Guns are part of who we are as Americans

If background checks work why didn't they stop the LV shooter, Orlando shooter, Texas church shooter and Parkland shooter? Why don't they stop the massive number of shootings in Chicago every day?

The reason is simple. They don't work. They are a joke. The people that do the shootings don't give a shit about passing a background check just like they don't abide by other gun control laws.
Because we have extremely weak gun laws. Again, crime dropped rapidly after we got background checks.

Actually shootings are high in Liberal cities with Draconian gun control, like Chicago.
And how strong are Chicago gun laws really? You are aware they have concealed carry? That is Draconian? You are aware they don't have walls and are surrounded by weak gun laws? City gun laws are always going to be weak as long as people can easily come and go.

Citing Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives data — which shows that approximately 60% of guns used in crimes across Illinois came from out of state — the Trace built an infographic demonstrating just how many guns flow into the city from states with less restrictive gun laws.

Guns where banned in chicago for years and it didn't do a damn thing.

Does it have walls? Are people who come and go searched? City gun laws are inherently weak...

What does walls have anything to do with it? They banned guns and people broke the law.

I can't imagine any situation where anyone confiscates guns. The Swiss have lots of guns and maintain a lower homicide rates because the high ownership rate is backed by strong laws. We have high ownership and weak laws. We care more about gun sales than lives.

Yes people from those countries don't want to get shot. And if you think immigrants from the south are bad, why would you want to make it so easy for them to get a gun?

Actually the Swiss do not have lots of guns compared to the United States. In fact, they own ONE FOURTH as many guns per 100 persons than we do here in America. They also have a far different culture and is a homogenous nation.
Vietnam, Afghanistan.

You mean, "Gee, we got tired of beating you into a pulp. I mean, it was fun the first couple of years, but now it's getting boring and we aren't really accomplishing anything."

This is your best argument, buddy?

Trust me, your fat ass would never want to live like a Vietcong or a Muhajedin....
You do know that we lost in Vietnam don't you?
That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

From the picture of the rugged mountain man eeking out an existence in the Rocky mountains in the 1850s to the statuary images of the greatest generation dressed for combat the gun has become not just a tool for self-defense and the establishment of Independence it has also become an irrevocable symbol of the American Spirit.

Americans unlike their European predecessors didn't wait didn't wait to be subdued before they declared their independence they took it up front.

That makes the American profile unique among cultural profiles... It's also makes the pure American spirit particularly hated by the dominating nature of the Global elites who see any form of Independence as an impediment to their one world agenda.

Funny I've never needed one a single day in my life. I'm sure most can say that. We no longer hunt our food.... Time to grow up.
Just because you don't hunt for food does't mean no one does

It's not all about you
[ You realize strict gun laws would make the likelihood of a criminal pulling one on you much less right?

LOL! You mean like in Chicago? Those strict gun control laws are working mighty fine, aren't they?

December to Date

Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 50
Total Shot: 62
Total Homicides: 16

Week in Progress (12/2 – 12/8)

Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 43
Total Shot: 53
Total Homicides: 13

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 474
Shot & Wounded: 2331
Total Shot: 2805
Total Homicides: 560

Chicago Crime 2018 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
You should understand that Chicago doesn't have walls. They are surrounded by weak gun laws. City gun laws are very limited. Btw, they have concealed carry. Doesn't look like it is lowering crime does it?

We need federal gun laws and then we would have much lower homicide rates like the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Denmark....

Yes we need federal laws that guarantee the rights of law abiding people like Constitutional Carry laws so no state government can violate our right to carry a weapon
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.
Funny that's I've never needed a gun for defense in my life, nor do I know anyone who has. You realize strict gun laws would make the likelihood of a criminal pulling one on you much less right? Lots of guns gives us a homicide rate 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.

Are you some kind of criminal that you expect someone to try to assassinate you?

Absolutely not true. Mexico has very stringent gun control and a murder rate higher than America. Ditto for other republics in our hemisphere like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Any number of innocent people have guns pulled on them.

I suppose that it might increase slightly the chance of a criminal pulling a gun, but criminals have other weapons and as a seasoned citizen, I become more and more likely to be a victim of even a strong armed attack as I get frailer.
Why are you so worried about being attacked? People who get attacked are typically themselves involved in criminal activity....

Tell that to Dr Petit.

