Guns are part of who we are as Americans

Vietnam, Afghanistan.

You mean, "Gee, we got tired of beating you into a pulp. I mean, it was fun the first couple of years, but now it's getting boring and we aren't really accomplishing anything."

This is your best argument, buddy?

Trust me, your fat ass would never want to live like a Vietcong or a Muhajedin....
You do know that we lost in Vietnam don't you?

No that's not what happened. The army was handcuffed by politics.


The war in Vietnam was lost before it began: a conventional military using conventional tactics cannot defeat a determined, well-organized popular insurgency.
In the age of Trump where rightwing bigots and racists believe they have license to murder black worshipers in their church, women and minorities need to be able to defend themselves from the hateful right.

Your desperation is duly noted!


You can’t be serious – this racist lie has long been debunked.

Too funny.
That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

So was slavery.

So was genocide of native Americans

So was racism.

"We've always done it that way" isn't a good argument.

Does it make sense now? Most of us don't have to hunt for food now.

The two arguments for gun ownership today is " I needs my guns to fight off the criminals" when in fact, most gun deaths are from people you know.

The other is "I needs my guns to fights the gummit!" which is even stupider, because the government has tanks and bombers and can take you out with impunity if they really wanted to.

There is no argument. It’s an individual right enshrined in the Constitution.
Vietnam, Afghanistan.

You mean, "Gee, we got tired of beating you into a pulp. I mean, it was fun the first couple of years, but now it's getting boring and we aren't really accomplishing anything."

This is your best argument, buddy?

Trust me, your fat ass would never want to live like a Vietcong or a Muhajedin....
You do know that we lost in Vietnam don't you?

No that's not what happened. The army was handcuffed by politics.

No. The military was forbidden to go into Cambodia but they went anyway and it made no difference. When you invade a country where you`re not wanted or needed you`ll be sent packing. It could be a year or it could be 20 years but you`ll be leaving. Every army that ever lost a war blamed the politicians.


That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

So was slavery.

So was genocide of native Americans

So was racism.

"We've always done it that way" isn't a good argument.

Does it make sense now? Most of us don't have to hunt for food now.

The two arguments for gun ownership today is " I needs my guns to fight off the criminals" when in fact, most gun deaths are from people you know.

The other is "I needs my guns to fights the gummit!" which is even stupider, because the government has tanks and bombers and can take you out with impunity if they really wanted to.

There is no argument. It’s an individual right enshrined in the Constitution.

That simple.


The courts have consistently held that background checks are perfectly Constitutional.

Fuck your federal Judge, Jones, he doesn't get to decide what's Constitutional.

Firstly, background checks are a violation of the 1st Amendment because it compels Individuals to speak and to provide information about themselves in order to require a gun. Secondly, background checks violate the 5th Amendment because Individuals are compelled to provide evidence against themselves in order to require a gun. Additionally, background checks violate the 10th Amendment because the requirement to provide this information is not something that is explicitely stated as a power of the federal government in the Constitution. If aanyone had that power it would be the states and local government, but even the states have their own 2nd amendments.

Your federal judge just doesn't give a fuck about violating them. He's apparently like you in that way. You should be absolutely embarassed, utterly ashamed of yourself, Jones, for even contemplating putting a picture of the Bill of Rights next to your name on this board. You clearly haven't grasped it. Either that, or you have, but just don't respect it. Probably the latter in your case.
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In the age of Trump where rightwing bigots and racists believe they have license to murder black worshipers in their church, women and minorities need to be able to defend themselves from the hateful right.

Your desperation is duly noted!


You can’t be serious – this racist lie has long been debunked.

Too funny.

Then debunk it, please show us your reliable source along with the link. Thank you.

Here's a bit more for you.

Murder in the U.S.: number of victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2017

Number of murder victims in the United States in 2017, by race/ethnicity and gender


Murder in the U.S.: victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2017 | Statistic
They are needed by those who have cattle, sheep and other livestock to keep their livelihood free of predators

okay.. probably less than 1% of all guns in the country are used for that purpose.

Some use them for shooting competitions. Others use the for bonding over target practice. Others use them just for instructional purposes to teach responsibility.

And none of those things are necessary.... if you banned that as a hobby, no one's life would be ruined.

How long did Russia fight in Afganistan where only the Russians had tanks, helicopters and fighter jets? Did Russia come out on top?
I do not see anyone fighting with the military.

Okay, let's look at that example. We dumped a shitload of weapons into Afghanistan and they didn't drive the Soviets out. The Soviets left when the USSR and Warsaw Pact broke up. IN fact, the Communist regime in Kabul outlived the Communist regime in Moscow. The place has been in a state of warfare pretty much since 1979.

