Guns are part of who we are as Americans

That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

From the picture of the rugged mountain man eeking out an existence in the Rocky mountains in the 1850s to the statuary images of the greatest generation dressed for combat the gun has become not just a tool for self-defense and the establishment of Independence it has also become an irrevocable symbol of the American Spirit.

Americans unlike their European predecessors didn't wait didn't wait to be subdued before they declared their independence they took it up front.

That makes the American profile unique among cultural profiles... It's also makes the pure American spirit particularly hated by the dominating nature of the Global elites who see any form of Independence as an impediment to their one world agenda.

No. I voted for Trump. No, because, hell: We just don't need guns anymore. And they have such a negative effect on society in general now. It's time to shelve the second amendment.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders and armed citizens have a 94% effective rate at stopping or limiting the damage of mass public shooters when they have their legal guns with them...

So your post is just silly......
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment so you have no argument whatsoever there... go back to school

Um... yeah, please let me know the last time the Military refused to obey orders...

Orders from who? A bunch of career politicians.:cuckoo::lmao:
There is no way the military are going to go against their own... backing up people they have nothing in common with.
---------------------- and that's my argument for keeping USA Military full of Americans , son . Daughters Fathers and Mothers and people rather than letting the USA Military become a mercenary force full of foreigners working to gain favors , money , education and citizenship Rustic .
.Background checks are worthless.

Background checks are a violation of the 1st, 5th, and 10th Amendments.

The courts have consistently held that background checks are perfectly Constitutional.

Federal judge upholds Colo. gun restrictions

That court ignored D.C. v Heller.....and Caetano v Massachusettes, and Miller and Scalia's dissent in Friedman v Highland park.....outright ignoring of the vaunted Supreme Court rulings on the 2nd Amendment...and they are simply relying on the fact that there were was a 4-4 split on the court on gun issues with Kennedy the unreliable vote for both sides......

That ruling completely ignores the Supreme Court ruling in D.C. v Heller, you know this, you ignore this....and then pretend to know what you are talking about....

As Scalia states in Friedman v Highland park...clarifying for the 4th circuit the Heller decision...

That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense. Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629.

And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625. The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes. Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3.

The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.

So this court in Colorado is ignoring the rulings in Heller........they are breaking the law...
Guns are like sex. We never think about the long term consequences of either until it's too late.

No....violent criminals may not, but millions of normal Americans completely understand the long term consequences.....freedom, safety and no mass graves created by is you who isn't thinking about the long term consequences of allowing only the government and criminals to have guns.
I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.

No, the Founding Fathers put it in the Constitution so they'd have guns to shoot the Darkies if they objected to the whole slavery or genocide things. They didn't want slaves and native Americans to have guns.

The thing is, it's more likely someone in your household will kill themselves with that gun than you ever chasing off a bad guy with it.
The US military will tell Career politicians to pound sand, when the career politicians move against the Constitution...

I am not so sure about that. The military, and police like their salaries, benefits, and PENSIONS. They may just do what their corrupt masters tell them. Look at Katrina where police went door to door and illegally confiscated guns.
---------------------------------------- Pilot is correct with his thinking August West !!
The Left has been brainwashed by their elite Dem masters that America has been evil, and needs to be changed. This was the Fundamental Transformation Obama talked about. That is why they want Amnesty for illegals which essentially Open Borders. Another part is disarming the Law Abiding populace. Among other things.
This is also as ridiculous as it is ignorant and wrong – nothing but rightwing lies.

Conservatives are a reprehensible as they are dishonest.

What part of my post is untrue, or did I just HIT A NERVE?
------------------------------- your post on your concern is true [see katrina] and your thinking is just commom sense Pilots .
I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.

No, the Founding Fathers put it in the Constitution so they'd have guns to shoot the Darkies if they objected to the whole slavery or genocide things. They didn't want slaves and native Americans to have guns.

The thing is, it's more likely someone in your household will kill themselves with that gun than you ever chasing off a bad guy with it.

Even if what you said is true, you shows that gun control is meant to "Control" and has nothing to do with keeping victims is meant to make people easier prey for the government, you doofus....

And no, you are not more likely to kill yourself with your have been shown the research over and over again...
No....violent criminals may not, but millions of normal Americans completely understand the long term consequences.....freedom, safety and no mass graves created by is you who isn't thinking about the long term consequences of allowing only the government and criminals to have guns.

Guns didn't stop those things... Germans had plenty of guns and they never ran out with their guns and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my buddy!"