His family fell victim to two piece of shit criminals who beat him, left him for dead then raped his wife and two teenage daughters before burning them alive

He wasn't involved in any criminal activity
We need federal gun laws and then we would have much lower homicide rates like the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Denmark....

You seem to mistakenly believe most of us are interested in reducing gun deaths. We’re simply interested in making sure the correct seem of the population die. That’s all.
We are the only country that suffers from regular school shootings. You want children to die?

Why don't you blame the parents of the freaks who shoot up schools instead of law abiding gun owners who have committed no crimes?
Strange that our crime rates dropped after we got background checks. Strange that countries with strong gun control have homicide rates that are a fraction of ours. You seem to deny reality.

But they have far more violent crime than we do here in the US.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
The right to keep and bear arms is separate from the militia clause, but even it if weren't we are all in the unorganized militia by U.S. Code.

Well Regulated = Well trained, Well Timed, and Well Equipped. NOT restricted.

Look at old clocks. They were called Regulators, and many had that written right on their face.

We, the People, Were Framed by the Framers. Only a Snob Would Call Us a "Mob"

Follow the money. The lawyers for the 1%, whom people with inadequate Daddies call "Founding Fathers," didn't want their Masters to pay for the training and weapons of a standing army. They also didn't want their Masters' gutless unpatriotic brats to have to fight—you know, like the little boy of that piece of shit we just buried.
Na, not really
The only way to discipline a repeat violent criminal... Is to eliminate them.
The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat criminals… We have no criminal control in this country

City, Democrat DA's just want CONVICTION RATES so they plea down violent criminals to get quick convictions. This enables many violent criminals to avoid jail, or get short jail terms. They are back on the street and do it all over again. Stop that, and you will reduce violent crime greatly.
We Don't Need Prisons, We Need Morgues
Vietnam, Afghanistan.

You mean, "Gee, we got tired of beating you into a pulp. I mean, it was fun the first couple of years, but now it's getting boring and we aren't really accomplishing anything."

This is your best argument, buddy?

Trust me, your fat ass would never want to live like a Vietcong or a Muhajedin....
You do know that we lost in Vietnam don't you?

No that's not what happened. The army was handcuffed by politics.

Vietnam, Afghanistan.

You mean, "Gee, we got tired of beating you into a pulp. I mean, it was fun the first couple of years, but now it's getting boring and we aren't really accomplishing anything."

This is your best argument, buddy?

Trust me, your fat ass would never want to live like a Vietcong or a Muhajedin....
You do know that we lost in Vietnam don't you?

No that's not what happened. The army was handcuffed by politics.

No. The military was forbidden to go into Cambodia but they went anyway and it made no difference. When you invade a country where you`re not wanted or needed you`ll be sent packing. It could be a year or it could be 20 years but you`ll be leaving. Every army that ever lost a war blamed the politicians.
"Mass Shootings" are a very, very minute percentage of violent crime by PEOPLE using guns. The Media makes you think otherwise, but you are much more likely to win the lottery, or get hit by lightning than get shot in a "mass shooting".

If people were so worried about large numbers of innocent people getting killed they would make cars, and trucks safer. But, they just want to get rid of legally owned guns to further control the law abiding. That's all.
People die in cars and trucks in every country. And they work to make them safer all the time. Many countries have the gun problem fixed, we just need to use the fix.
Vehicle ownership is not an right… Firearm ownership is an absolute right less someone ruins it for themselves...
LOL! You mean like in Chicago? Those strict gun control laws are working mighty fine, aren't they?

December to Date

Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 50
Total Shot: 62
Total Homicides: 16

Week in Progress (12/2 – 12/8)

Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 43
Total Shot: 53
Total Homicides: 13

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 474
Shot & Wounded: 2331
Total Shot: 2805
Total Homicides: 560

Chicago Crime 2018 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
You should understand that Chicago doesn't have walls. They are surrounded by weak gun laws. City gun laws are very limited. Btw, they have concealed carry. Doesn't look like it is lowering crime does it?

We need federal gun laws and then we would have much lower homicide rates like the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Denmark....

You are really naive, aren't you? Either that or just plain stupid. You should understand that gun control laws do nothing to stop crime. Just like background checks do nothing to stop criminals from getting firearms.

My long time friend just retired as a Police Chief of one of the suburbs of Chicago. They don't have near as strict gun control laws as Chicago and they have very little gun crime. It is not the gun control laws that stop gun crimes. All gun control laws do is keep law abiding citizens from owning the guns they need to protect themselves from the assholes that don't obey the law.

