CDZ Guns, Culture & Politics

If the rest of the world is so superior in the way they live life, why aren't all you lefties moving to the rest of the world? Why are so many people from the rest of the world trying so hard to get to America?

Because, again, we are trying to fix THIS country.

We had a pretty good country people wanted to come to at one point.

You guys kind of screwed that up, to the point where foreign governments give their citizens books on how not to get shot when they come here.
Wow it looks like one.

If you actually were in the military you would know something about weapons

Same max effective range
Same fire rate on semi-setting
Same .556 MM Round.

Same tendency to jam if you don't keep it cleaned properly.

SO what?

Not the same weapon.

All any AR 15 is is a plain old average everyday semiautomatic rifle not unlike any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years. And really not a hell of a lot different than the semiauto .22 I got as a birthday present when I was 12 years old

It's not even the most powerful rifle available to the public.
If the rest of the world is so superior in the way they live life, why aren't all you lefties moving to the rest of the world? Why are so many people from the rest of the world trying so hard to get to America?

Because, again, we are trying to fix THIS country.

We had a pretty good country people wanted to come to at one point.

You guys kind of screwed that up, to the point where foreign governments give their citizens books on how not to get shot when they come here.

No, you are not trying to fix this country, you are trying to convert it to something more to your liking. Our gun culture hasn't changed in over a hundred years, so that hasn't affected the pretty good country that people wanted to come to. And, they still want to come here.

What foreign governments do, or do not do, is of little concern to me. I am far more interested in what the left wing wants to do to this country.
No, you are not trying to fix this country, you are trying to convert it to something more to your liking.

Yeah, because the country I grew up in the 1970's was a lot nicer.

Our gun culture hasn't changed in over a hundred years, so that hasn't affected the pretty good country that people wanted to come to. And, they still want to come here.

Actually it has changed. When I was growing up, we had common sense gun laws, and even the NRA supported them.


And, they still want to come here.

If you are from Western Europe or Japan , you don't want to come here. YOu want to come here if you are from a worse off country like Mexico.

I want to strive for, "Doesn't suck as bad as Mexico", don't you?

What foreign governments do, or do not do, is of little concern to me. I am far more interested in what the left wing wants to do to this country.

I'm more concerned with what the Right Wing has done to this country.
The problem is the left is never satisfied, give and inch and they demand another mile. History proves it.
Laws can be changed back. Fixing a culture is a much larger task. We either get on this, or no laws really matter.

What new law would have prevented Parkland....I've asked this numerous times and still haven't gotten a honest answer. If current laws had been followed Cruz would have never been allowed to purchase a firearm
Raising the purchase age limit to 21 (or higher?) would have prevented Cruz from buying guns. Teenagers are still too immature to handle weapons on their own.

Nonsense! Teenagers have been handling guns for many decades, and the vast majority never commit a crime with one. The inability of teenagers to buy guns legally has not prevented thousands of teenage gang bangers from getting all the guns they desire. Laws only limit law abiding people.
Teenagers going hunting with their parent or other adult, ok. Teenagers walking into a gun store and buying all kinds, no.
The problem is the left is never satisfied, give and inch and they demand another mile. History proves it.
Laws can be changed back. Fixing a culture is a much larger task. We either get on this, or no laws really matter.

We cannot "fix" a culture. Especially, we cannot fix a culture where the inmates have taken over the asylum. I am not even sure that it is not too late to reverse the trend. We have allowed three generations of our children to be indoctrinated in our public schools, and now they are a large share of the problem. Many of them no longer believe in American exceptional-ism, rugged individualism, or the American dream. They are now "citizens of the world".

I fear that all we can do now is become prepared to pick up the pieces after the fall of this great nation.
I actually don't disagree. But this will have been a self-inflicted wound.
this thread is simply a promotion of rampant crimes by the left with absolutely no accountability for their promotion of ineffective and divisive degradation of everyone who points out the emperor has no clothes. In other words promotion of evil for evil's sake.
Now, here's what I actually said:

"Certain forces are keeping the debate about guns on regulation and banning and even confiscation, forcing gun supporters on the defensive. These forces are ignoring - and, I think, purposely - the real problem here, which is a sick and decaying culture that is spitting out more damaged psychopaths by the day."