What we DID manage to accomplish is that the crazy religious asshats we armed to go kill them commies turned around and killed a bunch of us on 9/11.

So... um, good job, everyone. Good job!
And yet you still do not understand that banning guns will not stop criminals from possessing guns.

So no one's life would be ruined but it would take away some of their enjoyment. There are more deaths from automobile accidents in one day then deaths by gun in a year but I don't see anyone yelling to ban autos. No one's life would be ruined.

Even if only 1% of guns are used for hunting or defending their lively hood it would still affect anyone that eats meat, wears will clothes. Not to mention that those people would soon be out of bussiness or would be unable to eat.

They did not drive the Russians out but the Russians in no way could claim a win either.
That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

From the picture of the rugged mountain man eeking out an existence in the Rocky mountains in the 1850s to the statuary images of the greatest generation dressed for combat the gun has become not just a tool for self-defense and the establishment of Independence it has also become an irrevocable symbol of the American Spirit.

Americans unlike their European predecessors didn't wait didn't wait to be subdued before they declared their independence they took it up front.

That makes the American profile unique among cultural profiles... It's also makes the pure American spirit particularly hated by the dominating nature of the Global elites who see any form of Independence as an impediment to their one world agenda.

No. I voted for Trump. No, because, hell: We just don't need guns anymore. And they have such a negative effect on society in general now. It's time to shelve the second amendment.
No. I voted for Trump. No, because, hell: We just don't need guns anymore. And they have such a negative effect on society in general now. It's time to shelve the second amendment.

Love it when all the Libs wet the bed over legally owned guns used responsibly by law abiding citizens.
Love it when all the Libs wet the bed over legally owned guns used responsibly by law abiding citizens.
I love it when all the reichtards go berzerk when anyone thinks about gun regulation.
No one wants to ‘take’ anyone’s guns; there are no ‘gun grabbers’ – liberals in particular.

Liberals support Second Amendment jurisprudence, are gunowners themselves, own guns for self-defense, and enjoy the shooting sports.

The only thing liberals have done wrong with regard to guns is to allow dishonest conservatives to propagate their ridiculous lies about ‘gun grabbers.’

The courts have consistently held that background checks are perfectly Constitutional.

Fuck your federal Judge, Jones, he doesn't get to decide what's Constitutional.

Firstly, background checks are a violation of the 1st Amendment because it compels Individuals to speak and to provide information about themselves in order to require a gun. Secondly, background checks violate the 5th Amendment because Individuals are compelled to provide evidence against themselves in order to require a gun. Additionally, background checks violate the 10th Amendment because the requirement to provide this information is not something that is explicitely stated as a power of the federal government in the Constitution. If aanyone had that power it would be the states and local government, but even the states have their own 2nd amendments.

Your federal judge just doesn't give a fuck about violating them. He's apparently like you in that way. You should be absolutely embarassed, utterly ashamed of yourself, Jones, for even contemplating putting a picture of the Bill of Rights next to your name on this board. You clearly haven't grasped it. Either that, or you have, but just don't respect it. Probably the latter in your case.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

And it’s not ‘my judge’ – it’s GWB’s judge.

Otherwise, the Federal courts alone decide what is or is not Constitutional – ultimately the Supreme Court.

Until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, background checks do not violate the Second Amendment.
That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

So was slavery.

So was genocide of native Americans

So was racism.

"We've always done it that way" isn't a good argument.

Does it make sense now? Most of us don't have to hunt for food now.

The two arguments for gun ownership today is " I needs my guns to fight off the criminals" when in fact, most gun deaths are from people you know.

The other is "I needs my guns to fights the gummit!" which is even stupider, because the government has tanks and bombers and can take you out with impunity if they really wanted to.

Moron...most of the 11,004 gun murders were people who knew each other....criminals murdering other criminals they "knew" from rival gangs over drug turf. 70-80% of murder victims are criminals engaged in crime....of the rest, many are family and friends of those criminals who get caught up in the violence of the criminals......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder...and have a 94% effective rate against mass public shooters when the citizen has their legal gun with them.......

You don't know what you are talking about..
No one wants to ‘take’ anyone’s guns; there are no ‘gun grabbers’ – liberals in particular.

Liberals support Second Amendment jurisprudence, are gunowners themselves, own guns for self-defense, and enjoy the shooting sports.

The only thing liberals have done wrong with regard to guns is to allow dishonest conservatives to propagate their ridiculous lies about ‘gun grabbers.’

You know that is a lie....they tell us they want to ban all semi automatic weapons live on CNN at the anti gun town hall...and you say it didn't happen.....

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