guns for everyone

If you're honest, you do know many of them should never be armed. Yet you support the NRA who works tirelessly to make sure every one of them has the chance to be armed 24/7. Doesn't make sense to me.

I support all civil liberties in this country. I support the right to freely speak your mind without government interference. I support the right of all citizens of legal age to vote and I also support the right of any eligible citizen to both own and carry a firearm if they desire.

As a person who purports to be a progressive, I'm amazed that you would be in favour of the curtailment of ANY civil liberties.

Without a background check, whether a person is eligible doesn't matter. They get the gun. If they are a bad guy, and there is something on that background check that kicks them out, it's not curtailing anybody's civil liberties. They already did that themselves.
Because when you have the chance to be Somalia, why not!

In Somalia, the manufacture of small arms, ammunition and/or their components is permitted only if the maker holds a valid licence,

Guiding gun control legislation in Somalia includes the 1963 Public Order Law21

Guns in Somalia are regulated by the Ministry of the Interior1

In Somalia, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law

In Somalia, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic rifles

In Somalia, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted under licence

In Somalia, only licensed gun owners may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition

In Somalia, dealing in firearms by way of business without a valid gun dealer’s licence is unlawful

In Somalia, a unique identifying mark on each firearm is required by law

you lefties are sure working hard to make us like somalia


The sky isn't falling, but lots of kids are dead when they didn't have to be.

Yes, because morons like you give the crazy asshole defenseless targets. Takes a real idiot to do that. Hello idiot.:bye1:

Yep......Those 5 year olds should have been armed.

No you fucking prick, the teachers SHOULD have the ability to defend those kids. But assholes like you demand they be helpless so that they get to die for your political bullshit. Fuck you.

Right. We all know that a degree in elementary education prepares those young teachers to teach the alphabet, help kids learn to relate to others, expect a child to have a bathroom accident occasionally, and be prepared for armed guerrilla combat with the necessity to kill one or more assailants at any time. Some of those classes are really tough.

No, you ignorant twat. There are these things called SHOOTING CLASSES. You pay money to experts (though I would hazard a guess that if you told the instructors who you were and what you were getting qualified for they would offer their services for free) and they train you how to shoot in defensive situations properly. Leave it to a complete dipshit, like you, to not know that. BTW the police DON'T teach these courses.

Good officers, on their own dime and initiative take these courses so that they will be competent in bad situations. The majority of police DON'T take these classes.
The sky isn't falling, but lots of kids are dead when they didn't have to be.

Yes, because morons like you give the crazy asshole defenseless targets. Takes a real idiot to do that. Hello idiot.:bye1:

Yep......Those 5 year olds should have been armed.

No you fucking prick, the teachers SHOULD have the ability to defend those kids. But assholes like you demand they be helpless so that they get to die for your political bullshit. Fuck you.

Right. We all know that a degree in elementary education prepares those young teachers to teach the alphabet, help kids learn to relate to others, expect a child to have a bathroom accident occasionally, and be prepared for armed guerrilla combat with the necessity to kill one or more assailants at any time. Some of those classes are really tough.

No, you ignorant twat. There are these things called SHOOTING CLASSES. You pay money to experts (though I would hazard a guess that if you told the instructors who you were and what you were getting qualified for they would offer their services for free) and they train you how to shoot in defensive situations properly. Leave it to a complete dipshit, like you, to not know that. BTW the police DON'T teach these courses.

Good officers, on their own dime and initiative take these courses so that they will be competent in bad situations. The majority of police DON'T take these classes.

My entire department got treated to a three-day Active Armed Offender course which covers a lot, but not all, of the tactical aspects of a firefight in a structure.

We're slated for annual refreshers as well.
Because when you have the chance to be Somalia, why not!

I've been to Somalia ... not everyone has guns, only the bad guys.

Concealed carry in the US isn't only for 'the good guys'. Whoever that is. Many of them will use their concealed weapons to kill a spouse or family member.

But a segment of the population feels special powers when they hold a gun so it becomes a need, like heroin.

You tell that to the people who's lives have been saved by CHL holders, including many cops.

How This Man Saved A Police Officer's Life While Being Attacked By Homeless Man


Or you could just explain it to the 5 year-olds at Sandy Hook. I'm sure their families are staunch believers in guns for all, after all what could go wrong.
Only a fucking moron would believe that more frivolous gun laws would've stopped such a thing… or cant you help being stupid in the head?
Those considerations are never determined when anyone can buy a gun without any background check.

Where, precisely, can one legally do that anywhere in the US?

The following states have no background check of any kind unless you are buying from a licensed dealer.

Any private seller can sell you a gun out of the trunk of his car without even asking your name. No background check, no record, no paper work of any kind.














New Mexico

North Dakota



South Carolina

South Dakota






West Virginia


Millions of guns are sold, how many are used in crimes? A tiny percentage of a tiny percentage of a tiny percentage
Those considerations are never determined when anyone can buy a gun without any background check.

Where, precisely, can one legally do that anywhere in the US?

The following states have no background check of any kind unless you are buying from a licensed dealer.

Any private seller can sell you a gun out of the trunk of his car without even asking your name. No background check, no record, no paper work of any kind.














New Mexico

North Dakota



South Carolina

South Dakota






West Virginia


Millions of guns are sold, how many are used in crimes? A tiny percentage of a tiny percentage of a tiny percentage
We have much bigger fish to fry in this country. Jack weed
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
If you are a cop, you know a large portion of the public doesn't have the sense of attitude to have a gun. Making sure those people are armed doesn't make them safer.

In fact, I immediately noticed one difference between legal and illegal carriers on the job ... holsters. Legal carriers nearly always use one, while illegal carriers universally do not. When I meet a MOTP who is carrying, that will often be my first determination on how wary I am of that individual.