When I said "certain forces" - who do you suppose I was talking about?
Well folks, I'm sure your political & cultural opponents are very pleased with your responses.

I just don't see what it is that you want. I'm sure you aren't the only person who wants to ban violence. Lol. It's just not very realistic. You can ban one thing, but people can still get it, and they will if they want to. Also, there will be other things that take the place. You have to teach your kids and instill values and morals in them. That is another problem. Parents who want to have kids but don't really want to do any parenting. Because of advancements in technology, we have become much more lazy and dependent on gadgets to take care of our needs. There is really not much you can do to change these things though. It is called "progress."
For the tenth time, I did not say "ban" or "law".

Okay, never mind.

Well then, be more specific! What is it that you are suggesting? :dunno: I am not the only one here who seems to be getting the wrong impression about your posts, so YOU need to say what it is you mean!
Please see post 17.
Please see post 23.
Please see post 29.
You just attempt to erode the rights and liberties of the People who didn't do anything wrong ... Got it ... :thup:

Well, when you stop killing thousands of people every year, with no sense of responsibility, I'd be all for restoring your gun "privileges".

To make the case that millions of law abiding people throughout the country should be punished as the results of Nikolas Cruz's actions ...
Goes further towards your desire to redefine the boundaries of the prison you would like to establish.

Again, most of the world, civilians can't own guns, and their fine.

78% of the people in this country don't own guns... and they're fine.

I didn't kill anyone this year ... Nor will I agree to be punished for something I didn't do.

Furthermore ... I am not asking for permission or protection of rights I already exercise.
Don't much care what the rest of the world does nor whether you are fine with punishing someone for something they haven't done.

You are the imbecile that thought making a point not punishing someone who hasn't done something somehow helped your argument.

If I were King (I'm working on it, but the RED TAPE is HORRENDOUS), this whole gun debate would be going in a very different direction.

Certain forces are keeping the debate about guns on regulation and banning and even confiscation, forcing gun supporters on the defensive. These forces are ignoring - and, I think, purposely - the real problem here, which is a sick and decaying culture that is spitting out more damaged psychopaths by the day.

If I had my way, the gun supporters would bend and allow for some basic (and perfectly reasonable) regulations on the availability of guns to certain people. The Left says (and I agree) that there is room for increased regulation on the margins that won't cramp the lives of law-abiding gun owners.

Why are these forces purposely ignoring the bigger problem, the real problem, of our culture? Because, obviously, they are profiting from the movies and music and television shows and video games and societal divisions that are creating the decay. No wonder they want to avoid that discussion. Seems to me that if gun supporters were smart, they'd give an inch or two and then go after the real problem loud and clear.

Doesn't seem all that complicated. But the gun supporters refuse to give an inch, and they don't see they're being played. The longer this issue remains where it is, the worse off they are.
I might be in favor of special licensing for semi auto rifles/carbines.

But there would need to be an assurance that anyone qualifying would get the license. Sort of like a concealed firearms permit.

But naturally the NRA is not going to go for that.
If I were King (I'm working on it, but the RED TAPE is HORRENDOUS), this whole gun debate would be going in a very different direction.

Certain forces are keeping the debate about guns on regulation and banning and even confiscation, forcing gun supporters on the defensive. These forces are ignoring - and, I think, purposely - the real problem here, which is a sick and decaying culture that is spitting out more damaged psychopaths by the day.

If I had my way, the gun supporters would bend and allow for some basic (and perfectly reasonable) regulations on the availability of guns to certain people. The Left says (and I agree) that there is room for increased regulation on the margins that won't cramp the lives of law-abiding gun owners.