If lack of gun control regulations causes gun crime then states like Wyoming would have the highest number of gun crimes because they have the most lax laws and a tremendous rate of gun ownership.

However, that is not the case is it? Most of the gun crime in the US takes place in the ghetto areas of the five or six biggest big city shitholes in the US by the same demographics that don't obey the drug laws or hardly any other laws.

You stupid Moon Bats don't have public safety as you agenda for doing away with the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Your agenda is to stop potential armed citizens from preventing you Left Wing assholes from ever making this country a socialist shithole that you desire so much. You know it and I know it.
Strange that our crime rates dropped after we got background checks. Strange that countries with strong gun control have homicide rates that are a fraction of ours. You seem to deny reality.

You are really confused, are you Moon Bat?

Gun crime rates have been on a steady decline for several decades now as have all crimes. This is at a time when gun ownership has grown tremendously.

Background checks are a joke. They sure as hell don't sop the massive number of shootings in the big city shitholes that happen on a daily basis, does it? They sure did stop the recent high profile shootings, did they? Those guys passed the background checks.
Violent Crime in U.S. Rises for Second Consecutive Year
Get rid of the repeat offenders you get rid of violent crime
.Background checks are worthless.

Background checks are a violation of the 1st, 5th, and 10th Amendments.
Crime sure dropped after we got them.

If background checks work why didn't they stop the LV shooter, Orlando shooter, Texas church shooter and Parkland shooter? Why don't they stop the massive number of shootings in Chicago every day?

The reason is simple. They don't work. They are a joke. The people that do the shootings don't give a shit about passing a background check just like they don't abide by other gun control laws.
Because we have extremely weak gun laws. Again, crime dropped rapidly after we got background checks.
We have no criminal control in this country, execution of violent criminals is the only way to control criminals
Background checks are a violation of the 1st, 5th, and 10th Amendments.
Crime sure dropped after we got them.

If background checks work why didn't they stop the LV shooter, Orlando shooter, Texas church shooter and Parkland shooter? Why don't they stop the massive number of shootings in Chicago every day?

The reason is simple. They don't work. They are a joke. The people that do the shootings don't give a shit about passing a background check just like they don't abide by other gun control laws.
Because we have extremely weak gun laws. Again, crime dropped rapidly after we got background checks.

Actually shootings are high in Liberal cities with Draconian gun control, like Chicago.
And how strong are Chicago gun laws really? You are aware they have concealed carry? That is Draconian? You are aware they don't have walls and are surrounded by weak gun laws? City gun laws are always going to be weak as long as people can easily come and go.

Citing Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives data — which shows that approximately 60% of guns used in crimes across Illinois came from out of state — the Trace built an infographic demonstrating just how many guns flow into the city from states with less restrictive gun laws.
Violent criminals do not buy firearms legally… Dumbass
If background checks work why didn't they stop the LV shooter, Orlando shooter, Texas church shooter and Parkland shooter? Why don't they stop the massive number of shootings in Chicago every day?

The reason is simple. They don't work. They are a joke. The people that do the shootings don't give a shit about passing a background check just like they don't abide by other gun control laws.
Why is it countries with strong gun control don't suffer through regular mass shootings? Why is it their police aren't regularly shot?

Go move there, you obviously hate the Constitution and America


So you have no real arguments.

Yes that's what people say when losing an argument, we have laws in this country and the 2nd is one of them, you just refuse to want to address the real issue.
We have really weak laws in this country.
We have weak criminal control laws in this country, we need more capital punishment, we don’t have a southern border it’s a free-for-all… Repeat offenders make up the vast majority of violent criminal activity in this country… End of story
That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

So was slavery.

So was genocide of native Americans

So was racism.

"We've always done it that way" isn't a good argument.

Does it make sense now? Most of us don't have to hunt for food now.

The two arguments for gun ownership today is " I needs my guns to fight off the criminals" when in fact, most gun deaths are from people you know.

The other is "I needs my guns to fights the gummit!" which is even stupider, because the government has tanks and bombers and can take you out with impunity if they really wanted to.

You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.
Exactly.....thus the need to encourage all minorities and women to be pro-gun, buy guns and get trained in them.

In the age of Trump where rightwing bigots and racists believe they have license to murder black worshipers in their church, women and minorities need to be able to defend themselves from the hateful right.

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