
We don;t have a gun problem.
You do, because you feel the need to have them in the high street. A quarter of robberies from commercial properties are by gun.


Graph per capita.
You do, because you feel the need to have them in the high street. A quarter of robberies from commercial properties are by gun.

View attachment 609549
Graph per capita.
We don't have a gun problem

Guns do not cause crime

And suicide doesn't count as there is absolutely no evidence that if people can't use a gun that they won't commit suicide in any of a thousand other ways

Suicide is a choice but we see that you don't like it when people have choices
We don't have a gun problem

Guns do not cause crime

And suicide doesn't count as there is absolutely no evidence that if people can't use a gun that they won't commit suicide in any of a thousand other ways

Suicide is a choice but we see that you don't like it when people have choices
Every country and every person has problems. A problem is something from the ideal. So if you look forward to a Friday and dread Monday, you have a problem, you're in the wrong job. If society suffer deaths from knives, drugs, guns etc.. then there's a knife, drug, gun etc.. problem.

Road traffic accidents are a problem, even if one death, so safety regulations, laws and speed limits, traffic calming measures constantly change. Always striving to the ideal, no deaths, but would never happen so you strive to reduce them.

The first part of anything, accepting you have a problem. Our gun problem here is fifty odd deaths per year and once every 20 to 30 years, a mass shooting happens. But the government strive to reduce it and we still enjoy guns.

You avoid gun deaths as being a problem because it's against your gun agenda.
Every country and every person has problems. A problem is something from the ideal. So if you look forward to a Friday and dread Monday, you have a problem, you're in the wrong job. If society suffer deaths from knives, drugs, guns etc.. then there's a knife, drug, gun etc.. problem.

Road traffic accidents are a problem, even if one death, so safety regulations, laws and speed limits, traffic calming measures constantly change. Always striving to the ideal, no deaths, but would never happen so you strive to reduce them.

The first part of anything, accepting you have a problem. Our gun problem here is fifty odd deaths per year and once every 20 to 30 years, a mass shooting happens. But the government strive to reduce it and we still enjoy guns.

You avoid gun deaths as being a problem because it's against your gun agenda.

Guns are not the problem.

The problem is that our government doesn't enforce the gun laws we have on the books. Gun charges are usually the first to be dropped in any plea deal

All instances of the illegal possession of a firearm can be prosecuted as a federal crime but they aren't. The government actually wants our crime rates to stay high just as it wants poor inner city minorities to keep killing each other because it feeds the for profit prison industry

This is not the fault of the 99.999% of people that own guns legally and will never commit any crime with them.

But you go ahead and stick to your idiotic simplistic view that an inanimate object is the source of crime if that's all you can comprehend
We don't have a gun problem

Guns do not cause crime

And suicide doesn't count as there is absolutely no evidence that if people can't use a gun that they won't commit suicide in any of a thousand other ways

Suicide is a choice but we see that you don't like it when people have choices

True. The use of a gun indicates the determination of the person to end his or her life, as opposed to the common "cry for help" associated with attempts by other less effective means.
Every country and every person has problems. A problem is something from the ideal. So if you look forward to a Friday and dread Monday, you have a problem, you're in the wrong job. If society suffer deaths from knives, drugs, guns etc.. then there's a knife, drug, gun etc.. problem.

Road traffic accidents are a problem, even if one death, so safety regulations, laws and speed limits, traffic calming measures constantly change. Always striving to the ideal, no deaths, but would never happen so you strive to reduce them.

The first part of anything, accepting you have a problem. Our gun problem here is fifty odd deaths per year and once every 20 to 30 years, a mass shooting happens. But the government strive to reduce it and we still enjoy guns.

You avoid gun deaths as being a problem because it's against your gun agenda.
"I have no problem with shootings as long as the right people get shot." -Dirty Harry, from "Magnum Force".

In America many of those getting shot are the 'right people'.
Meister I was surprised you used stats where the person thought the gun saved their life. I mean, it's not as if bias could creep into things especially asking pro gunners

So what you need to do is work out how to make the US gun problem safer. Rather than defaulting to the usual rhetoric that we've been over a billion times, you need to address and talk about gun security, which nutters are a risk and shouldn't have them, walking down streets with guns is mindless, a civilised society doesn't need to roam around with assault rifles etc.. And it has be a cultural change to take it seriously. That way, enjoy guns and vastly reduce deaths.