Why are these forces purposely ignoring the bigger problem, the real problem, of our culture? Because, obviously, they are profiting from the movies and music and television shows and video games and societal divisions that are creating the decay. No wonder they want to avoid that discussion. Seems to me that if gun supporters were smart, they'd give an inch or two and then go after the real problem loud and clear.

Doesn't seem all that complicated. But the gun supporters refuse to give an inch, and they don't see they're being played. The longer this issue remains where it is, the worse off they are.
I might be in favor of special licensing for semi auto rifles/carbines.

But there would need to be an assurance that anyone qualifying would get the license. Sort of like a concealed firearms permit.

But naturally the NRA is not going to go for that.
I'd just like to see enough done so that we could proceed to the REAL problem.
I've never had a thread be so completely misunderstood as this one.

Pretty freakin' fascinating.
Goes to show how emotional defending the 2nd Amendment can get.

When the US was a new nation, there were not freed slaves, Mexicans, unpunished criminals, dope dealers and mules, Muslims, etc. running around.

Now there are, therefore unlimited 2nd Amendment rights for everyone would result in submachine gun wars the same as in Chicago during Prohibition.

That does not change what the 2nd Amendment says and how the Federal Congress and State legislatures are ignoring it.
If I were King (I'm working on it, but the RED TAPE is HORRENDOUS), this whole gun debate would be going in a very different direction.

Certain forces are keeping the debate about guns on regulation and banning and even confiscation, forcing gun supporters on the defensive. These forces are ignoring - and, I think, purposely - the real problem here, which is a sick and decaying culture that is spitting out more damaged psychopaths by the day.

If I had my way, the gun supporters would bend and allow for some basic (and perfectly reasonable) regulations on the availability of guns to certain people. The Left says (and I agree) that there is room for increased regulation on the margins that won't cramp the lives of law-abiding gun owners.

Why are these forces purposely ignoring the bigger problem, the real problem, of our culture? Because, obviously, they are profiting from the movies and music and television shows and video games and societal divisions that are creating the decay. No wonder they want to avoid that discussion. Seems to me that if gun supporters were smart, they'd give an inch or two and then go after the real problem loud and clear.

Doesn't seem all that complicated. But the gun supporters refuse to give an inch, and they don't see they're being played. The longer this issue remains where it is, the worse off they are.
I might be in favor of special licensing for semi auto rifles/carbines.

But there would need to be an assurance that anyone qualifying would get the license. Sort of like a concealed firearms permit.

But naturally the NRA is not going to go for that.
I'd just like to see enough done so that we could proceed to the REAL problem.
Well the real problem is the force multiplier factor of modern weapons. This was never contemplated in 1789.

The issue was already dealt with unconstitutionally for submachine guns in the 1930's.

And even before that, all sorts of unconstitutional restrictions on gun ownership was imposed after the U.S. Civil War to prevent freed slaves from getting their hands on guns.
I've never had a thread be so completely misunderstood as this one.

Pretty freakin' fascinating.
Goes to show how emotional defending the 2nd Amendment can get.

When the US was a new nation, there were not freed slaves, Mexicans, unpunished criminals, dope dealers and mules, Muslims, etc. running around.

Now there are, therefore unlimited 2nd Amendment rights for everyone would result in submachine gun wars the same as in Chicago during Prohibition.

That does not change what the 2nd Amendment says and how the Federal Congress and State legislatures are ignoring it.
It's been amazing the way many here just took the thread as an attack on the 2nd Amendment, completely ignoring the rest.

That's where we are now - if you're not 100% with me, you MUST be 100% against me.

What a freakin' mess.
My global view of this issue/problem of guns in society among civilians is this --

Is complete access to all kinds of guns a good idea? No.

Is complete banning of all guns a good idea? Also No.

The answer lies somewhere in the middle.

I happen to love my pistol. I sleep with it and wear it daily as well.

I happen to love my elk rifle. It is a bolt action accurate to 750 yards for me and even further if I had a long distance range finder and a spotter with a spotting scope with me.

I love my Mossberg shotgun too. This will stop anything that my pistol cannot. It is a pump action and holds 8 slugs or shells.