They said, "Good riddance, Jewish Swine!" And then they took Goldstein's stuff.

They did, however, all join the Volksgrenadiers to fight the Allies to every last old man and little boy....

They lost.
Even if what you said is true, you shows that gun control is meant to "Control" and has nothing to do with keeping victims is meant to make people easier prey for the government, you doofus....

Guns don't keep anyone safe.

The NRA has become the arm of the gun industry, trying to keep people like you scared so you want more and more guns.

And it works.
I am totally good without a gun
I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.

No, the Founding Fathers put it in the Constitution so they'd have guns to shoot the Darkies if they objected to the whole slavery or genocide things. They didn't want slaves and native Americans to have guns.

The thing is, it's more likely someone in your household will kill themselves with that gun than you ever chasing off a bad guy with it.
That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often than not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.
Even if what you said is true, you shows that gun control is meant to "Control" and has nothing to do with keeping victims is meant to make people easier prey for the government, you doofus....

Guns don't keep anyone safe.

The NRA has become the arm of the gun industry, trying to keep people like you scared so you want more and more guns.

And it works.

You just keep on believing that....
That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often that not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.

That is blatantly untrue. The only people that misuse them are criminals. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, and use the responsibly. They would be the only one that yet more gun laws would effect. So you are just plain wrong.
That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often that not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.

That is blatantly untrue. The only people that misuse them are criminals. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, and use the responsibly. They would be the only one that yet more gun laws would effect. So you are just plain wrong.
I learn from mistakes. So all the gun violence, those are HUGE mistakes we need to stop repeating. People don't need guns like say, dialysis or oxygen. No, so let's stop kidding our selves. The constitution doesn't say anything about breathing or kidney health. But, ya know...some things transcend.
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You could say that millions of unborn dead bodies and bartered human body parts is who we are as Americans. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. Killing the unborn is based on a bad supreme court decision.
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Even if what you said is true, you shows that gun control is meant to "Control" and has nothing to do with keeping victims is meant to make people easier prey for the government, you doofus....

Guns don't keep anyone safe.

The NRA has become the arm of the gun industry, trying to keep people like you scared so you want more and more guns.

And it works.

You moron. You Moon Bats are dumber than door knobs. The NRA is the biggest gun safety organization in the world.
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That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often that not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.

That is blatantly untrue. The only people that misuse them are criminals. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, and use the responsibly. They would be the only one that yet more gun laws would effect. So you are just plain wrong.
I learn from mistakes. So all the gun violence, those are HUGE mistakes we need to stop repeating. People don't need guns like say, dialysis or oxygen. No, so let's stop kidding our selves. The constitution doesn't say anything about breathing or kidney health. But, ya know...some things transcend.

If you want to be unarmed, that’s your choice. You don’t have the right to demand the same of others.
That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often that not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.

That is blatantly untrue. The only people that misuse them are criminals. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, and use the responsibly. They would be the only one that yet more gun laws would effect. So you are just plain wrong.
I learn from mistakes. So all the gun violence, those are HUGE mistakes we need to stop repeating. People don't need guns like say, dialysis or oxygen. No, so let's stop kidding our selves. The constitution doesn't say anything about breathing or kidney health. But, ya know...some things transcend.

You are confused. I need guns. I need them for recreational purposes, self defense and for the security of a free state as determined by the Founding Fathers of this country.

The Constitution gives me the individual right to keep and bear arms and assholes like you don't get to take those rights away because you don't think I should have them. If you want to play that stupid game then let me decide which of your rights I don't think you should have. You probably won't like what I come up with.
That's sadly true. Guns don't have that same reputation they used to. And people more often that not misuse them. When that dweeb shot up a preschool, and THEN when pro gunners sought to minimize that, that was the finial nail in the coffin. Enough.

That is blatantly untrue. The only people that misuse them are criminals. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, and use the responsibly. They would be the only one that yet more gun laws would effect. So you are just plain wrong.
I learn from mistakes. So all the gun violence, those are HUGE mistakes we need to stop repeating. People don't need guns like say, dialysis or oxygen. No, so let's stop kidding our selves. The constitution doesn't say anything about breathing or kidney health. But, ya know...some things transcend.

If you want to be unarmed, that’s your choice. You don’t have the right to demand the same of others.
As an American, I shouldn't be put behind the 8 ball and feel compelled to have a firearm. So far I have escaped the madness. This shouldn't be what being an American is all about. I got nothing here. I don't have a PAC that supports my right to question the second amendment. Not liberal dipshit stuff. No, grown up mature Americans tired of political madness stuff.

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