suicide....22,938

Unintentional gun accidental death..


Gum murder...



Then.....number of times Americans use guns for self defense, according to the Centers for Disease control...

1.1 million

Crime rate as more Americans own and carry guns..

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
The 33,000 number is irrelevant as it includes Suicides.

Suicides would commit hari-kari, hang themselves,poison themselves, immolate themselves or leap from buildings if they didn't have a gun.
And if you take out inner city gang violence who use ILLEGAL guns that leaves about 2,500 actual murders where people use a gun, and most of them are handguns, not AR-15's, or any other rifle.

So 2,500 for a country of 330 Millions isn't that great a number.

And of those 2,500, many of them are people who are related to the criminals in their families or neighborhoods.....
Guns are useful even if you don't fire them. Criminals can be chased off by merely showing them the weapon. Criminals aren't interested in a gun fight, they just want to rob you, rape you and shoot you with no defensive actions from their prey.

The very fact that millions of Americans are walking around armed to the teeth deters a lot of crime.
I think the Jews who tried to fight off the national socialists with a hand full of old pistols in the Polish Ghettos would strongly disagree with you.....

nope. Let's look at that.

They killed a whopping 17 Germans... and the Germans killed 13,000 of them and sent 56,000 of them off to the camps where they got to explor new career opportunities as bars of soap.

You've made my point... guns are fucking worthless in fighting dictators.

Absolutely fucking worthless..

Thank you.
I think the Jews who tried to fight off the national socialists with a hand full of old pistols in the Polish Ghettos would strongly disagree with you.....

nope. Let's look at that.

They killed a whopping 17 Germans... and the Germans killed 13,000 of them and sent 56,000 of them off to the camps where they got to explor new career opportunities as bars of soap.

You've made my point... guns are fucking worthless in fighting dictators.

Absolutely fucking worthless..

Thank you.

They worked out pretty well starting in 1776...

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