I am very fond of my Ruger Mini 14. I would not want to part with it. But I would be willing to take a class and a get yet another background check for a license to own it. It is a 5.56x45 semi auto carbine even superior to the AR's and the AK's. It is based on the 1942 design of the M-1 Carbine. And I love my high cap 30 round mags for it. For true militia duty, you need your own high cap mags. The 2nd Amendment mentions militia duty (in passing).

I have no problem with making anyone who wants an AR or an AK to get licensed for it. That's no worse than my concealed firearms permit for my pistol.
this thread is simply a promotion of rampant crimes by the left with absolutely no accountability for their promotion of ineffective and divisive degradation of everyone who points out the emperor has no clothes. In other words promotion of evil for evil's sake.
Now, here's what I actually said:

"Certain forces are keeping the debate about guns on regulation and banning and even confiscation, forcing gun supporters on the defensive. These forces are ignoring - and, I think, purposely - the real problem here, which is a sick and decaying culture that is spitting out more damaged psychopaths by the day."

When I said "certain forces" - who do you suppose I was talking about?

Uh yeah ... Right before you said this ...

"If I had my way, the gun supporters would bend and allow for some basic (and perfectly reasonable) regulations on the availability of guns to certain people. The Left says (and I agree) that there is room for increased regulation on the margins that won't cramp the lives of law-abiding gun owners.

All wrapped up later with this ...

Seems to me that if gun supporters were smart, they'd give an inch or two and then go after the real problem loud and clear.

And this ...

Doesn't seem all that complicated. But the gun supporters refuse to give an inch, and they don't see they're being played

The part you don't understand is that we have again and again given an inch ...
And you people not only take a mile ... But keep coming back asking for another inch.

Not an inch more ... :thup:

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this thread is simply a promotion of rampant crimes by the left with absolutely no accountability for their promotion of ineffective and divisive degradation of everyone who points out the emperor has no clothes. In other words promotion of evil for evil's sake.
Now, here's what I actually said:

"Certain forces are keeping the debate about guns on regulation and banning and even confiscation, forcing gun supporters on the defensive. These forces are ignoring - and, I think, purposely - the real problem here, which is a sick and decaying culture that is spitting out more damaged psychopaths by the day."

When I said "certain forces" - who do you suppose I was talking about?

Uh yeah ... Right before you said this ...

"If I had my way, the gun supporters would bend and allow for some basic (and perfectly reasonable) regulations on the availability of guns to certain people. The Left says (and I agree) that there is room for increased regulation on the margins that won't cramp the lives of law-abiding gun owners.

All wrapped up later with this ...

Seems to me that if gun supporters were smart, they'd give an inch or two and then go after the real problem loud and clear.

And this ...

Doesn't seem all that complicated. But the gun supporters refuse to give an inch, and they don't see they're being played

The part you don't understand is that we have again and again given an inch ...
And you fuckers not only take a mile ... But keep coming back asking for another inch.

Not an inch more ... :thup:
I know, not an inch more, and we'll keep fighting over that and never address the real problem here.

That's your call, of course.
I know, not an inch more, and we'll keep fighting over that and never address the real problem here.

That's your call, of course.

You're the one that seems to want to fight about something.
I am simply exercising my Constitutionally protected rights ... The ones I already have.

If you want to fight about it ... That's your choice ... I didn't ask you for permission ... :thup:

I know, not an inch more, and we'll keep fighting over that and never address the real problem here.

That's your call, of course.

You're the one that seems to want to fight about something.
I am simply exercising my Constitutionally protected rights ... The ones I already have.

If you want to fight about it ... That's your choice ... I didn't ask you for permission ... :thup:

Let's try it this way:

Instead of spending this time and energy endlessly defending the 2nd Amendment, hashing over the same arguments, would you rather be discussing how our popular culture is creating animals who are more and more likely to use guns to slaughter innocent people?

And if your answer is "yes", why are we not hearing this argument anywhere?
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