But gun nuts CAN'T and they DON'T WANT TO, so they deflect every gun conversation to the list I provided. It's the paragraph above that needs addressed, not deflecting with the same old crap.
What gun problem?
You do, because you feel the need to have them in the high street. A quarter of robberies from commercial properties are by gun.

View attachment 609549
Graph per capita.

You forgot to add the 15 million innocent men, women and children murdered by the governments of Europe between 1939-1945......if you divide that number by 83 years...the years between 1939 and get 180,722 innocent men, women and children murdered.....more people murdered than any year of criminals in the U.S. murdering other criminals ........

It was in fact over only 6 years.....which shows you how insane it is to take guns away from citizens and only allow the government to have guns.......
Every country and every person has problems. A problem is something from the ideal. So if you look forward to a Friday and dread Monday, you have a problem, you're in the wrong job. If society suffer deaths from knives, drugs, guns etc.. then there's a knife, drug, gun etc.. problem.

Road traffic accidents are a problem, even if one death, so safety regulations, laws and speed limits, traffic calming measures constantly change. Always striving to the ideal, no deaths, but would never happen so you strive to reduce them.

The first part of anything, accepting you have a problem. Our gun problem here is fifty odd deaths per year and once every 20 to 30 years, a mass shooting happens. But the government strive to reduce it and we still enjoy guns.

You avoid gun deaths as being a problem because it's against your gun agenda.

Guns are flooding Britain....that is what your police tell you have been living off the outcome of World War 2 and now your welfare state and immigration policies are creating criminals who will use guns to protect their drug turf......

And you sit across the continent...where the governments of Europe allowed 15 million innocent men, women and children to be murdered by the socialists and their quislings.......

15 million murdered in 6 years....

And you are the idiot who thinks it is a good idea to take guns away from people?

You really are stupid....
What gun problem?
People shooting each other. Kids shooting each other. School children blasted away. Mass killings, killing from hotel windows, unhappy employees blasting colleagues away, mass shootings, a quarter of commercial property robberies by guns, etc.. etc.. Putting your fingers in your ears saying, ner, ner, ner, ner doesn't work. But we all know it's a ploy, play dumb to avoid the topic.
Guns are flooding Britain....that is what your police tell you have been living off the outcome of World War 2 and now your welfare state and immigration policies are creating criminals who will use guns to protect their drug turf......

And you sit across the continent...where the governments of Europe allowed 15 million innocent men, women and children to be murdered by the socialists and their quislings.......

15 million murdered in 6 years....

And you are the idiot who thinks it is a good idea to take guns away from people?

You really are stupid....
How do you think you could lower gun deaths in America. How do you think you could lower the types of gun models and increase gun security in America?
You forgot to add the 15 million innocent men, women and children murdered by the governments of Europe between 1939-1945......if you divide that number by 83 years...the years between 1939 and get 180,722 innocent men, women and children murdered.....more people murdered than any year of criminals in the U.S. murdering other criminals ........

It was in fact over only 6 years.....which shows you how insane it is to take guns away from citizens and only allow the government to have guns.......
How could you lower commercial property gun robbery in America? How could you restrict the accessibility of guns into the wrong hands?
People shooting each other. Kids shooting each other. School children blasted away. Mass killings, killing from hotel windows, unhappy employees blasting colleagues away, mass shootings, a quarter of commercial property robberies by guns, etc.. etc.. Putting your fingers in your ears saying, ner, ner, ner, ner doesn't work. But we all know it's a ploy, play dumb to avoid the topic.
You can deny whatever you want foreigner, you don't count.
Guns save lives....period
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You do, because you feel the need to have them in the high street. A quarter of robberies from commercial properties are by gun.

View attachment 609549
Graph per capita.
Hmmmm, homicide probably includes those who were saved by the use of their guns towards a perp.
LE with legal use of discharging their weapons at perps.

It's not as crystal clear as you would think.
Hmmmm, homicide probably includes those who were saved by the use of their guns towards a perp.
LE with legal use of discharging their weapons at perps.

It's not as crystal clear as you would think.
Buy back programmes would help. How would you change the culture to remove them off streets?

(You will have noticed I've moved away from pro gun rhetoric and looking at the problem. You will find this alien to you).

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