I meet people every day who aren't in the presence of mind to be driving a car, catching a bus, or being around children ... If they aren't breaking the law, I don't get to decide if they get to own a car, use public transport, or have kids. I wouldn't want to ... unlike you, my prescience when it comes to people's possible future misdeeds is not infallible.

If you're honest, you do know many of them should never be armed. Yet you support the NRA who works tirelessly to make sure every one of them has the chance to be armed 24/7. Doesn't make sense to me.
Progressives don't get to tell who and who cannot arm themselves, they don't have the common sense and morality to do so.
The Second Amendment is an absolute right
All liberals should be armed to the teeth!!! We're the different people and the people speaking up against a bunch of religious nuts that would love to shut us up...Pass the ammo! More so if you're trans.

In a sane society, being “trans” would be considered prima facie proof of severe mental illness. Current law restricts the mentally-ill from possessing arms.
Because when you have the chance to be Somalia, why not!

I've been to Somalia ... not everyone has guns, only the bad guys.

Concealed carry in the US isn't only for 'the good guys'. Whoever that is. Many of them will use their concealed weapons to kill a spouse or family member.

But a segment of the population feels special powers when they hold a gun so it becomes a need, like heroin.
I understand you're a liberal so I'll try to help. The good guys are the ones carrying legally and not causing any problems. The rest of your post is a cartoon version of some deranged retard that can only feel his way through life.
I'm against idiots with guns.

How do you decide who is, and who is not, an idiot? IQ Test? Political persuasion? Religious affiliation? What is your plan to decide just who is smart enough for you to grant them the right to carry a firearm?

Those considerations are never determined when anyone can buy a gun without any background check. If you are a cop, you know a large portion of the public doesn't have the sense of attitude to have a gun. Making sure those people are armed doesn't make them safer.
...another steamer in the yard planted by bulldog. FFL sales go through a federal check, even cops. And most cops are pro 2nd. You are clueless but for some reason take great pride in it. Weird!
A simple instant background check would notify the seller who he shouldn't sell the gun to, and give him liability for selling to known bad guys.
It can take three days for a FFL dealer. How does a private seller go about it "instantly"? And what's your evidence it's a problem anyway? Thugs get their weapons illegally.
Someone blew up a building, let's ban dynamite.

Oh yeah, that works.

You realise you just made an argument AGAINST gun control? Have you had a change of heart?

You're kidding right. How many incidents of someone using dynamite every year compared to how many people are murdered by guns. But you hang on to your gun tight, the boogie man may be out there somewhere!
all the cowards who are too afraid to face life without being armed

I openly carry a gun every day on my job and concealed carry on my way to and from work. Does that make me a coward?

Depends on what your job is. If you are a cop, military, or a body guard, you probably need it. If you work in an office, you're a scared little pussy.

A scared little pussy because I am able to defend myself and family and not whine like a little bitch, like you, for mommy to come save me?


And how often do you need to do that. In all your life.

Never. But the paranoia is palpable. Own a gun but Jesus don't be one of these nutjobs that sleeps with it and licks it clean every day.
The sky isn't falling, but lots of kids are dead when they didn't have to be.

Yes, because morons like you give the crazy asshole defenseless targets. Takes a real idiot to do that. Hello idiot.:bye1:

Yep......Those 5 year olds should have been armed.

No you fucking prick, the teachers SHOULD have the ability to defend those kids. But assholes like you demand they be helpless so that they get to die for your political bullshit. Fuck you.

Right. We all know that a degree in elementary education prepares those young teachers to teach the alphabet, help kids learn to relate to others, expect a child to have a bathroom accident occasionally, and be prepared for armed guerrilla combat with the necessity to kill one or more assailants at any time. Some of those classes are really tough.

No, you ignorant twat. There are these things called SHOOTING CLASSES. You pay money to experts (though I would hazard a guess that if you told the instructors who you were and what you were getting qualified for they would offer their services for free) and they train you how to shoot in defensive situations properly. Leave it to a complete dipshit, like you, to not know that. BTW the police DON'T teach these courses.

Good officers, on their own dime and initiative take these courses so that they will be competent in bad situations. The majority of police DON'T take these classes.

Sounds like an episode of Twilight Zone Teacher/combat troops fend off the marauding hordes while still scheduling time for musical chairs, finger painting, and nap time after recess. You're an idiot.
Yes, because morons like you give the crazy asshole defenseless targets. Takes a real idiot to do that. Hello idiot.:bye1:

Yep......Those 5 year olds should have been armed.

No you fucking prick, the teachers SHOULD have the ability to defend those kids. But assholes like you demand they be helpless so that they get to die for your political bullshit. Fuck you.

Right. We all know that a degree in elementary education prepares those young teachers to teach the alphabet, help kids learn to relate to others, expect a child to have a bathroom accident occasionally, and be prepared for armed guerrilla combat with the necessity to kill one or more assailants at any time. Some of those classes are really tough.

No, you ignorant twat. There are these things called SHOOTING CLASSES. You pay money to experts (though I would hazard a guess that if you told the instructors who you were and what you were getting qualified for they would offer their services for free) and they train you how to shoot in defensive situations properly. Leave it to a complete dipshit, like you, to not know that. BTW the police DON'T teach these courses.

Good officers, on their own dime and initiative take these courses so that they will be competent in bad situations. The majority of police DON'T take these classes.

My entire department got treated to a three-day Active Armed Offender course which covers a lot, but not all, of the tactical aspects of a firefight in a structure.

We're slated for annual refreshers as well.

Good for your department. That type thing is great for cops. Totally insane for elementary school teachers.

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