Hail Trump....rally gives Trump the nazi salute....

yes, really. Why is this such a big deal?

Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.
That is Kleagle Senator Robert Byrd. You want to remove confederate flags and names of streets, why not remove the asshole from West Virginia? Hypocrites don't like it when you expose who the real racists are.

Sen. Robert Byrd not only was a KKK member but led his local Klan chapter
Byrd joined the Klan at the ripe young age of 24 — hardly a young’un by today’s standards, much less those of 1944, when Byrd refused to join the military because he might have to serve alongside “race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds,” according to a letter Byrd wrote to Sen. Theodore Bilbo at the height of World War II.
Does YOUR half brain ever wonder why the communist party back democrats?

The Communist party is NOT racist......and the issue of this thread is about white supremacists....you know, "let's make America WHITE again".....
According to Liberal Thinking, Hillary Clinton is an avid supporter of the KKK:

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
-- http://www.usnews.com/news/articles...-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president

Since the KKK endorsed Hillary, she is officially a supporter of the KKK, no matter what she or any liberal says.

According to their rules, the candidate IS a reflection of whatever nutball endorses them.

true.......your type of Nazi-lovers welcome such support, correct?
you people are being more ridiculous than usual..

You and your ilk bitched that Obama was too divisive......and yet, Trump cannot reject neo-Nazis because his ego is too fragile to repudiate the divisiveness of white supremacists.

You should read more.

Trump spokesman denounces racism amid 'alt-right' meeting
ahhh shit, facts.
Does YOUR half brain ever wonder why the communist party back democrats?

The Communist party is NOT racist......and the issue of this thread is about white supremacists....you know, "let's make America WHITE again".....
hmmm you got one of Trump's campaign promises to empower white supremacy? I don't recall that being one of his policy changes. hmmmmmmm
Wow, really?
yes, really. Why is this such a big deal?

Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

The Alt Right has nothing to do with Trump? How thin are you trying to slice this thing? Do you see why a minority might be concerned with this or does it only sink in when you and your group are in the cross hairs?
yes, really. Why is this such a big deal?

Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
are you saying that isn't within those peoples rights?
hmmm you got one of Trump's campaign promises to empower white supremacy? I don't recall that being one of his policy changes. hmmmmmmm

Deporting millions of dark-skinned folks and banning Muslims sure sounds like "white supremacy" policies.
yes, really. Why is this such a big deal?

Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

The Alt Right has nothing to do with Trump? How thin are you trying to slice this thing? Do you see why a minority might be concerned with this or does it only sink in when you and your group are in the cross hairs?
They are a minority, you stupid fuck.
LMAO Another lamo thread brought to you by another sore loser.

Wonder if he and the rest of his butt hurt buddies will ever recover?? LOL
yes, really. Why is this such a big deal?

Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

The Alt Right has nothing to do with Trump? How thin are you trying to slice this thing? Do you see why a minority might be concerned with this or does it only sink in when you and your group are in the cross hairs?
still not following where you are going. Are you saying they don't have the same rights like everyone else?
All Easy does is promote white nationalist groups until they show up then he refuses to own them anymore. What gives? You got what you wanted.
Does YOUR half brain ever wonder why the communist party back democrats?

The Communist party is NOT racist......and the issue of this thread is about white supremacists....you know, "let's make America WHITE again".....

you know, "let's make America WHITE again".....

I don't remember Trump ever using that in any of his speeches.

In fact, the only time I saw it, was in a photoshopped picture.

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