HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

Yup. She can refuse to put any language on the cake she doesn't believe in, but she has to make the cake. No surprises here.

The fact that you agree with the decision only shows that you're a Nazi asshole
No the Nazi's would've already killed off gays and blacks. Which conservatives in this country would probably be okay with.

You are a vile pile of excrement.

The LEFT is intent on destroying lives; you are the ideological descendants of the Nazis.
You dont even realize you are the type of citizen who'd be suckered into Nazism with nationalism. Fox and rush led.

Hmmm, no, that's you.
Liberals across the nation applaud.

No, we don't applaud, you don't know what a liberal is. No actual liberal would applaud a court for forcing it’s citizens to bake cakes. What you mean is authoritarian leftists applaud
Can I own a business and charge christians more?

I don't know about christians but racial pricing is standard in africa. White people are always charged 5 times what a black pays.

Then move to Africa. We don't need your unpatriotic ass here.

I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?
Can I own a business and charge christians more?

I don't know about christians but racial pricing is standard in africa. White people are always charged 5 times what a black pays.

Then move to Africa. We don't need your unpatriotic ass here.

I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Liberals across the nation applaud.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK

But it is the business of the courts. Just because you don't think it should doesn't really matter.

So public opinion doesn't matter? I thought I'd never see the day when a libturd said that.
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.

Thank you for proving that the law doesn't see color, religion, race or sex.
View attachment 39007
Can I own a business and charge christians more?

I don't know about christians but racial pricing is standard in africa. White people are always charged 5 times what a black pays.

Then move to Africa. We don't need your unpatriotic ass here.

I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.

OK. Des that mean you are no longer proud of that name? You chose it. Embrace the shame.
Liberals across the nation applaud.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK

But it is the business of the courts. Just because you don't think it should doesn't really matter.

So public opinion doesn't matter? I thought I'd never see the day when a libturd said that.

Of course pubic opinion matters. That's why 37 states now allow same sex marriage. It just doesn't override the law.
Liberals across the nation applaud.

No, we don't applaud, you don't know what a liberal is. No actual liberal would applaud a court for forcing it’s citizens to bake cakes. What you mean is authoritarian leftists applaud
Liberals, like me, know how to balance the rights of the individual against the needs of society and the things necessary to govern a nation. And you have no clue how we can do such a thing because in your mind it is all or nothing, which isn't anything like the truth.
Liberals across the nation applaud.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK

But it is the business of the courts. Just because you don't think it should doesn't really matter.

So public opinion doesn't matter? I thought I'd never see the day when a libturd said that.

Of course pubic opinion matters. That's why 37 states now allow same sex marriage. It just doesn't override the law.
Gents, the rights of others, since we do not have mob rule here, and neither open to public opinion nor to a vote. While the opinion of the public does help to drive the decisions of the courts, Bripat will take your statement to mean that if the people don't want gays to have equal rights then they don't, which isn't true.
Liberals across the nation applaud.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK
We regulate business here. GROW UP

I guess this is the attitude a person begins to develop when they either live in a authoritarian society or think they should. It's like people who are in controlling relationships. They just get used to it a d begin to accept it as normal.
This is the attitude a person develops when they are insane.

The "we" PMH so often refers to are the voices in his/her/its head
Fucking hilarious,when it's the clan they are bigots and the black baker thought she had a right to refuse because she was a bigot in her own right.

It's always them poor poor gays / blacks / libtards that holler bigots and seek to deny services to groups they are biased against, but just can not understand how the Christians / Republicans think gays are bigots and wish to deny services based on the same bias.

People on both sides of the issue have had varying remarks.

One man stated “I am against anti-discrimination laws. Freedom means people are able to do what they wish with their lives and property. Society can punish bad behaviors in a market, but the power to take away from someones life as if it did not belong to them is frightening.

Another person familiar with the case responded “This is not the same as denying service to someone based on the color of their skin or sexual preference. This was a choice by the owner of the bakery to not serve someone based on their bigoted lifestyle, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Many wonder that if she had simply lied about her reasoning, would this have even been an issue. That leaves the question to the public, do they want discrimination to happen out in the open where people can pinpoint it, or do they want it to operate a cloaked manner where it happens but it’s hard to tell who is doing it?

America, be careful what you wish for.

Can I own a business and charge christians more?

I don't know about christians but racial pricing is standard in africa. White people are always charged 5 times what a black pays.
When I ran a music school I always gave blacks the best deal because I assumed they couldn't afford what I charged white families.
Now that is a condescending, patronizing, racist attitude if one was ever posted.

I bet it makes your guilty liberal ass feel good.

Liberals across the nation applaud.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK

But it is the business of the courts. Just because you don't think it should doesn't really matter.

So public opinion doesn't matter? I thought I'd never see the day when a libturd said that.

Of course pubic opinion matters. That's why 37 states now allow same sex marriage. It just doesn't override the law.

Hmmmmm, no, the public never voted on such laws in almost every case. Unelected judges rammed it down our throats. Every time a referendum banning gay marriage has been on the ballot it has passed.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK

But it is the business of the courts. Just because you don't think it should doesn't really matter.

So public opinion doesn't matter? I thought I'd never see the day when a libturd said that.

Of course pubic opinion matters. That's why 37 states now allow same sex marriage. It just doesn't override the law.

I'm no, the public never voted on such laws in almost every case. Unelected judges rammed it down our throats. Every time a referendum banning gay marriage has been on the ballot it has passed.
I'd like to see it put to the state in the form of an amendment.
Liberals across the nation applaud.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK
We regulate business here. GROW UP

I guess this is the attitude a person begins to develop when they either live in a authoritarian society or think they should. It's like people who are in controlling relationships. They just get used to it a d begin to accept it as normal.
This is the attitude a person develops when they are insane.

The "we" PMH so often refers to are the voices in his/her/its head
The we that I speak of is Society, the Government, Liberals, who founded this nation, etc. We regulate capitalism here, including businesses open to the public. Time to grow up and deal with it.
Yes, I'm very pleased with the ruling. What someone does with the cake is no business of the baker.

Who i allow in my store should be no business of the courts. THINK

But it is the business of the courts. Just because you don't think it should doesn't really matter.

So public opinion doesn't matter? I thought I'd never see the day when a libturd said that.

Of course pubic opinion matters. That's why 37 states now allow same sex marriage. It just doesn't override the law.
Gents, the rights of others, since we do not have mob rule here, and neither open to public opinion nor to a vote. While the opinion of the public does help to drive the decisions of the courts, Bripat will take your statement to mean that if the people don't want gays to have equal rights then they don't, which isn't true.

Bripat will twist anything to fit his silly beliefs. No surprise there.
So according to that snippet, "This was a choice by the owner of the bakery to not serve someone based on their bigoted lifestyle, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

It's alright not to serve bigots based on their life styles would be a personal religious belief, why can a Christian not make the same statement about a homosexual's bigoted life style, and there would be nothing wrong with that"??

So basically what I get is your side would be saying this only applies to your interest or what you deem to be your interest.
Liberals across the nation applaud.

No, we don't applaud, you don't know what a liberal is. No actual liberal would applaud a court for forcing it’s citizens to bake cakes. What you mean is authoritarian leftists applaud
Liberals, like me, know how to balance the rights of the individual against the needs of society and the things necessary to govern a nation. And you have no clue how we can do such a thing because in your mind it is all or nothing, which isn't anything like the truth.

What a bunch of crap. It's simple, simpleton. I'm a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. Clear as day. Government forcing it's citizens to bake cakes is by definition not liberal

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